1.2.5Zeta Osclass Theme17. Mar 2025Fixed bug on user items with missing function.
1.2.4Zeta Osclass Theme14. Mar 2025Fixed bug when price filters did not consider settings from backoffice in quick filters on search page.
1.2.3Zeta Osclass Theme14. Mar 2025Fixed big when transaction & condition filters did not consider settings from backoffice in quick filters on search page.
1.0.6Booking & Calendar Osclass Plugin14. Mar 2025Fix problem with correct availability calculation for "daily" reservations. Small update on coloring of calendar, where orange color will now be applied if available capacity goes below 50% of full capacity.
1.0.5Facebook Instant Login Plugin13. Mar 2025Added FJL_DEBUG constant in index.php that can be set to true to enable much detailed debugging and logging options.
1.2.2Zeta Osclass Theme12. Mar 2025Important: Transaction & Condition settings were split. It's now possible to configure these separately. Besides that there is field to enable/disable transaction or condition. After update you must configure these fields! Optimized latest items query. Optimized various functions (category icons, logos, ...) to work more efficiently with Child theme.
1.5.8Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)7. Mar 2025Added latitude & longitude into possible import fields. Functions improvements (moved code blocks from backoffice files to functions for simple execution). Added execute function with available debug option.
2.5.0Favorite Items Plugin7. Mar 2025Many improvements especially to layout and mobile responsiveness.
1.0.1Testimonials Plugin5. Mar 2025Fixed minor layout and positioning issues on several themes.
2.4.1Favorite Items Plugin4. Mar 2025Minor improvements - item images in favorite items page will now have same image dimension. Fixed problems with few icons. Improved layout of some elements and their colors.
1.1.5Followers Osclass Plugin3. Mar 2025New messages when follow/unfollow button is hit and subscribe option enabled (when new alert is created with follow and alert is deactivated with unfollow). User is now aware that alert has been created and where to manage it.
1.5.2Item Validation Plugin21. Feb 2025Added functions for retro-compatibility with older themes. After item edit, if re-approval is required, plugin will show info message to user that item was disabled.
1.1.4Sitemap PRO Plugin19. Feb 2025Fix possible misconfiguration when generating items sitemap and splitting these.
1.5.4Epsilon Osclass Theme18. Feb 2025Fixed bug with wrong contact button on item page mobile, when instant messenger plugin and button replacement is used.
1.2.5Cache Osclass Plugin12. Feb 2025Way how cache for admin works has been changed. Now cache is never created when admin is browsing website. Setting to enable this was changed, and when enabled (admin cache), it only enable admin to see cached files. Otherwise admin will only see realtime website.
3.4.0All-in-One Seo Plugin11. Feb 2025Fixed possible issue with memory overflow when getting sample location. Minor improvements.
1.1.0Seo PRO Plugin10. Feb 2025Important fix to avoid duplicated white spaces in meta tags.
1.9.6SMS Notification and Verification Plugin27. Jan 2025When user change phone number during listing verification, this (new) number is updated on item, so verified phone number is same as listing phone number.
1.7.4Gamma Osclass Theme25. Jan 2025Fixed incompatibility issue with Instant Messenger Plugin.
1.5.3Epsilon Osclass Theme23. Jan 2025Minor bug fix with show-as (list/grid) switch on search page.
2.3.7Make Offer Plugin14. Jan 2025Fixed bug in case notifications were enabled but instant messenger plugin was not installed.
1.6.0Forums Osclass Plugin14. Jan 2025Major Update: Admin can now partially or fully ban users from using forums. Admin can now remove user topics & posts from backoffice. Locked topics cannot be removed anymore by users. Many small enhancements and improvements. Disable >. Enable plugin to correctly apply database changes.
1.2.7Car Attributes PRO Plugin8. Jan 2025Fixed bug that blocked showing search box on home page when "all category" not selected as enabled category for plugin. Now, except search page, search widget can be shown anywhere - example on home page, no matter what is category setup. Enhanced some texts and added plugin integration section in configure page of plugin.
1.4.2Starter Osclass Free Theme8. Jan 2025Fixed issue when alert could be created without entering email. Minor fixes and improvements.
1.9.5SMS Notification and Verification Plugin8. Jan 2025Admin can now manually verify phone number of item (on item list in backoffice), of user (on user list in backoffice) or individual verification records in Verification logs page. Small adjustments and functionality improvements.
1.5.7Delta Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Custom fields are now supported in quick filters list on search page. Improved design for custom fields on search page. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many smaller improvements and updates.
1.5.2Epsilon Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Custom fields are now supported in quick filters list on search page. Improved design for custom fields on search page. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many smaller improvements and updates.
1.1.8Zeta Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Custom fields are now supported in quick filters list on search page. Improved design for custom fields on search page. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many smaller improvements and updates.
1.7.3Gamma Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Pre-integration for Saved Items Plugin. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many small fixes, adjustments and improvements.
1.6.6Beta Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Pre-integration for Saved Items Plugin. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many small fixes, adjustments and improvements.
1.7.3Alpha Osclass Theme7. Jan 2025Pre-integration for Saved Items Plugin. Manifest and favicons will not be included into header in case PWA plugin is installed. Many small fixes, adjustments and improvements.
1.1.7Zeta Osclass Theme6. Jan 2025Added design for listing with no picture - now theme shows message that item has no images. Same for mobile layout. Minor fixes and adjustments.
2.3.6Make Offer Plugin6. Jan 2025Fixed bug with posting new offers. Now seller can see partial buyer phone number, after approving offer full phone number. Fixed minor issues and validations on price and quantity.
1.9.3SMS Notification and Verification Plugin1. Jan 2025Fixed bugs related to listing phone number verification. Fixed bug with retrieving correct item phone number. Fixed wrong titles on routes.
1.6.5Beta Osclass Theme1. Jan 2025Minor CSS adjustments and fixes on publish page.
1.4.2Osclass GDPR Plugin30. Dec 2024Minor CSS adjustments and fixes with font awesome check marks.
1.1.8Phone Number Login Plugin28. Dec 2024When enabled advanced phone check (constant in index.php), plugin will not use advanced functions to identify user by phone number when login. Now, when user use 0915xxxyyy to login and in database this user has phone +421915xxxyyy, it will still identify this user by matching xxxyyy.
1.0.6Saved Items Plugin23. Dec 2024Added new feature to completely disable tooltip and position tooltip (bottom left, top right, ...). New options are available via function options as well.
1.5.6Delta Osclass Theme23. Dec 2024Added seamless integration of Saved Items Plugin (require to disable hooks in plugin settings).
1.5.0Epsilon Osclass Theme23. Dec 2024Added seamless integration of Saved Items Plugin (require hooks disable in plugin settings).
1.1.4Zeta Osclass Theme23. Dec 2024Added seamless integration of Saved Items Plugin (require to disable hooks in plugin settings).
3.9.3Osclass Pay Payment Plugin23. Dec 2024Minor improvements to payment gateway modals (used by some gateways like Przelewy24).
1.0.2PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)23. Dec 2024Added form_factor parameter to screenshots. Fixed issues when display_override set as array. Added ID parameter into manifest. Some values like dir are now required. Minor enhancements.
1.7.9Invoice Osclass Plugin21. Dec 2024Plugin now supports custom invoice logo that can be uploaded to plugin folder /img with name logo.png or logo.jpg.
1.2.6Car Attributes PRO Plugin20. Dec 2024Added option to define general category restriction in configure section, that will override Types category settings (ie you don't want to show car attributes pro in category Real estate and does not care about any other settings related to categories - so it is sufficient to specify categories just in configure section). Design improvements.
1.0.5Saved Items Plugin19. Dec 2024Added new parameter to disable tooltips on premium items.
1.0.3Saved Items Plugin12. Dec 2024Design and functionality improvements. Added RTL support. Added mobile devices support (full responsive).
1.0.2Saved Items Plugin12. Dec 2024Correction of user counts to match across whole site without reloads.
1.0.1Saved Items Plugin12. Dec 2024Features and functionality enhancements. Added "My items" link to message so it's easy to review all user saved items. Better session data storage.
2.1.0Banners & Advertisement Plugin5. Dec 2024Numerous enhancements to plugin. It is now possible to select category and all subcategories. Enahncements on advert edit page.
1.4.5Item Validation Plugin4. Dec 2024Many improvements in backoffice. Added option to approve/reject listing directly from items list/table in backoffice. Added approval status into status column in items list/table in backoffice.
1.0.5Booking & Calendar Osclass Plugin2. Dec 2024Fixed bug that caused jQuery validation to be not functional on publish page. Make sure to add .ignore class to jquery validation ignore list (usually in theme item_post.php)
1.9.0SMS Notification and Verification Plugin25. Nov 2024Major update: Plugin now clean previous verification in case user has changed it's phone number, so previously used phone numbers can be used on different accounts. SMS & Verification logs in backoffice now supports search and has pagination (it is possible to review all existing logs).
1.1.3Zeta Osclass Theme17. Nov 2024Improved search messages on search page. Fixed non-clickable patterns on home page search box. Fixed minor issues on item page.
1.0.1Price Input Formatter Plugin12. Nov 2024Corrected typos in index. Enhanced checking of price change without triggering change event (ie theme feature "for free" or "check with seller"). Plugin now checks every second if #price value has not changed. If yes, it will update original price field (hidden).
1.0.7Seo PRO Plugin28. Oct 2024Fixed bug when custom meta tags were not applied to user registration page. Fixed bug when showing multiple sections in backoffice after save.
1.2.5Car Attributes PRO Plugin17. Oct 2024New option added to include search params in sidebar directly, instead of opening new modal. This can be helpful on themes where sidebar is large enough, like Zeta or Stela.
1.1.1Zeta Osclass Theme17. Oct 2024Improvements to compatibility with Car Attributes PRO plugin.
3.9.2Osclass Pay Payment Plugin16. Oct 2024Stripe PHP SDK updated to latest version (16.1) - test well after update. Minor improvements on payment cancel pages. Added payments history into user sidebar, if links should be added there.
1.1.0Zeta Osclass Theme15. Oct 2024Fixed bug that cause horizontal filters on search page be non-functional when ajax search was disabled.
3.9.1Osclass Pay Payment Plugin14. Oct 2024Bug fix - when user upgrade/downgrade it's membership group, new item limits, if applicable, will be taken from new user group (not default item limits).
3.9.0Osclass Pay Payment Plugin10. Oct 2024Critical hotfix for ecommerce feature to always recalculate price no matter what price product had when it was inserted into shopping cart (avoid manual intervention to goods price).
2.7.5Radius Search Plugin8. Oct 2024Minor enhancements focused on reading Osclass city coordinates.
1.7.9SMS Notification and Verification Plugin7. Oct 2024Added option to ignore first zero after country phone prefix, so number +yyy0xxxx will be considered as identical to +yyyxxxx.
2.3.2Make Offer Plugin7. Oct 2024Minor updates in plugin Model for better functionality when validation is enabled.
2.3.1Make Offer Plugin7. Oct 2024Fixed bug that cause items to be shown in user area as they would have offers, but offers were not approved by admin (and admin validation of offers was required). Now plugin will not hide such items until offer is approved by admin.
1.0.6Advanced Moderating Options Plugin3. Oct 2024Added new feature to cleanup old item versions and moderations records after XY months by cron.
1.5.7Backoffice Manager Plugin2. Oct 2024Fixed bug when native location names were not applied on regions/cities loaded via ajax in user registration page.
1.7.8Invoice Osclass Plugin1. Oct 2024New option added for admins, to select when invoice is automatically generated based on payment from pay plugin: - only to company (business) user - only users with VAT number filled - only users with VAT number & Invoice header filled - only users with Invoice header filled - only users verified by admin
1.7.8SMS Notification and Verification Plugin1. Oct 2024Fixed bug when user did not have phone number saved in profile and entered custom number for verification, that phone number was not check for uniqueness.
1.1.2Content Protection Plugin28. Sep 2024Fixed bug when protection html was printed to title/desc on item publish page.
1.4.1Osclass GDPR Plugin28. Sep 2024Linked static pages (to TC, PP, NW) are now selected and saved by ID not by URL. This change enable correct URL generation on subdomain based websites. WARNING! You must setup your linked static pages again to keep links functional!
1.0.3WhatsApp Chat Plugin27. Sep 2024Fixed bug when whatsapp button was visible without user consent (if consent required).
1.0.8Zeta Osclass Theme27. Sep 2024Design corrections and small bug fixes.
1.2.4Car Attributes PRO Plugin20. Sep 2024Fixed small bug when updating section/property in backoffice.
1.0.7Zeta Osclass Theme18. Sep 2024Added option to set condition & transaction as required on publish page, if these are included in all categories.
1.0.5Advanced Moderating Options Plugin17. Sep 2024When item is removed, item links (view, edit, delete) are not sent in email notification.
3.8.9Osclass Pay Payment Plugin15. Sep 2024Enhanced membership groups duration formatting and added extra constant that allows to choose if duration should be in days, weeks, months, years or yearmonths.
3.8.8Osclass Pay Payment Plugin15. Sep 2024Improved date formating (days) of membership groups, instead of just pure days, it will show weeks/months/years. Added constant into index.php of plugin where it's possible to rewrite group days repeats.
1.7.1Osclass Blog and News Plugin9. Sep 2024Improved update process related to transfering old image path to new one (fixing images from tinymce inbound in database strings).
1.1.0Auctions Osclass Plugin6. Sep 2024Improvements to show plugin-related data in premium loops as well.
1.0.6Zeta Osclass Theme25. Jul 2024Logic change for location search. Originally wildcard was working in way: %term%, now this has been changed to term% ... means location will match just in case it starts with term. This will fix issue when there is too many results matching and irrelevant are visible.
3.8.5Osclass Pay Payment Plugin24. Jul 2024Small rework on "Advertise here" button related to Banner ads plugin
1.7.6SMS Notification and Verification Plugin15. Jul 2024In order to verify phone number related to user profile, user must be logged in and it must be same user.
1.5.5Delta Osclass Theme8. Jul 2024Added H1 tag on home page. Various CSS adjustments for better design and more fluent integration with attributes plugins and custom fields.
3.8.4Osclass Pay Payment Plugin6. Jul 2024Fix for possible stripe error: "Uncaught Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest: You passed an empty string for 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]'. We assume empty values are an attempt to unset a parameter. however 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]' cannot be unset. You should remove 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]' from your request or supply a non-empty value."
1.6.3Beta Osclass Theme21. Jun 2024If price is not enabled in category, emtpy price box is still generated to keep grid layout consistent on search/home page.
1.0.3Zeta Osclass Theme11. Jun 2024Fixed design issue on Safari browsers (blur). Various enhancements and minor issues fix.
1.7.0Osclass Blog and News Plugin10. Jun 2024Major update: Implemented feature to auto-upgrade database structure when needed. Major update: Plugin images are now stored in oc-content/uploads/blog folder, instead of oc-content/plugins/blog/img/, to be able to better manage uploaded content. Improved functions handling articles & user image urls and paths. Fixed few PHP notices for PHP 8.3.
1.6.2Stela Osclass Theme10. Jun 2024Fixed bug using flat category selection on publish page, that did not trigger category change and not shown plugin data of category.
1.0.2Zeta Osclass Theme10. Jun 2024Fixed home page category scrollbar. Improved design of home page categories on mobile.
1.5.2Delta Osclass Theme7. Jun 2024Logo function has been redesigned. It is now possible to define custom social network links in footer (or keep auto-generated).
3.8.3Osclass Pay Payment Plugin7. Jun 2024Integration with Make Offer Plugin - it is now possible to pay for custom offer, when approved by seller. Critical updates of few functions those identified path of payment libraries, that could possibly lead to hidden errors and payment failures.
2.3.0Make Offer Plugin7. Jun 2024Major update: It is now possible to pay for custom offer via Osclass Pay Plugin, following same process as standard product purchase in Osclass Pay Plugin. Require Osclass Pay Plugin version 3.8.3 or higher.
1.0.1Zeta Osclass Theme7. Jun 2024Fixed design bug for sellers without profile picture. Enhanced few design aspects of theme. Added option to define number of rows for home page categories.
1.1.6Phone Number Login Plugin3. May 2024Added new advanced features to identify usage of phone number by other user at time of registration - this method is much more effective.
1.0.7Auctions Osclass Plugin28. Apr 2024Fixed bug on bids list when auction is not yet active - message is shown.
1.0.5History Logger Osclass Plugin28. Apr 2024Improved logging of item category and fixed bug with possible missing s_category field
1.4.0Osclass GDPR Plugin28. Apr 2024Improvements on labels shown in backoffice on listings and users, to easier identify if GDPR was accepted and what type.
1.5.1Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)25. Apr 2024Fixed minor issues with latest PHP versions. Added support for Osclass Pay eCommerce fields (enable for sale, available quantity, shipping ID).
1.1.9Car Attributes PRO Plugin11. Apr 2024Fixed bug when models from different vehicle types shown together. Recommended is to use unique slugs for each make across vehicle types - even it's same make!
1.4.9Forums Osclass Plugin19. Mar 2024Enhanced profile picture upload process. Fixed bugs with incorrect profile picture upload and cleanup.
3.3.3Anti-Spam and Bot Protection Osclass Plugin18. Mar 2024Many improvements and updates to Honeypot features. Honeypot spam bot protection should now has much higher success rate. New settings and configuration options. New bans now has simplified description.
2.0.6Banners & Advertisement Plugin18. Mar 2024Fixed security issue that allowed to manipulate with redirect URL of advert
1.4.0Virtual Products Plugin15. Mar 2024Major release: - UI of plugin has been completely redeveloped providing better user experience - new download button design - new configuration options like hooks management, plugin preferred color, enable downloads to logged-in users, enable file versioning - new section "uploads" where customers can manage all their uploaded files - new uploads form design - better features and support from backoffice - admin can now remove file from backoffice - customers can now remove uploaded files - uploaded files are now stored in oc-content/uploads/virtual folder instead of using plugin folder (for easier maintenance). - redesigned files history section
1.4.7Epsilon Osclass Theme13. Mar 2024Admin can now define footer social links manually from backoffice (Appearance >. Theme >. Configuration) or keep links auto-generated. Besides that, links now use site name (theme config) in title/summary attributes instead of using text "your classifieds".
2.1.0User Rating Plugin12. Mar 2024Major update: Plugin now supports structured data and will update item structured data (rating/review count and value) if not available from item comments. This feature require Osclass 8.3 or higher.
2.2.4Make Offer Plugin1. Mar 2024Improved integration with Instant Messenger. Fixed minor design issues.
1.4.6Epsilon Osclass Theme27. Feb 2024Fixed bug with autocomplete locations box on publish page that did not loaded country phone prefix into phone field.
1.0.2Facebook Instant Login Plugin23. Feb 2024Better error handling and messages in case FB application does not have correct scope or does not return expected object.
1.1.8Car Attributes PRO Plugin22. Feb 2024Bug fix - range search not functional on search page (only one side of filter worked).
3.8.2Osclass Pay Payment Plugin15. Feb 2024Enhanced payment description for several payment processors including Stripe. Now description is more meaningful for users and says what they actually pay for.
1.7.3SMS Notification and Verification Plugin13. Feb 2024Fixed annoying redirects when updating items & users in backoffice. Optimization of verification functions. Fixed many PHP notices.
1.7.2OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin12. Feb 2024Added option for deferred map load (load map once click on button) to reduce API usage and cost. Settings in backoffice has been grouped in more meaningful way. Minor improvements and updates.
1.0.5Auctions Osclass Plugin12. Feb 2024Enhanced information for proxy-bidding auctions, so buyers & sellers know what it means. It is not possible to click on watchlist button for non-logged users. Other small improvements.
2.4.1Instant Messenger Plugin12. Feb 2024Improved thread title when created automatically as item contact form replacement. Enhanced mail block for item contact form using new filters (Osclass 8.3+).
2.2.3Make Offer Plugin8. Feb 2024It is now possible to enable new offer submission if previous user offer has been rejected by seller.
2.4.0Instant Messenger Plugin7. Feb 2024Major update: Added new feature that allows to control number of messages sent by user. Target of this feature is to limit messages sent by new customers - potentional spammers. It often happen that user sent hundreds of messages to other users until admin realize and block such user. Now it is possible to set maximum number of MESSAGES and maximum number of USERS contacted by given customer in defined number of HOURS. Besides that, it's possible to drop this limit on users, those already sent at least defined number of MESSAGES and contacted defined number of USERS and are registered for at least defined number of DAYS. If user fall under limits, current "messages usage" is shown to user in threads section of user account.
2.3.4Instant Messenger Plugin6. Feb 2024It is now possible to hook "Messenger" button/link to header from backoffice, using Osclass hooks 8.2
1.4.8Forums Osclass Plugin6. Feb 2024It is now possible to hook "Forums" button/link to header from backoffice, using Osclass hooks 8.2
1.6.6Osclass Blog and News Plugin6. Feb 2024It is now possible to hook "Blog" button/link to header from backoffice, using Osclass hooks 8.2
1.8.0Business Profile Osclass Plugin6. Feb 2024It is now possible to hook "Companies" button/link to header from backoffice, using Osclass hooks 8.2
1.0.4Auctions Osclass Plugin6. Feb 2024Hot auctions on home page has now prev/next buttons. Added hot auctions limit configuration. Added new option to enable auctions for all users or only to users selected by admin (defined in user profile in backoffice). Enhanced design for running auctions - added green flashing light to indicate auction is running. Shuffled settings in backoffice into closer semantic groups. Fixed bugs with timers showing "auction has started" when it actually finished. Timer responsible for count down is not disabled now when focus-out window (as it does not represent load for server). Design enhancements when auction just started or finished. Added set of hooks to auction detail section for easier integration with other plugins. It is now not possible to start auction without start price. Added option to hook "Auctions" button to header when theme supports it.
1.4.5Epsilon Osclass Theme6. Feb 2024Fixed minor issue where ajax-based search functionlities in theme did not worked well when searching for term that contains single quote.
2.0.0QR Code Osclass Plugin2. Feb 2024Major redesign of plugin, preserving existing function for backward compatibility.
1.0.3Auctions Osclass Plugin1. Feb 2024Removed PHP short tags to avoid conflicts & errors on some servers.
1.7.9Business Profile Osclass Plugin24. Jan 2024Enhanced pagination functions on plugin home page (sellers) and seller listings that now works much better with large amount of items/sellers.
1.6.1Beta Osclass Theme2. Jan 2024Position correction of home page hooks.
1.1.4Car Attributes PRO Plugin29. Dec 2023Property values uploaded from list should now persist their order. Fixed bug with required property inputs in backoffice.
1.1.3Car Attributes PRO Plugin28. Dec 2023Fixed issues when saving properties in backoffice and not all values are populated. Now required attribute & pattern attribute are set only on visible elements.
1.1.0Age Warning PRO Plugin20. Dec 2023Many improvements and fixes, especially with listings in search page.
3.8.1Osclass Pay Payment Plugin19. Dec 2023Added ecommerce setting where admin can restrict ecommerce features based on item category. Added ecommerce settings to use Exchange Rates Plugin features for price conversion and exchange rates that has much more APIs integrated.
2.3.3Instant Messenger Plugin19. Dec 2023Added public profile URL (clickable link) into threads list and messages - you can now click on user profile picture to get into public profile page. Other small improvements.
1.0.5Seo PRO Plugin19. Dec 2023Seo text now supports HTML tags. These are shown as raw HTML inside fields. Support applies to custom category/country/region/city/page tags as well.
1.1.1Car Attributes PRO Plugin19. Dec 2023Fixed search/widget inputs, where selected value for integer/decimal type of attribute was not predefined (i.e. 123km for mileage). Now this amount is properly shown as display value with measure (if applicable).
1.7.0OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin18. Dec 2023Major update - removal of redundant styles and fonts. Added support to Osclass 8.2 hooks, now it's much easier to place map into theme.
1.1.0Car Attributes PRO Plugin30. Nov 2023RTL support based on site direction. Native location names support in search.
1.5.0Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)27. Nov 2023Major update enhancing many features, using new hooks and uploading custom files into oc-content/uploads folder.
1.0.9Car Attributes PRO Plugin26. Nov 2023Added easy way to hook search box (widget) to home page search box or search page top hook (Osclass 8.2.0 or higher)
1.3.0Image Required Plugin25. Nov 2023Major update to work with Uppy.io image uploader (Osclass 8.2.0+)
1.0.8Car Attributes PRO Plugin23. Nov 2023Improved item table structure validation (executed when saving property) to reduce time required for validation.
3.8.0Osclass Pay Payment Plugin21. Nov 2023Major update providing future support for Auctions. Fixing minor issues and bugs.
1.4.1Epsilon Osclass Theme21. Nov 2023Sample category icons were moved to "sample" folder. In order to use sample category icons, it must be enabled in Appearance >. Theme settings >. Category Icons >. Use Sample Image Icons. Purpose of this change is to avoid overwritting existing category images with default ones.
1.4.0Epsilon Osclass Theme16. Nov 2023Integration of new set of hooks implemented in Osclass 8.2.0
1.5.0Delta Osclass Theme16. Nov 2023Integration of new set of hooks implemented in Osclass 8.2.0
1.7.0Gamma Osclass Theme16. Nov 2023Integration of new set of hooks implemented in Osclass 8.2.0
1.6.0Beta Osclass Theme16. Nov 2023Integration of new set of hooks implemented in Osclass 8.2.0
1.7.0Alpha Osclass Theme16. Nov 2023Integration of new set of hooks implemented in Osclass 8.2.0
1.6.4Osclass Blog and News Plugin16. Nov 2023If visitor enter page of non-existing article, visitor is redirected to blog home page instead of showing blank page.
2.2.2Make Offer Plugin2. Oct 2023Fixed warning message in case offer exists but was rejected.
1.5.1Stela Osclass Theme3. Aug 2023Fixed minor PHP error notices on item page.
1.1.3Sitemap PRO Plugin25. Jul 2023Items without location are now supported as well.
1.7.6Invoice Osclass Plugin24. Jul 2023Fixed bug that could generate invoice also for payments those are not eligible for invoicing.
1.0.4Seo PRO Plugin24. Jul 2023On search page, plugin now search for country/region/city IDs by itself, instead of rely on Osclass - more stable results for custom tags. On search page, if specific combination is not defined (ie. country, or region + category), then default search page configuration is used instead (currently default Osclass tag was used instead). In backoffice, when you are on specific location & section configuration of meta tags, after save you are redirected back to that specific location & section.
1.1.2Sitemap PRO Plugin20. Jul 2023Fixed significant bug when city, region or country was included into listings links (permalink settings), plugin then generated faulty URLs. Numerous smaller bugs fixed, especially with duplicates.
1.0.3Seo PRO Plugin20. Jul 2023Added support for all subdomains types.
1.1.3Auto Registration Plugin20. Jul 2023Fixed bug when mobile phone was not picked properly on newer themes and newer Osclass versions.
3.7.1Osclass Pay Payment Plugin19. Jul 2023Updates for Bank Transfer and Przelewy24 payments to work better for non-logged users on item promotions.
1.0.2Seo PRO Plugin18. Jul 2023Fix on search page with correct location selection.
3.3.8All-in-One Seo Plugin15. Jul 2023Added option to disable meta tags features by one click. Added option to disable sitemap features by one click. Minor improvements and fixes.
1.0.1Seo PRO Plugin15. Jul 2023Added warning message into backoffice in case All in One SEO Plugin is enabled and does not have meta tags feature disabled. Added new sections into "search" location: Category + Pattern, Category + Country, Category + Region, Category + City. When search contains city, region & country is removed from check (city has priority region & country), when search contains region, country is removed from check (region has priority before country). Fixed few minor issues.
3.7.0Osclass Pay Payment Plugin14. Jul 2023Major update: It is now possible to set free limit for "pay per publish" on user membership groups. Means you can enable pay per publish feature for all users, but for selected groups there is limit of XY listings to be published for free (active at same time, not counter) and if user needs more, then it's paid. Redesigned user groups settings table to collapsable layout. Update require plugin to be deactivated >. activated to reflect database changes.
2.7.7Attributes Osclass Plugin4. Jul 2023Range search "from" and "to" are now using select box on search page for attribute types select, checkbox and radio.
1.4.7Forums Osclass Plugin13. Jun 2023Enhanced compatibility with Osclass Pay plugin and premium membership access to boards & topics.
1.6.0Alpha Osclass Theme6. Jun 2023Major update: New features from Osclass 8.0.x and 8.1.x brought to theme. Comment reply: it is now possible to enable and use comment replies in theme. Comment rating: it is now possible to leave rating in comment or comment reply. Subdomain navigation: specific page create for subdomain navigation when enabled.
1.5.0Beta Osclass Theme6. Jun 2023Major update: New features from Osclass 8.0.x and 8.1.x brought to theme. Comment reply: it is now possible to enable and use comment replies in theme. Comment rating: it is now possible to leave rating in comment or comment reply. Subdomain navigation: specific page create for subdomain navigation when enabled.
1.6.0Gamma Osclass Theme31. May 2023Major update: New features from Osclass 8.0.x and 8.1.x brought to theme. Comment reply: it is now possible to enable and use comment replies in theme. Comment rating: it is now possible to leave rating in comment or comment reply. Subdomain navigation: specific page create for subdomain navigation when enabled.
1.4.0Delta Osclass Theme31. May 2023Major update: New features from Osclass 8.0.x and 8.1.x brought to theme. Comment reply: it is now possible to enable and use comment replies in theme. Subdomain navigation: specific page create for subdomain navigation when enabled.
1.3.0Epsilon Osclass Theme31. May 2023Major update: New features from Osclass 8.0.x and 8.1.x brought to theme. Comment reply: it is now possible to enable and use comment replies in theme. Subdomain navigation: specific page create for subdomain navigation when enabled. Enhancements in dark mode stylesheet.
1.2.0Item Limits Osclass Plugin30. May 2023Major update: User counts revalidated. Admin can now select what kind of listings are counted to user listing count (active/enabled/spam/expired).
1.1.1Sitemap PRO Plugin24. May 2023Fixed bug that added language code to URLs even not enabled.
1.0.5Age Warning PRO Plugin15. May 2023Very important update, that mask listings, those belongs to "age warning category", but are shown as results on search page (search without category selected). User do not see content of listing and has ability to click on "sensitive content" box, where age warning modal is triggered and user may or may not consent with to show content.
1.2.4Epsilon Osclass Theme15. May 2023New layout/design for items marked as "sold". Minor issues and bug fixed.
3.6.8Osclass Pay Payment Plugin11. May 2023Updates several payment gateways including Stripe and PagSeguro and improved payment processing.
1.5.0Stela Osclass Theme9. May 2023Major update: Added home page categories on mobile devices. Numerous minor improvements.
1.1.5Phone Number Login Plugin27. Apr 2023Phone number verification (uniqueness) fix in backoffice - when editing user.
1.7.7Business Profile Osclass Plugin26. Apr 2023It is possible to select layout for video gallery - list, grid or mixed (list for 0-2 videos, grid for 3 and more videos). Company profile picture (logo) is now visible on mobile - seller's profile page. User type badge is now visible on mobile - seller's profile page. Verified badge is now visible on mobile - seller's profile page.
1.1.0Sitemap PRO Plugin26. Apr 2023Major update addressing changes required to work properly with "language code in URL" Osclass functionality introduced in Osclass v8.1.0
1.3.9Osclass GDPR Plugin24. Apr 2023Added RTL styling. It is now possible to disable gdpr checkboxes on publish page for logged-in users.
1.3.0Exchange Rate MultiCurrency Plugin20. Apr 2023Added option to define custom currencies those does not exists within plugin to calculate rate for these and show it on listings.
3.3.5All-in-One Seo Plugin19. Apr 2023Improved meta tags generation where original tag is returned in case constructed tag is empty (to provide at least original instead of empty).
2.7.5Attributes Osclass Plugin17. Apr 2023Fixed checkbox attributes not show empty selection on item page, if this was not specified in attribute settings.
3.6.7Osclass Pay Payment Plugin11. Apr 2023Added option to select default price calculation (progressive - default or linear). Fixed price updates on newer PHP version, especially price removal (set to default).
1.2.1Invisible Recaptcha Plugin4. Apr 2023Added support for HTML5 validation, that's by default broken by Google ReCaptcha service.
1.1.2WebP Images Generator Plugin30. Mar 2023Fixed issues when using plugin with S3 service (or external/remote image storage)
1.7.6Business Profile Osclass Plugin28. Mar 2023Added pagination into backoffice - list of profiles - with default 25 profiles per page. Added new message to user profile to get more business profile registrations.
1.7.5Business Profile Osclass Plugin28. Mar 2023Improvements in user-profile area when auto-validation of profiles is enabled.
1.1.3Youtube Video Osclass Plugin28. Mar 2023Added new option to restrict video box (and video itself) to be shown just in selected categories.
1.4.3Stela Osclass Theme28. Mar 2023Improved UI on search page on category select box - providing all categories without need to reload. Fixed several issues with date formatting.
1.2.0Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin27. Mar 2023Major update, new features to identify redirect after publish. Now is compatible also with other plugins those do redirects after publish using sessions to share information.
1.7.4Business Profile Osclass Plugin27. Mar 2023Brand-new auto-updater has been implemented into plugin (may cause initial error message to appear). Updated legal notice feature on business profile to by hidden by default and collapsable. Cities list on seller profile now check for native location names. Many minor updates.
1.7.3Business Profile Osclass Plugin24. Mar 2023Added brand new function "Legal notice" that allows users to define legal notice in their business profile. This notice is then shown on all listings from this user (thanks for sponsoring). It is now possible to configure Video URL (in embedded video block) to be used (i.e. nocookie).
1.6.3OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin15. Mar 2023Added new setting for item publish/edit map, to use also d_coord_lat and d_coord_long fields and add them (inputs) into publish form.
2.7.3Attributes Osclass Plugin13. Mar 2023Attributes those are not enabled in particular category will not be added into search SQL (filters) anymore.
1.4.2Stela Osclass Theme13. Mar 2023Fixed custom fields and plugin fields on search page missing.
1.1.0WebP Images Generator Plugin13. Mar 2023Major update: Redesigned conversion functions and isolated them to be able to use webp conversion on other places as well. Created 2 new functions for those that would like to get webp on other images: - Covert standard image to WEBP variant - wbp_image_to_webp($source_img_path, $target_img_path = ""). . - Get WEBP url of standard image. If does not exists, generate WEBP image - wbp_get_webp_img($source_url, $generate_if_missing = true, $generate_force = false). .
1.0.1Google OneTap Login Plugin10. Mar 2023Moved all scripts from header to footer in order to avoid render blocking.
1.0.1Facebook Instant Login Plugin10. Mar 2023Moved all scripts from header to footer in order to avoid render blocking.
1.2.0Hooks Manager Plugin10. Mar 2023Major update: Removed legacy styles, fonts and javascript. Refactored some functions. Improved UI. Fixed drag & drop helper position. Fixed PHP 8.2 notices and warnings.
2.3.4Online Chat Plugin6. Mar 2023Fixed multiple design bugs and issues. Added separate message for "remove all users block".
3.6.6Osclass Pay Payment Plugin6. Mar 2023Important: Fixed critical bug for Stripe payments. Numerous improvements with Stripe payment gateway, fixed webhook issues and added support for checkout.session.completed event. Improved transaction recognition and fixed few queries to correctly filter as integer.
3.6.5Osclass Pay Payment Plugin5. Mar 2023Added webhook for Stripe Payments - require configuration. Fixed PayPal IPN (notification) URLs. Added automatic pending records removal (180 days). Fixed Przelewy24 PHP errors.
2.7.0Attributes Osclass Plugin3. Mar 2023Major update: IMPORTANT! All plugin queries are now cached by Osclass cache method! Only front-end queries are cached! You can enable/disable caching in Configuration page of plugin. Major update: Now is possible to restrict attributes on publish page just to selected user types (all, logged, personal, business, with business profile, with verified business profile, with osclass pay membership group, admin only). Major update: There is new field in category restriction of attributes - it is now possible to choose "Without category" - means attribute will be visible on search page also when no category is selected.
1.7.2Business Profile Osclass Plugin2. Mar 2023Youtube videos now can be video IDs, share, embedded or browser URL of video. Not strict embedded format anymore.
1.1.2Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.2.1Welcome Box Osclass Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.0.5Price Comparison Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Minor issues with styling fixed.
1.0.4Booking & Calendar Osclass Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.1.4Social Share Osclass Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.0.1Ad Block Detector Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.0.1Cookies Consent PRO Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.0.1Two-factor Authentication Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.0.4User Rating Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.2.1Make Offer Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.4.0Favorite Items Plugin2. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Numerous improvements and updates in styling, improved layout on FontAwesome 5 and Sigma theme.
3.6.4Osclass Pay Payment Plugin1. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Fixed Przelewy24 payment gateway (wrong library path). Fixed Payhere.lk payment gateway that require additional authentication from 2023. Fixed several minor PHP notices and issues.
1.7.4Invoice Osclass Plugin1. Mar 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.3.2Instant Messenger Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.3.3Online Chat Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Fixed numerous minor issues and PHP notices.
2.3.9Favorite Items Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.6.2Osclass Blog and News Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.4.5Forums Osclass Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.6.2Attributes Osclass Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Fixed minor issues in backoffice.
1.7.1Business Profile Osclass Plugin28. Feb 2023Major update: Video Gallery - Added brand new option that allows to define one or more youtube videos in business profile. These videos are then shown (lazy load) on business profile of user. Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.3.1Virtual Products Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]). Minor PHP issues fixed when item has been removed.
1.0.5Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Plugin28. Feb 2023Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore). To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.2.2Epsilon Osclass Theme28. Feb 2023Added business profile links (public profile, profile edit) to user dashboard - new cards. Public profile card is replaced if business profile is enabled and is available for user.
1.3.8Osclass GDPR Plugin28. Feb 2023Added newsletter checkbox on user profile page (when newsletter checkbox enabled). Means that user now can change it's consent with newsletters after registration.
1.1.2Flash News Osclass Plugin28. Feb 2023Updated design bug that could happen on SIgma theme on static pages.
1.0.4Age Warning PRO Plugin28. Feb 2023Fixed bug (fatal error) in functions of Age warning plugin.
1.3.1Newsletter Osclass Plugin28. Feb 2023Added configuration parameter related to GDPR Plugin, that allows to send newsletter to users, those did not consent with sending newsletters in GDPR.
1.6.2Zara Free Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.6.5Veronika Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.4.1Stela Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.3.4Starter Osclass Free Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.5.8Gamma Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.3.6Delta Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.4.5CareerJob Osclass Job Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.4.6Beta Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.5.8Alpha Osclass Theme27. Feb 2023Refactored RTL language identification, now using combination of static language codes (fallback) and Osclass language settings (priority). Updated DIR property in HTML tag to reflect correct direction - ltr or rtl.
1.2.6Authenticate Osclass Plugin27. Feb 2023Critical update - Fix bug when banned users could still login using authentication plugin. Removed old fonts and styles.
1.3.2Google Login Osclass Plugin27. Feb 2023Critical update - Fix bug when banned users could still login using google login plugin. Removed old fonts and styles.
1.2.5Facebook Login Osclass Plugin27. Feb 2023Critical update - Fix bug when banned users could still login using facebook login plugin. Removed old fonts and styles.
2.3.2Online Chat Plugin25. Feb 2023Fixed minor design issues and problems.
1.2.3Cache Osclass Plugin24. Feb 2023Fixed error notices and compatibility on PHP 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.
1.3.1Infinite Scroll Osclass Plugin23. Feb 2023Major update: Several improvements and updates. Updated configuration page with latest details.
2.6.1Attributes Osclass Plugin23. Feb 2023New attribute type has been added - DIVIDER. This is dummy attribute those only function is to divide - separate attributes from each other. It helps to group by different attributes sections.
3.6.3Osclass Pay Payment Plugin23. Feb 2023Forced plugin options (pay features, add to cart) to be always shown at bottom of: - new item form - edit item form - item detail
1.3.7Osclass GDPR Plugin23. Feb 2023Forced checkboxes to be shown always at bottom: - new listing form - edit listing form - user register form
1.4.4Forums Osclass Plugin17. Feb 2023Fixed breadcrumb issues and validation problems on all forum pages.
3.3.4All-in-One Seo Plugin17. Feb 2023Fixed item meta title and meta category fields those could get incorrectly empty.
1.3.0Virtual Products Plugin16. Feb 2023Major update: removed legacy scripts and fonts. Added new option to style link as button. Redesigned function that shows download link. It now show link also to non-logged user with information to login. Few minor adjustments and fixes.
1.4.2Item Validation Plugin15. Feb 2023Plugin is now much more user-friendly in front & backoffice, disabled item activate button and activate action, plus adds flash messages why this action is not possible to complete.
1.4.3Forums Osclass Plugin10. Feb 2023Forums can now be restricted to logged-in users only. Visitors those are not logged-in will be redirected to login page.
1.2.5Authenticate Osclass Plugin10. Feb 2023Refactored several plugin functions. Timestamp fields does not have default database value anymore. Instead they are populated by PHP.
1.6.4Business Profile Osclass Plugin8. Feb 2023Fixed bug that did not allowed to upload other than PNG user logo in front office. Fixed bug that incorrectly stored (wrong location) user logo image.
1.1.3Social Share Osclass Plugin8. Feb 2023Fixed error notices and warnings. Fixed incorrect item data selection when item details are not available using helper functions.
2.3.1Online Chat Plugin1. Feb 2023Fixed minor issues and notices in plugin.
1.1.0Content Protection Plugin1. Feb 2023Based on customer's feedback, we've added brand new feature that trim and enrich copied text and add your website link at the end of clipboard.
1.0.1Admin Permissions Manager Plugin25. Jan 2023Fixed issues with removal custom permissons. Fixed issues with saving 0 values as parameter.
2.3.8Favorite Items Plugin24. Jan 2023Fixed minor issues with price currency symbol and error notices. Now when currency for selected code does not exists (might be removed), currency code is used instead.
2.3.0Online Chat Plugin17. Jan 2023Major update: It is now possible to send message to offline users and have offline/online chats. Removed legacy fonts and styles.
1.5.7Alpha Osclass Theme17. Jan 2023Fixed bug that show price when it was disabled on category level.
1.4.5Beta Osclass Theme17. Jan 2023Fixed bug that show price when it was disabled on category level.
1.4.1Item Validation Plugin16. Jan 2023Fixed bug with notification emails not being sent.
1.4.0Item Validation Plugin10. Jan 2023Major update: Backoffice has been split into 2 parts: configuration & item validation. There has been added new field into database to identify revalidations of edited listings. These validations are then on top. Item list in backoffice has been redesigned sligthly, buttons has new colors. Whole backoffice got styles updated and removed legacy fonts. Item validation actions has been slightly redesigned to work properly in backoffice. Plugin require reinstallation or disable>. enable to get database changes reflected.
3.3.3All-in-One Seo Plugin9. Jan 2023Fixed sitemap generator that will not put duplicated links anymore into sitemap.
2.6.0Attributes Osclass Plugin9. Jan 2023Major update: New feature added - 2 attributes can now be linked together. You can i.e. link mileage measures to mileage values. It is required disable >. enable plugin (or reinstall) to take effect in database.
1.5.7Gamma Osclass Theme6. Jan 2023Fixed search bar width on home page on mobile devices.
1.4.2Forums Osclass Plugin5. Jan 2023IMPORTANT: Link for home page has changed from "domain.com/forums/home/" to "domain.com/forums/". Old home page link should be redirected to new home page. User page that is related to non-existing user is now redirected to home with error flash message. Home page has been "canonized" and all urls those leads to "domain.com/forums/RANDOM-TEXT" and does not belong to any of the plugin routes, will be redirected to home page.
1.6.1Osclass Blog and News Plugin4. Jan 2023Added options on tinymce toolbar to apply LTR or RTL direction of text.
1.7.3Invoice Osclass Plugin4. Jan 2023Improved site logo identification function. Curl used in plugin now use "insecure" mode to avoid SSL certificates issues.
1.5.6Gamma Osclass Theme2. Jan 2023Fixed bug on item publish/edit page where price was wiped-out after selecting currency.
1.4.4Beta Osclass Theme2. Jan 2023Fixed bug on item publish/edit page where price was wiped-out after selecting currency.
1.5.6Alpha Osclass Theme2. Jan 2023Fixed bug on item publish/edit page where price was wiped-out after selecting currency.
2.5.7Attributes Osclass Plugin2. Jan 2023Fixed bug with possible conflicts in backoffice with sorting script and failure with sorting of attributes/attribute values.
1.4.1Forums Osclass Plugin28. Dec 2022Added new setting to enable/disable sanitization of strings in URLs. May be especially helpful for non-lating characters like Cyrillic, Greek etc.
1.6.0Osclass Blog and News Plugin27. Dec 2022Added new setting to enable/disable sanitization of strings in URLs. May be especially helpful for non-lating characters like Cyrillic, Greek etc.
1.5.5Gamma Osclass Theme27. Dec 2022Fixed bug in oc-admin that cause missing of theme attributes on listing page (hook)
2.2.0Online Chat Plugin27. Dec 2022Major update: redesigned how plugin feeds new messages that results in consolidation of chat messages when opened in multiple tabs or browser. When new message is sent, this message is propagated to all other opened browsers/tabs. When new message is received, this message will show up in all browsers/tabs.
3.6.2Osclass Pay Payment Plugin27. Dec 2022Fixed price calculation on membership page when decimal separator is different to decimal point.
1.0.2WhatsApp Chat Plugin15. Dec 2022Fixed major issue when two zeros (00) in phone number could be mistakenly replaced with + sign.
3.6.1Osclass Pay Payment Plugin15. Dec 2022Improvements for PHP 8.2, also fixed several minor issues and notices. Fixed bug with Pay per Publish option that was not working "as expected" in all the situations. Fixed join table key for pay per publish option.
1.5.4Backoffice Manager Plugin15. Dec 2022Fixed issue with translation of several strings located in javascript files.
1.3.5Delta Osclass Theme14. Dec 2022Fixed banners on public profile sidebar. Added new banners to public profile.
1.0.2WebP Images Generator Plugin12. Dec 2022Fixed bug that could cause that ImageMagick library was not available in plugin, but actually it should be available.
1.3.1Advertisement Manager Plugin12. Dec 2022Fixed problem with banner review URL. Fixed notices when creating banner. Fixed problematic routes.
2.2.0Make Offer Plugin8. Dec 2022Fixed major bug when switching languages, that offers/items has disappeared. Fixed minor issues and improved several functions.
1.2.1Image Required Plugin29. Nov 2022Image required is now disabled in backoffice when admin is editing listing.
1.6.4Veronika Osclass Theme29. Nov 2022Ajax theme features moved from contact form to avoid problems when contact form is disabled.
1.0.3Age Warning PRO Plugin28. Nov 2022Exit button on search/category/listing page will now redirect to home page. Only exit button on home page will redirect to google.
1.5.4Gamma Osclass Theme10. Nov 2022Added native support to theme banners feature to use Banner Plugin adverts & banners without need to edit theme files or write PHP code.
1.3.4Delta Osclass Theme10. Nov 2022Added native support to theme banners feature to use Banner Plugin adverts & banners without need to edit theme files or write PHP code.
3.5.7Osclass Pay Payment Plugin19. Sep 2022Fixed bug with bank transfer payments - checksum error. Minor issues fixed.
1.1.0Flash News Osclass Plugin19. Sep 2022Major update: added option not to use marquee tag and use javascript instead (thanks for our customer for sharing complete solution!)
1.1.7Epsilon Osclass Theme12. Sep 2022Numerous fixes, updates and improvements for subdomain based classifieds.
2.0.3User Rating Plugin7. Sep 2022Added nofollow noreferred to links to avoid SEO validation notices.
1.3.3Delta Osclass Theme7. Sep 2022Small improvements and fixes related to disabled lazyload and navigation arrows on search page.
1.2.0Welcome Box Osclass Plugin7. Sep 2022Major update redesigning how cookies are stored. Several fixes added in order to work properly with cache & cache plugins.
1.3.2Delta Osclass Theme6. Sep 2022Location search feature has been redesigned and now work as expected with most of UTF-8 characters (Romanian etc).
2.1.2Make Offer Plugin6. Sep 2022Added nofollow noreferrer rel attributes on plugin links to avoid SEO messages/warnings.
2.0.1Banners & Advertisement Plugin5. Sep 2022Added support to banner show function to echo or not echo results (for Epsilon theme support).
1.1.5Epsilon Osclass Theme5. Sep 2022Support for Banner Ads Plugin has been introduced, now you can use theme banner spaces by placing advert or banner from Banner Ads Plugin.
1.1.4Epsilon Osclass Theme4. Sep 2022Added feature to filter latest listings on home page based on subdomains (multipage) configuration.
1.2.2Cache Osclass Plugin4. Sep 2022Fixed bug with removing cache when listing is edited.
1.6.0OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin2. Sep 2022Major update: Selection of location from map on publish page now provide "v2 search" that search for closest city in selected area, instead of trying to exactly match city with response from openstreetmaps API.
2.5.6Attributes Osclass Plugin18. Aug 2022Fixed corrupted style for JS messages. Attribute reordering is now performed using POST request instead of GET request, that allow to work with much more attributes.
1.1.3Epsilon Osclass Theme18. Aug 2022Fixed edge-case bugs when marking listings as sold or reserved.
1.2.3Virtual Products Plugin16. Aug 2022Added information on upload form if file upload is optional or required.
3.5.5Osclass Pay Payment Plugin15. Aug 2022Updated Stripe line items changes and implemented into code. Fixed small issue on stripe cancel page.
3.3.0Anti-Spam and Bot Protection Osclass Plugin10. Aug 2022Major update: StopForumSpam integration has been redesigned. 1 API call is now used to check both email & IP IPv6 is now supported as well Response is parsed as Json instead of using Xml Minimum confidence parameter has been introduced (0-100%) to set threshold from when is user considered as spammer. As example when record has confidence just 20%, it really does not necessarily means it is spammer or spam bot, it still can be regular user.
1.1.2Epsilon Osclass Theme5. Aug 2022Fixed minor issue on publish page, when price block has been visible even the price field was disabled in selected category.
3.5.4Osclass Pay Payment Plugin2. Aug 2022Yandex Money integration has been modified into YooKassa (YooMoney) service (thanks to community!). Symbol for Russia ruble has been updated.
1.6.6SMS Notification and Verification Plugin2. Aug 2022Fixed bug that redirected admin from backoffice into front office when there was problem with phone number. Now admin will stay in backoffice and is redirected to user profile page. Removed textlocal.in password field as it was not used in plugin.
1.1.4Phone Number Login Plugin2. Aug 2022Fixed bug that redirected admin from backoffice into front office when there was problem with phone number. Now admin will stay in backoffice and is redirected to user profile page.
1.6.2Business Profile Osclass Plugin2. Aug 2022Added 2 new features based on community request. Admin can now enable feature that allows users to remove their business profile. Admin can now enable feature that enables business profile only to company users. Fixed bug when user folder was not removed after removing all user related images. Fixed bug when user images were not removed after removing profile in backoffice.
1.3.5Osclass GDPR Plugin1. Aug 2022Consent box will not be triggered on static (cms) pages in order to make reading of terms & conditions and related pages easier.
1.3.4Osclass GDPR Plugin1. Aug 2022Fixed issue in triggered box to open link in label
1.4.0Forums Osclass Plugin21. Jul 2022Major update: User uploaded files (images) and attachments are being now stored in oc-content/uploads folder. This version contains also migration script to move files and create directories.
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Other cookies
These are cookies without a clear purpose or those that we are still in the process of classifying.