Print PDF extension for Osclass enable customers to download PDF card for their listings. Plugin generates PDF for each ad based on information provided. Plugin is great for those that want to provide their customers way to have listings data offline and be printed in friendly way. Printed PDF can be used also as leaflet. Addon use TCPDF library on the backg...
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OsclassPoint Updater Plugin for osclass enables to update or download plugins and themes bought on Osclass Point Marketplace directly from backoffice (oc-admin). Updates are easy Updater plugin has 4 basic functions: update plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download and install plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download plugin or theme to...
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Plugin enhance your classifieds and prices on your site recalculate to bitcoins and show it next to price in original currency. At install, plugin will download up-to-date conversion rates for bitcoin to show accurate bitcoin price. Exchange rates are then refreshed automatically. Easy installation with no configuration required Plugin use API to get current...
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Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download for osclass Plugin enables users to share and upload their digital goods on their listing. Osclass can be easily converted into file sharing site with possibility to sell virtual products. Perfect plugin for cl...
27.99 €
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation is there for some time and every website working with EU citizen data must consent to GDPR policy and regulations. This plugin helps you to meet all criteria and make your classifieds GDPR compliant. User can now choose with what data you can work and how to use them, has intuitive configuration page where you can se...
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Do you have classifieds with files, books, music or any other virtual/digital content? Digital goods plugin for Osclass classified websites is then right choice for you. This extension allows visitors to upload digital content into listing. Administrator can restrict: Maximum number of files those can be attached to single listing Allowed file types (zip, ra...
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CDN - Content Delivery Network is powerful tool to deliver static content to visitors much faster. Problem with worldwide (global) websites is that visitors that resides far from your server (hosting) will experience much slower website speed than visitors close to your server. By delivering static content (images, stylesheets, javascript) through CDN serice...
27.99 €
Free plugin for classified script Osclass that format price value in input on publish page Format Price Input Value Price Format Plugin replace original input (hide it) with new one that shows formatted price. When price is changed, original price input value is updated on background. Price input only allow to enter numerical characters (0-9) and decimal sep...
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Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds, another one for Real Estate marketplace etc., it is great benefit, if user register on one site, account is created also on another sites. Synchronize user data across different Osclass installations Power of ...
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User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize your classifieds with different types of extra fields like checkbox, radio, dropdown, file (picture, document,), vat number, short or long text, url, phone number, email etc. with cool features. Extend user pr...
31.99 €
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Facebook account. Facebook Instant Login Plugin use JavaScript SDK instead of legacy PHP SDK and efficiently login user without redirects to Facebook page. Once visitor hit login button, plugin check if users alrea...
33.99 €
We strongly recommend to use OpenStreetMaps Plugin instead, if you does not have specific business need to use Radius Search Plugin or Google Maps API. Reason for this recommendation is, that Google API is paid. Osclass plugin that allows you to extend osclass search to search also in distance/radius of city or location, show map with latest listings, map wi...
33.99 €