MB Themes

1 hour 21 mins avg. respond time
Based in Slovakia
Seller since 2017
116 products developed
Testimonials from customers
Very good and useful plugin. Is there any way to add emoji support?
Works good! I used to have a lot of spam, but now it is gone.
I love this theme. Suport is also great!
Testimonials Plugin
The Testimonials Plugin for Osclass allows website administrators to collect, manage, and display user testimonials in an engaging and customizable fo...

1000+ views
25.99 €
Saved Items Plugin
Saved Items Plugin enahnce your classifieds with new feature that allows visitors to save their favorite items for later. Plugin works for both logged...

23.99 €
User Custom Fields PRO Plugin
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize...

2500+ views
31.99 €
Job Application Form Plugin
Job Application Plugin provides feature that enable advertisers to add job application form on their jobs & services listings. Visitor clicks on &...

27.99 €
Price Input Formatter Plugin
Free plugin for classified script Osclass that format price value in input on publish page Format Price Input Value Price Format Plugin replace origin...

1000+ views
SMF Simple Machines Forum Login Bridge Plugin
Simple plugin that enables your users to get automatically logged into SMF-powered forums website, when they login to your Osclass. SMF API Bridge SMF...

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