Automatic Language Selector Free Plugin
Osclass extension that automatically select user's preferred language and change osclass language to new one. Language selector for classifieds Automa...
2500+ views
Welcome Box Osclass Plugin
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome bo...
15.99 €
Piglatin Osclass Plugin for Developers
Checking if all strings in your themes, plugins, Osclass core and messages can be properly translated may be incredibly hard work. Using Piglatin plug...
Age Warning Osclass Plugin
Extension for osclass warns visitors about adult content being present on the classifieds site. User has 2 options: Click on "I agree" button and brow...
Auto Registration Plugin
Osclass extension that allows you to create account for those users, that has published listing as unregistered. Auto Registration plugin helps you to...
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100+ orders
19.99 €
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Forums Osclass Plugin
Extend your website with lightweight and powerful forums - let your clients communicate and get new unique content to your osclass. Create forums on o...
29.99 €
Admin Search Email Osclass Plugin
Osclass plugin that allows admin to search all relevant information about users, linked to user email address. New button/link will be added into back...
Sitemap PRO Plugin
Sitemap PRO Plugin helps to generate sitemap on small, medium and enterprise classifieds using bulk loads into sitemap files. Plugin also allows to cr...
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75+ orders
29.99 €
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All-in-One Seo Plugin
All-in-One SEO Plugin allows to manage and improve on-pageand off-page SEO factors in osclass. This is most complex and advanced osclass plugin that o...
29.99 €
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OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you wa...
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200+ orders
29.99 €
Print PDF Osclass Plugin
Print PDF extension for Osclass enable customers to download PDF card for their listings. Plugin generates PDF for each ad based on information provid...
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Social Share Osclass Plugin
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. F...
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100+ orders
13.99 €