Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin

33 .99€
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OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds.

Don't you want to pay to Google for using google maps? We neither, as google recently introduced billing plan for using google map services and ended up free services. To use google api now you have to put your credit card here first! OpenStreetMaps is totally free!

Plugin use mapbox.com services.

Free Google Maps for osclass

Higher volume of visitors on your osclass may mean that you are going to pay tens of dollars for showing google maps, this plugin instead use free service OpenStreetMaps and has no limits in usage.

Add map with listings anywhere

Plugin has support for showing map with items on most important sections on your classifieds:

  • home page (latest items)
  • search page (search items)
  • item page (listing itself + related items)
  • publish page (pick location from map)

Radius search

As our Radius Search Plugin also OpenStreetMaps one enable users to search in radius. You can simply hook radius distance select box into your search sidebar and that's it!

Related items

When map is added to listing page (hook), you may show only particular item on map or you may choose to show also related items on map with basic settings:

  • locations of related items (same city/region/country)
  • category of items (same category or not)

Publish map

From v1.2.0 it is possible to place map into publish/edit page and let visitors to locate item from map. Map is smart and will take into consideration following:

  • on edit page will show marker on item's current location
  • for logged-in users will locate map to user's predefined location
  • for logged-out users will use html5 geocoding (visitor must enable) to find current user location

Please keep in mind that address retrieved from map is using OpenStreetMap Nominatim API (reversed geo coding) that in some cases has not ideal hierarchy of data and results may look weird. We recommend to test this before purchase as no support is provided on this api itself and cannot be improved from plugin side.

Fullscreen Osclass Map

In case map is smaller, it may be hard to browse all listings on it. Fullscreen mode enable visitors to enlarge map on fullscreen and use it's full screen size to browse listings on map. Note that on some themes or positions fullscreen mode may not work correctly (parent blocks has position absolute/relative attribute). This feature can be enabled or disabled from plugin settings.

No extra tables

Plugin use original osclass tables to store all the information. All coordinates you get for your items will not be removed once plugin is uninstalled or removed. 

Easy initial setup

When plugin is installed, it's recommended to run feeding of coordinates for existing items, as it's looping openstreetmaps api, it may take a while, however should be completed in minute for websites up to 5000 listings. For websites with more listings you may need to repeat feeding for several times.

Caching OpenStreetMap Data

As OSM is free, it has limited resources and their API has usage policy to avoid interruption of service. In order to align to these rules plugin cache/log every single query from Nominatim OpenStreetMaps API, that means plugin will never ask twice for same coordinates.

Cron to fill missing coordinates

As a lot of our customers has large classifieds with thousands of listings, we've created PHP script that can be run via cron and fill all the missing coordinates for you. OSM policy restrict usage of their API to just 1 query per second, that means it is possible to get 3600 unique coordinates per hour. 

On configuration tab you may find details on how to setup cron for your website.



You may add 1 and only 1 map at same page. Plugin will not work with google maps (or any plugin using google service) so these must be disabled or uninstalled before using OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin. Map on home page is using latest_items loop, in case your theme is not using this one (as example Veronika theme), results on map may differ to those shown in your latest items section. Map will not work on search page with live / ajax search.

Product features and functionality

Basic documentation included
Require theme modifications
Require CSS/JS/HTML skills
Require PHP skills
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Use hooks for theme integration
Recommended for advanced osclass users
Advanced installation (need more skills)
Use 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 25 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (535 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

1.7.7 Fixed escaping of special characters from price format in map.
1.7.6 Minor update to fix map overlay on some themes.
1.7.5 Minor enhancements.
1.7.4 Improvements to coordinates updates engine.
1.7.3 Fixed small bugs
1.7.2 Added option for deferred map load (load map once click on button) to reduce API usage and cost.
Settings in backoffice has been grouped in more meaningful way.
Minor improvements and updates.
1.7.1 Fixed typo in configuration page (public profile page map)
1.7.0 Major update - removal of redundant styles and fonts.
Added support to Osclass 8.2 hooks, now it's much easier to place map into theme.
1.6.4 Updated mapbox version (layer) to v12.
Fixed attribution.
1.6.3 Added new setting for item publish/edit map, to use also d_coord_lat and d_coord_long fields and add them (inputs) into publish form.
1.6.2 Fixed bug in plugin configuration page.
1.6.0 Major update: Selection of location from map on publish page now provide "v2 search" that search for closest city in selected area, instead of trying to exactly match city with response from openstreetmaps API.
1.5.3 Updated radius filtering function to much more precise (from looking in square to looking in circle).
1.5.2 Plugin now try to update location of item & user on edit action each time for 2 reasons: if location has not been changed, it will be retrieved from plugin cache, if location has ben changed, coordinates must be changed anyway
1.5.1 Fixed error with missing function
1.5.0 Major update: Admin can now define default pattern for location string that search search for coordinates (i.e. exclude region or country, set address format specific for country).
improved default mechanism to retrieve coordinates.
admin can now clean cache history
1.4.2 Fixed bug that cause map to not be visible, in case title contained single/double quote or apostrophe
1.4.1 New feature - can now generate map on public profile as well
1.4.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.3.1 Update for osclass 4.1, plugin now updates also coordinates of cities
1.3.0 Major update - plugin now use latest mapbox api for map layers
1.2.1 Fixed saving of parameter publish map height
1.2.0 Added publish map and fullscreen feature - user now can turn map into fullscreen mode
1.1.0 Major release - caching results, improved coordinates search, log history, cron to fill coordinates
1.0.0 Initial release
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Product rating: 4.0 - Very good, based on 9 reviews

I do not recommend it. by Yavuz on 30. Aug 2024

1.0 - Awful
It is not free, on the contrary, mapbox.com gives a very high fee bill after a short while. I do not recommend it. This plugin needs to work via Google or Yandex.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your feedback! Information about using mappbox services is on product page. Google does not provide free API anymore as well, anyway you may look on Radius Search Plugin or Google Maps plugin using Google services wink

verry good plugin by yvelef on 7. Feb 2023

5.0 - Excellent
work verry good with delta theme, easy for install

Avoid this plugin if you don't want a Nightmare. by Brandso on 12. May 2022

1.0 - Awful
If you are planning to add new location in your database then I would say go for Google maps or maybe Radius plugins but avoid this plugin. The developer team is very supportive as they will try their best to fix your problem but unfortunately my issue isn't resolved with their given solutions which is why I thought of sharing my experience here so that others can know what they are buying. I had added few locations in the free location database that I downloaded from osclass. Whenever I post new listing in any osclass provided locations it works fine but whenever I post any listing in my added locations it changes the coordinates and shows incorrect location on map. Now as per the developers they have standard format of how this plugin takes the location but after making changes in settings as said by them, removing plugin caches 100s of times, removing complete location from database and then adding them back, deleting all old posts and posting new listings, deleting user and creating new account, uninstalling and re-installing plugin, testing on localhost and also trying various things didn't help for me. Only thing that worked for me was testing it on Sigma theme which made me think at first that its Delta theme fault but later when I uninstalled this plugin and installed the free Google maps plugin it showed correct location which cleared my doubt that this plugin is having problem and it works fine only with locations provided by osclass. So, if you are planning to add your own locations then either go for Google Maps or can give a try to other paid plugins available here. Else the solution that I see is manually adding all the locations in this plugin cache from our mysql database which we will be adding on top of default locations but that would be a difficult job if you have lots of new locations to be added and also I am not sure if this cache will automatically get updated by the plugin when user post new listing because in past 10 days I have seen very weird behaviour of this particular plugin and on the other hand in one go Google maps work to our expectation or maybe more then that. I was thinking of buying Radius plugin first but because in Radius plugin description it was mentioned that this plugin won't charge for location search unlike google offers just few location searches for free after which they charges you. But here also the map box offers you only certain free map loads and after which they will charge you but those numbers are just double when compared with Google but its not free. So be prepared for a nightmare if adding new location is your requirement and still planning to buy this particular plugin. Best of luck

works fine by NZK on 28. Jan 2022

5.0 - Excellent
No comment

Muy bien by Inmo Sistem on 12. Aug 2021

5.0 - Excellent
Fácil de instalar.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you!

Review by Влад Келембет on 15. Feb 2021

4.0 - Very good
I liked the plugin very much, from the advantages in my opinion is the ability to customize the map in the admin panel, the plugin is included in the hook, the ability to connect your own map style with the mapbox and a very convenient function for choosing a location on the map when publishing an ad. Of the shortcomings, I advise that the plugin is not fully integrated into themes, there is no instruction for detailed information on page integration in item-post.php and item-edit.php.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you so much for your feedback wink

Review by Grecu Cristian Ionut on 14. Jun 2020

5.0 - Excellent
No comment

Review by Genchev on 2. Jan 2020

5.0 - Excellent
No comment

cool plugin by alex on 16. Apr 2019

5.0 - Excellent
good plugin with free map and radius filter installed it on alpha theme
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you Alex, glad to hear you like our map plugin!

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4.0 - Very good Based on 9 reviews
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Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

233 orders
25 updates
Product version: 1.7.7
Last update: 1 month ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 4 of 5 - Very good
Published on: 6. Feb 2019
Folder name: openstreetmaps