MasJob Osclass Theme belongs to family of job seeker or job boards classifieds themes. Template is designed in “corporate” style with content boxed into block with width of 980px. While background is in light blue gradient, block has white background for better readability. Theme has interesting design with rounded borders, gradients and fancy el...
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Extra feeds plugin generates content for most famous search engines in format they require. Sharing your content and listings with search engines can have positive impact on SEO and increase traffic to your site. It works pretty much normal as standard feed, to get output of search page (or category, region, city, …), simply at search page place param...
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Turn your website into real estate classifieds using real estate attributes plugin. On purely real estates classifieds or in real estates category, extra attributes and properties for listing are required, like property type, number of rooms, square meters or year of construction. PRO: Make sure to look on professional solution for attributes - Car Attribute...
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