Twitter theme for Osclass is built on Twitter Bootstrap v1.4 and provides very clean and effective layout for classifieds. Theme contains top navigation menu that makes navigation between categories really simple and intuitive. Color scheme used in theme are gray (grayscale) and blue and makes it very universal for different kind of classifieds, especially c...
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LOPD Osclass Plugin makes your classifieds compliant with Spanish law regulation (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal). User will be required to consent your terms and conditions on registration page. Extension is easy to install and does not require theme modifications. Details of LOPD are shown in popup when user c...
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Enhance security of your classifieds and provide two-factor authentication option to your customers. Security should always be priority #1, this plugin place another layer to login process and customers must confirm their identity using mobile phone. Authentication using 2FA application When user tries to login into its account and 2-factor authentication is...
23.99 €