Have you ever needed to use different theme based on language on same classifieds? It may sound weird, but there are some cases and business needs that require to use different theme for each language. Let’s have example of RTL language with theme created just for RTL content and then, we have English that is LTR and require different layout positionin...
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You know how important is to allow your customers share content of your classifieds on social networks? It may improve SEO, brings more visibility and traffic to your site. Social bookmarks plugin for Osclass is simple extension that generates social bookmarks for following networks: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Plus (deprecated) Bookmark to social netw...
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Sitemap is essential part not just for classifieds, but for any website that wants to be visible in search engines. Sitemap generator plugin generates sitemap.xml file in root folder with links to essential content of your classifieds: Listings Categories Countries Regions Cities Once sitemap file is created, it is sent (pinged) to most popular search engine...
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Routes Plugin is testing plugin for routes functionality introduced in Osclass 3.3, however may be used also in production to define routes/links those does not exists in any plugin or theme (some custom needs). Extension has almost no visible front or backoffice functionality, however it generates new menu in oc-admin to showcase its functionality. It defin...
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Warning: Obsolete plugin! Osclass itself provides better and more modern options for enhanced editing in User/Listing Settings > TinyMCE Rich edit extension for Osclass adds WYSIWYG editor on description field at publish page. Plugin use TinyMCE library v4, that is included directly in plugin. On settings page, addon allows to define many different parame...
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Would you like to enable your classifieds website to be used just be registered users only? If yes, then Registered Users Only Plugin is right choice for you. In many business cases you will want to allow only logged in/registered users to be able to browser your site, there could be different reasons for such need, like constant spamming, data privacy, user...
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Turn your website into real estate classifieds using real estate attributes plugin. On purely real estates classifieds or in real estates category, extra attributes and properties for listing are required, like property type, number of rooms, square meters or year of construction. PRO: Make sure to look on professional solution for attributes - Car Attribute...
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Simple and useful extension of Osclass that generate and display QR code with the URL of listing. When listing has QR code on its page, it is very easy to share it with other people just using QR code. For proper functionality PHP server must have GD extension enabled, so plugin can generate QR code images. What is QR code? A QR code, or Quick Response code,...
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Plugin brings functionality to Osclass for visitors to define make and model of item when publishing new listing. Extension is useful in categories like phones, electronics or any other product category, where make and model are essential properties of product. PRO: Make sure to look on professional solution for attributes - Car Attributes PRO Plugin (not ju...
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Print PDF extension for Osclass enable customers to download PDF card for their listings. Plugin generates PDF for each ad based on information provided. Plugin is great for those that want to provide their customers way to have listings data offline and be printed in friendly way. Printed PDF can be used also as leaflet. Addon use TCPDF library on the backg...
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Piwik (Matomo) Web Analytics Plugin for Osclass is great alternative for Google Analytics services. Matomo takes special care about protection of customer’s data and data privacy. Matomo is very powerful web analytics platform, that gives you 100% data ownership and transparency. You know where data are stored and how they are used and for what purpose...
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Checking if all strings in your themes, plugins, Osclass core and messages can be properly translated may be incredibly hard work. Using Piglatin plugin for Osclass, this task gets much simpler. Pig Latin helps you to identify all strings those cannot be translated, its algorithm is very simple, it shuffle letter order in words that can be translated. As exa...
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