Real Estates Osclass theme, as its name says, is targeted for real estate classifieds. All functions and design for this Osclass template has been customized for selling and buying real estates. Theme is created in light color combination of gray and light blue/azure colors and it’s design is looks modern and simple to adapt. Home page contains slidesh...
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NewCorp template for Osclass classifieds is easy to use for job seeker / job boards classified websites. This theme is made in eye-catching design as combination of blue, green, orange and dark gray colors. After using theme for few moments, you will love this appearance. Theme contains “Upload your CV now” button that allows visitors quickly sen...
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Modern theme for Osclass has been “king of the themes” for this script for several years, it was standardly delivered theme with every Osclass installation. It’s simplicity and universal design together with ability to easy modifications was origin for numerous other free & premium themes created for Osclass, as example Tatiana, Zara or...
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MasJob Osclass Theme belongs to family of job seeker or job boards classifieds themes. Template is designed in “corporate” style with content boxed into block with width of 980px. While background is in light blue gradient, block has white background for better readability. Theme has interesting design with rounded borders, gradients and fancy el...
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Bender Osclass Theme has been used for years as default theme for Osclass from version 3.3 up to version 4.0, it has inspired many developers those created new themes based on bender. Template design is simple and intuitive, easy to read and theme is completely responsive, so it adjust to any device size – desktop, tablet or mobile. Colors are selected...
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Yandex Metrica Plugin for Osclass enables to use Yandex.Metrica services to measure traffic on your classifieds as well as much more different key performance indicators (KPI). Yandex.Metrica API is handy alternative to google analytics services and is especially popular in Russia region, mainly due to native support and all documents being in Russian langua...
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Yandex Maps Plugin for Osclass is easiest way to get Yandex map on your listing page. Extension shows your listing on map as marker, no theme modifications are required as map is shown on ad page via hooks on locations section of item. Extension only require entering API key from Yandex.Maps service, please check their documents for details about pricing and...
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Would you like to move your ads into different Osclass installation or simply want to bring more content to your existing Osclass website? It may be hard work to do it manually, listing by listing, time consuming activity. XML Ad Importer Plugin for Osclass can handle this for you. This extension allows you to import listings from different sources, it even ...
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Watchlist extension for Osclass display links on listing page that allows user to add that listing into its watchlist. Only logged in users will be able to use watchlist feature, as watched items are stored only in database. Integration of plugin require to modify theme files to show watchlist button on ad page. Watchlist feature is essential on most of clas...
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Would you like to enhance your classifieds with ability to give rating on listings or users? This extension can handle both. Voting plugin for Osclass enable users to put rating / vote on listings as well as to users, if enabled. Each visitor can vote just once on particular listing to avoid fake votes. There are many helpful functions that provides: Voting ...
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Tor plugin for Osclass is simply but powerful extension for your classifieds. It’s primary and only functionality is, that visitors coming to your classifieds can only access your website if they use Tor to anonymize their connection details and identity. Addon can be very useful for classifieds websites those require all their customers to be anonymou...
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Time elapsed extension for Osclass measure time required to completely generate content of your site. We could say it measure how much time it takes your PHP server and MySQL database to fulfil all requirements of Osclass and show website content. It works for all Osclass pages and final time is shown at the end of source code on page. Addon is useful for al...
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