The Custom Functions Plugin is a utility tool designed to provide developers and site administrators with a secure and update-resistant way to integrate custom PHP functions, hooks, filters, or any additional code into their Osclass installation. This plugin does not include any predefined functionality out of the box. Instead, it serves as a framework for m...
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Simple plugin that enables your users to get automatically logged into SMF-powered forums website, when they login to your Osclass. SMF API Bridge SMF Bridge that allows to seamlessly connect your SMF script on top of Osclass insatallation. Requirements: SMF is installed in subfolder of Osclass installation (ie /forums) SMF is installed in same database as O...
Free download
Are you looking for an expert to upgrade your Osclass website? Or you have problems to upgrade Osclass by yourself? Osclass upgrade by professionals Our team will install latest stable version of Osclass on your hosting. Upgrade service include: Upgrade of Osclass script Validate database integrity Validate site functionality Upgrade service does not include...
99.99 €