Real Estates Osclass theme, as its name says, is targeted for real estate classifieds. All functions and design for this Osclass template has been customized for selling and buying real estates. Theme is created in light color combination of gray and light blue/azure colors and it’s design is looks modern and simple to adapt. Home page contains slidesh...
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Become a premium member of Osclass with ultimate access to all premium products and support. You gain unlimited access to every plugin and theme available on OsclassPoint, providing a comprehensive toolkit to enhance functionality, improve user experience, and boost your site’s performance. Use your classified ad software Osclass on 100%! Key Benefits ...
549.99 €
Would you like to show location of your listings on map? Why not to use most popular Google Maps API to do that! Google Maps Osclass Plugin use most favorite geolocation service provided by Google that is javascript based. Once new listing is published, it’s address is sent to Google API to retrieve latitude and longitude of item address. This informat...
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