Simple plugin that enables your users to get automatically logged into SMF-powered forums website, when they login to your Osclass. SMF API Bridge SMF Bridge that allows to seamlessly connect your SMF script on top of Osclass insatallation. Requirements: SMF is installed in subfolder of Osclass installation (ie /forums) SMF is installed in same database as O...
Free download
Watchlist extension for Osclass display links on listing page that allows user to add that listing into its watchlist. Only logged in users will be able to use watchlist feature, as watched items are stored only in database. Integration of plugin require to modify theme files to show watchlist button on ad page. Watchlist feature is essential on most of clas...
Free download
Saved Items Plugin enahnce your classifieds with new feature that allows visitors to save their favorite items for later. Plugin works for both logged and non-logged users, besides that it can also count item saves and user saved items. Saved Listings Very handy feature for new and returning visitors so they can quickly get back listings they likes or they w...
23.99 €
Would you like to enable your classifieds website to be used just be registered users only? If yes, then Registered Users Only Plugin is right choice for you. In many business cases you will want to allow only logged in/registered users to be able to browser your site, there could be different reasons for such need, like constant spamming, data privacy, user...
Free download
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Facebook account. Facebook Instant Login Plugin use JavaScript SDK instead of legacy PHP SDK and efficiently login user without redirects to Facebook page. Once visitor hit login button, plugin check if users alrea...
33.99 €
Do you want to get feedback from your users on design, functionality, net promoter score or any other question? Use Poll & Feedback Free Osclass Plugin! Osclass Polls, Surveys and Feedback This free osclass plugin is very simple and enable to create poll or survey in just a minute. Multilingual - everything can be translated to all languages on your site...
Free download
Setup limit on how many listings can publish different users on your site. Item Limits Plugin allows you to simply define how many ads can single user or user type (personal/company) have active at same time. Limit how many ads can user publish Item Limits plugin is very easy to configure, but has powerful functions to check and restrict user active listings...
23.99 €
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss about price on listings and submit their own offer. This improves sale of products published on your osclass classifieds and increase value of your site Make offer functionality "Make offer" functionality - allow ...
27.99 €
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome box for osclass Did you created new category or you've started using payment plugin on your osclass? Let's inform about this update your customers. fully customizable welcome box on homepage up to 5 lines of cust...
19.99 €
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly! New: Plugin has been completely redesigned! Offline chat is now supported! Chat functionality Real-time chat of customers with buyers and sellers Offline chat supported No third-party service No montly fees N...
33.99 €
Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download for osclass Plugin enables users to share and upload their digital goods on their listing. Osclass can be easily converted into file sharing site with possibility to sell virtual products. Perfect plugin for cl...
27.99 €
Osclass plugin that enables your users to rate buyers / sellers and leave feedback, registered and non-registered users as well. Rating functionality Each user can get rank based on average rating, rating count and days from registration. Admin can specify these levels. There are 4 types of rank: Superhero Captain Conqueror Novice Each rating consist of over...
27.99 €