Inform your customers about latest news on your classifieds quickly and efficiently via top running news bar, that is quite common to be used as place to share quick & hot information in TV news. Top bar news section Flash News Plugin is awesome tool to share hot news and short information to your customers in very efficient way. Plugin generates top/bot...
21.99 €
Latest version of theme can always be found in latest osclass version New fresh and intuitive default theme for osclass. Theme is delivered in osclass version 4.x and 8.x. New default osclass theme With new osclass we've decided to provide new look and feel from osclass, replacing default Bender theme with Sigma. UX friendly theme Fresh design Fast and seo f...
Free download
Intuitive and user friendly premium osclass theme that provides unique look, deep integration with numerous osclass plugins and easy to use design. You will never be able to find better theme for classifieds! UX friendly osclass theme Gamma theme is built on Beta theme, taking best functionalities, including numerous functions from Alpha and Veronika theme. ...
45.99 €
Free documentation theme for Osclass classifieds CMS. First and only theme for simple but ultimate docs creation built on Osclass CMS – create documentation, API reference, catalog, knowledge base, website guides, promotions pages or FAQ for your business. Theme for professional documentation DocsBase template comes with following features: Ultimate si...
Free download
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize your classifieds with different types of extra fields like checkbox, radio, dropdown, file (picture, document,), vat number, short or long text, url, phone number, email etc. with cool features. Extend user pr...
31.99 €
Ultimate Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car and Real-Estate Classifieds, to bring highly customizable vehicle related attributes & properties, but not just that…! Plugin can easily handle also Dating, Pets, Antiques, Products or Jobs attributes. Advanced search box with a...
39.99 €
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