Zeta Osclass Theme
Zeta Osclass Theme is a state-of-the-art, fully responsive template designed specifically for the Classified CMS Osclass. Built on the solid foundatio...
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50+ orders
47.99 €
Google OneTap Login Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google Login Plugin Google OneTap Login Plugin helps to get more users registrations for your classifieds. It m...
31.99 €
Auctions Osclass Plugin
Auctions Plugin for classifieds script Osclass is revolutionary plugin that allows you to host online auctions on your marketplace website. Auction ex...
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25+ orders
47.99 €
Sitemap PRO Plugin
Sitemap PRO Plugin helps to generate sitemap on small, medium and enterprise classifieds using bulk loads into sitemap files. Plugin also allows to cr...
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100+ orders
31.99 €
User Custom Fields PRO Plugin
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize...
2500+ views
29.99 €
S3 Cloud Image Storage Plugin
Upload and Store listing images at S3 (Simple Storage Service) Bucket on Cloud environment. Most popular S3 service is Amazon AWS, but plugin support ...
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25+ orders
21.99 €
Delta Osclass Theme
New fresh premium Osclass theme with light design, premium features, perfect user experience and massive footer. Delta theme has been precisely optimi...
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350+ orders
43.99 €
Backoffice Manager Plugin
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, i...
31.99 €