Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Backoffice Manager Plugin

29 .99€
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Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, inactive and spammy users, comments and listings deletion, Advanced Status Manager and much more!

  • republish functions
  • status manager
  • listings related
  • users related
  • feedback

Republish - renewal item function

Listings can be renewed / republished and get into top of search. Republish function update publish date of listing.

  • allow users to republish their listings
  • set period before expiration date (number of days), when republishing is possible
  • set day before expire date, when user receive email that listing is about expire and it is possible to republish it if this listing is still valid
  • set to receive notification about newly republished listings
  • set that republished listings need to be validated by admin (when listing is republished, it is set to be inactive)
  • set when premium listing is republished, if it will be premium listing also then or it will be transformed to regular listing
  • set sending republish URL in friendly format
  • enter number of days that listing expiration date will be extended, or get expiration days from category settings
  • place republish link to user profile right to it's items
  • send statistics about listing when it expire. Statistic contains:
    • regular views (how many people viewed this listing when it was not premium)
    • premium views (how many people viewed this listing when it was premium)
    • contact form use (how many people used contact form to get in touch with seller)
  • set number of days after expiration date, when expired non-republished listing will be deleted
  • set maximum republish count (how many times can be particular listing republished max)
  • set paid republishing (in cooperation with Payment Plugin that manage payments)
  • allow users to republish listing even if it has not expired (ideally in combination with paid republishing)

Actions as sending email, deleting expired ads etc. are managed by CRON, so there is no action required from your site.

Auto-renewal functionality

Listings are republished automatically for predefined number of repeats.

  • allow users to auto-renew their listings
  • once listing has expired, it will be republished automatically and user will be notified
  • if there is "Pay per publish" allowed in payment plugin, listing will be auto-republished but will be inactive, user will be notified that it is required to pay for republish 

Listings functionality, maintenance, expired listings, phone number

Following functionality can help you to make classifieds much more user-friendly.

  • improve search mechanism so premium listings are shown first ordered by publish date, then are shown regular listings ordered by publish date. This allow to use premium listing without premium loop, so if you have 20 premiums, all are shown. Showing results in this way is more natural and user friendly than doing this as default, using "Premium listings window" on search page.
    • Example, let's have 4 listings: 
      • Item 1 - premium - published on 2014-01-01
      • Item 2 - non premium - published on 2014-01-02
      • Item 3 - premium - published on 2014-01-03
      • Item 4 - non premium - published on 2014-01-04
    • Default order (from top to bottom): Item4, Item3, Item2, Item1
    • Order with "Improve search" activated: Item3, Item1, Item4, Item2
    • As you can see, first will be shown premiums, then regular listings
  • improve listings page for expired items. When activated, all information about listings are not available for copy operation and are visible just on 30%. User will see pop-up window with information that listing has expired and it is not available anymore
  • when adding/editing listing, user can set own password that can be used to edit/delete listing without log in to it's account, registering or using any links. You can add edit/delete form to listing's page, so when owner of item wants to edit this listing, only password is required. You can also auto-hook password form to item_post.php & item_edit.php. User can decide if it will enter or not enter own password.
  • add Mobile Phone number form to item_post.php & item_edit.php. Mobile phone can be then shown on listing's page with easy function.

Maintenance - keep your osclass clean

  • delete comments that were not activated after XX days (you can define number of days)
  • delete comments that were marked as spam/disabled by administrator on daily or weekly base
  • delete listings that were not activated after XX days (you can define number of days)
  • delete listings that were marked as spam/disabled by administrator on daily or weekly base

All these functions are managed by CRON so no action by you is required anymore.

Required fields when publishing listing

  • Name field is required
  • Price field is required
  • Country field is required
  • Region field is required
  • City field is required

User functionality, extra fields on registration, registration required fields

Allow users to delete their account from user profile (link is auto-hooked to user menu, user also get confirmation pop-up to avoid missclicks).

User Maintenance

  • delete users that did not activated their account after XX days (you can define number of days)
  • delete users that did not logged to their account after XX days (you can define number of days)
  • delete users that are banned/disabled on daily or weekly base

 All these functions are managed by CRON so no action by you is required anymore.

Extend fields on user registration page

  • User Type field is added (company / person)
  • Mobile phone field is added
  • Website URL field is added
  • Country field is added
  • Region field is added
  • City field is added 

This function do not use any extra tables and data are saved into user profile. 

Required fields on user registration page

  • Mobile phone field is required
  • Website URL field is required
  • Country field is required
  • Region field is required
  • City field is required

Listing status manager

  • Allow users to search listings by status (form with status select box can be auto-hooked to search from)
  • When new listing is published, send email to user with information that status of listing can be changed anytime just clicking on send links (admin can define in backoffice which statuses will be send)
  • "Sold" status type can be created, so when user set this status to it's listing, this listing is immediately set to expired and is not visible in search. This status means that listing is not available anymore. "Sold" status type are not shown in search form.
  • Default status can be set, so when user is creating new listing, or edit existing listing that do not have any status, default status is selected and when not changed, this status is saved to listing
  • Listing status select box can be auto-hooked to item_edit.php & item_post.php or placed here with easy function
  • Status can be shown on listings or search page with easy function
  • Admin can define complete CSS style to status so no other styling is required using external CSS
  • Select users that can add own status:
    • Everyone
    • Only registered
    • Only admin
  • Enable users to add own status just on item_post.php, or just on item_edit.php or on both

Feedback and user rating system

  • Allow users to leave feedback on registered sellers
  • Each person can vote on:
    • Quality of seller's service
    • Delivery of goods
    • Communication response
  • Title, Comment and Commentator name must be filled
  • Overal rating can be shown anywhere
  • Detail rating can be shown anywhere
  • List of comments can be shown anywhere
  • Link to leave feedback should be placed to listings page

Ajax auto-complete search functionality

  • you can now allow autocomplete for search input
  • possible suggestion are take from latest searches table
  • therefore it is required to alllow saving latest searches

Product features and functionality

Require theme modifications
Require CSS/JS/HTML skills
Require PHP skills
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 21 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (511 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 20 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (cz)
Osclass Support (sk)
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

1.5.4 Fixed issue with translation of several strings located in javascript files.
1.5.3 Fixed minor issues and notices.
1.5.2 Fixed notices and warnings related to PHP 8
1.5.1 Fixed query typo in model.
1.5.0 Improved functions those are updating item status.
1.4.9 Fixed missing status link in email.
1.4.8 Item status updates, URL has been updated, small fixes in processing status update.
1.4.7 Fixed minor issues with zero item ID in model.
1.4.6 Fixed bug with secret code checking when republishing listing (brought in previous update).
Fixed bug with status change.
Optimized functions in model.
1.4.5 Fixed security flaw that allowed anyone to republish listings. Now, item secret code is required to be able to republish listing.
1.4.4 Added meta tags to routes (does not show "Custom" in page title).
1.4.3 Fixed missing parenthesis in republish file
1.4.2 Numerous fixes and updates, mainly for PHP 8.
1.4.1 Notices fixes
1.4.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.3.1 Fixed problem with publishing new listing
1.3.0 Item status change email is not sent anymore when this option is not enabled
1.2.14 Small update for osclass 3.9 and it's mail function
1.2.13 improved compatibility of autocomplete feature
1.2.12 updated product key
1.2.11 initial version
View all products updates

Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 6 reviews

Review by AnuntPlus on 9. Jul 2024

5.0 - Excellent
An easy-to-set-up plugin that helps users!

Congrats to developers by Ales Tomazic on 13. Dec 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Must have plugin for Osclass

excelent by Superservicii Recom Montaj on 16. Jun 2022

5.0 - Excellent
foarte bun

Nice work! by Marc Windey on 15. Jul 2021

5.0 - Excellent
This plugin is fantastic and does what is described. Super easy to set up and manage so highly recommended.

Review by Anthony Marshall on 23. Mar 2021

4.0 - Very good
This plugin does exactly what is described but I only use it to let people "bump" their listings. I would recommend it

Review by Vatsal on 7. Feb 2018

5.0 - Excellent
No comment
Single Domain License
5.0 - Excellent Based on 6 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
Top rated product
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

166 orders
21 updates
Product version: 1.5.4
Last update: 1 year ago
Osclass support: 3.3+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 16. Nov 2017
Folder name: backoffice_manager