Digital Goods Osclass Plugin
Do you have classifieds with files, books, music or any other virtual/digital content? Digital goods plugin for Osclass classified websites is then ri...

Age Warning PRO Plugin
Age warning pop-up/modal box for adults only content is mandatory in many countries, Age Warning PRO Plugin create modal that informs visitors about a...

33.99 €
Authenticate Osclass Plugin
Enable power of social networks to your osclass clasifieds and let users login much faster and easier then ever before. Authenticate! Social login plu...
27.99 €
Tracking Analytics Free Osclass Plugin
Manage your tracking codes from different providers with ease! Tracking Analytics Free Plugin for Osclass classifieds CMS helps you to embed analytics...

Voting Osclass Plugin
Would you like to enhance your classifieds with ability to give rating on listings or users? This extension can handle both. Voting plugin for Osclass...

5000+ views
Google reCaptcha Osclass Plugin (noCaptcha reCaptcha)
Extension brings Google Recaptcha Thickbox (v2) to your Osclass classifieds. This increase security of forms on your website significantly and usually...

5000+ views
Infinite Scroll Osclass Plugin
Infinite Scroll Plugin for Osclass improve user experience and your theme UI and provide more essential way to load new listings on search page. Infin...

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100+ orders
23.99 €
Google Login Osclass Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extre...

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250+ orders
33.99 €
NewCorp Osclass Theme
NewCorp template for Osclass classifieds is easy to use for job seeker / job boards classified websites. This theme is made in eye-catching design as ...

5000+ views
Facebook Instant Login Plugin
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Face...

33.99 €
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Plugin
Do you receive same questions from your customers again and again? Consider creating FAQ page, where you can answer frequently asked questions, save r...
33.99 €
Cookie Consent Osclass Plugin
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD:

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100+ orders
27.99 €