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Cache Osclass Plugin
Cache plugin for Osclass Classifieds generates static html files from your dynamic Osclass website. Basically without plugin when any page is rendered...

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250+ orders
33.99 €
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SMS Notification and Verification Plugin
SMS Notification and Verification Osclass Plugin allows visitors to verify their phone numbers via SMS on their osclass account or listing as well as ...

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100+ orders
33.99 €
Phone Number Login Plugin
Phone Number Login Osclass Plugin enables visitors to login using their phone number together with email. So basically when user does not want to reme...

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100+ orders
19.99 €
Age Warning Osclass Plugin
Extension for osclass warns visitors about adult content being present on the classifieds site. User has 2 options: Click on "I agree" button and brow...

Amazon S3 Osclass Plugin
PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services ins...

MasJob Osclass Theme
MasJob Osclass Theme belongs to family of job seeker or job boards classifieds themes. Template is designed in “corporate” style with cont...

Zeta Osclass Theme
Zeta Osclass Theme is a state-of-the-art, fully responsive template designed specifically for the Classified CMS Osclass. Built on the solid foundatio...

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75+ orders
49.99 €
Yandex Metrica Osclass Plugin
Yandex Metrica Plugin for Osclass enables to use Yandex.Metrica services to measure traffic on your classifieds as well as much more different key per...

1000+ views
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Youtube Video Osclass Plugin
Osclass plugin that allows your visitors to put youtube video directly into listing Video on osclass item Youtube Video is intuitive plugin for osclas...

23.99 €
Login Email Notification Free Plugin
Enhance security of customer accounts by sending email notifications when suspicious login activity has been identified by extension - now FREE of cha...

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10+ orders
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Plugin
Do you receive same questions from your customers again and again? Consider creating FAQ page, where you can answer frequently asked questions, save r...

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100+ orders
33.99 €
Tor Anonymous Communication Osclass Plugin
Tor plugin for Osclass is simply but powerful extension for your classifieds. It’s primary and only functionality is, that visitors coming to yo...
