Osclass plugin that allows admin to search all relevant information about users, linked to user email address. New button/link will be added into backoffice toolbar ("Search email") that leads to search form. You may also directly remove user from there, as well as go to page with all user listings or alerts. Plugin provides following features: If user with ...
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Extension for osclass warns visitors about adult content being present on the classifieds site. User has 2 options: Click on "I agree" button and browser your website Click on "Take me out!" button that takes user to google home page If user clicks on consent button, this choice is stored in session and will be valid until user close browser. Following messa...
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WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admins can use it to create site contact button. WhatsApp Chat Button for Sellers Enhance and fasten communication between buyers and sellers. It is key element for classifieds, to make ability of customers/buyers ...
33.99 €
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber share buttons Social share plugin for osclass generates: Facebook share button WhatsApp share button Viber share button These buttons are placed on item page automatically using hooks s...
17.99 €
Job Application Plugin provides feature that enable advertisers to add job application form on their jobs & services listings. Visitor clicks on “Apply for a job” button on listing page, fill contact details and upload CV, Certificates and other documents required for job. Job Application Manager Jobs Apply Extension adds essential functional...
27.99 €
Age warning pop-up/modal box for adults only content is mandatory in many countries, Age Warning PRO Plugin create modal that informs visitors about adults content and does not allow them to browse content without pressing consent button. Age Warning Modal Plugin simply blocks content of website if previous consent from visitor has not been found in cookies,...
33.99 €
Watchlist extension for Osclass display links on listing page that allows user to add that listing into its watchlist. Only logged in users will be able to use watchlist feature, as watched items are stored only in database. Integration of plugin require to modify theme files to show watchlist button on ad page. Watchlist feature is essential on most of clas...
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NewCorp template for Osclass classifieds is easy to use for job seeker / job boards classified websites. This theme is made in eye-catching design as combination of blue, green, orange and dark gray colors. After using theme for few moments, you will love this appearance. Theme contains “Upload your CV now” button that allows visitors quickly sen...
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Avatar Osclass plugin is great solution for those that require user’s profile picture on their classifieds. Usage of plugin is very simple and modifications required in theme can be handled even by person without Osclass or php knowledge. Nice feature is that user can upload profile picture also while registering. The avatar plugin shows the profile pi...
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Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Facebook account. Facebook Instant Login Plugin use JavaScript SDK instead of legacy PHP SDK and efficiently login user without redirects to Facebook page. Once visitor hit login button, plugin check if users alrea...
33.99 €
Seeker theme for Osclass makes it so easy to create job board classifieds or job seeker classifieds. This theme provides straightforward design to be exactly like seeker website where you can find job opportunities just by few clicks. Layout of Seeker theme is using grayscale and azure color, final result provides solid user experience and is easy to navigat...
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Listing Attributes Plugin for Osclass that enables to quickly add different types of custom fields/attributes on listings in multiple languages. Car attributes, Job attributes, Real-Estate attributes, ... Plugin enables to add 10 different types for fields: Select box - supports up to 8 levels of cascading dropdowns. Ideal for car attributes. Radio buttons -...
33.99 €