Social Bookmarks Osclass Plugin
You know how important is to allow your customers share content of your classifieds on social networks? It may improve SEO, brings more visibility and...
5000+ views
WhatsApp Chat Plugin
WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admi...
31.99 €
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Item Validation Plugin
Osclass plugin Item Validation allows admin to validate all new/edited listing before they will be visible in their classifieds. Item Validation Plugi...
31.99 €
Cookie Consent Osclass Plugin
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD:
Best seller!
75+ orders
25.99 €
Item Password Osclass Plugin
Let customers define their password to manage listing on Osclass Classifieds CMS. Using this password, listing can be easily updated or removed withou...
Ad Block Detector Plugin
Ads blocking browser extensions are commonly used to block unwanted or anoying advertisement on websites. One of most popular is Adblock Plugin. These...
Best seller!
25+ orders
35.99 €
Two-factor Authentication Plugin
Enhance security of your classifieds and provide two-factor authentication option to your customers. Security should always be priority #1, this plugi...
21.99 €
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Online Chat Plugin
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly...
31.99 €
DocsBase Free Documentation Theme
Free documentation theme for Osclass classifieds CMS. First and only theme for simple but ultimate docs creation built on Osclass CMS – create d...
Zeta Osclass Theme
Zeta Osclass Theme is a state-of-the-art, fully responsive template designed specifically for the Classified CMS Osclass. Built on the solid foundatio...
47.99 €
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Virtual Products Plugin
Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download ...
25.99 €
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Plugin
Do you receive same questions from your customers again and again? Consider creating FAQ page, where you can answer frequently asked questions, save r...
31.99 €