Smart deals
User Rating Plugin
Osclass plugin that enables your users to rate buyers / sellers and leave feedback, registered and non-registered users as well. Rating functionality ...

27.99 €
Smart deals
Veronika Osclass Theme
Easy and flat responsive osclass theme for any device with unique design and powerful functions. Veronika theme has unique design and functionality, t...
41.99 €
Email Template Osclass Plugin
Convert your emails sent by osclass into uniform and beautiful HTML form with Email Template Osclass Plugin in minute. Osclass Email Templates Plugin ...
27.99 €
Smart deals
Alpha Osclass Theme
Alpha Osclass Theme is very intuitive and first theme from our new theme line. It's build completely from scratch that guarantee extremely fast loadin...

Best seller!
200+ orders
41.99 €
QR Code Osclass Plugin
Simple and useful extension of Osclass that generate and display QR code with the URL of listing. When listing has QR code on its page, it is very eas...

2500+ views
Exclusive All Products Package
Become a premium member of Osclass with ultimate access to all premium products and support. You gain unlimited access to every plugin and theme avail...

5000+ views
719.99 €
Sofia Osclass Theme
Very simple and easy theme that match to any kind of classifieds, especially for car selling. Provides unique design and fast load that defines good t...

Amazon S3 Osclass Plugin
PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services ins...

2500+ views
Smart deals
Gamma Osclass Theme
Intuitive and user friendly premium osclass theme that provides unique look, deep integration with numerous osclass plugins and easy to use design. Yo...

Best seller!
250+ orders
45.99 €
Custom Functions and Integration Plugin
The Custom Functions Plugin is a utility tool designed to provide developers and site administrators with a secure and update-resistant way to integra...

Phone Number Login Plugin
Phone Number Login Osclass Plugin enables visitors to login using their phone number together with email. So basically when user does not want to reme...

Best seller!
100+ orders
19.99 €
Smart deals
Online Chat Plugin
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly...

33.99 €