Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Phone Number Login Plugin

19 .99€
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  • Reviews 2
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Phone Number Login Osclass Plugin enables visitors to login using their phone number together with email. So basically when user does not want to remember email but only phone number, this can be used to login.

Osclass Plugin - Phone Number Login

Plugin is very simple and provides following functionality:

  • Phone number login - when enabled, standard login functionality is replaced with plugin's one that also allow to use phone number for login instead of email
  • Phone number verification - when new user register on osclass and enter phone number, plugin will check if this phone number was not already used
  • Phone number field - add input to registration page where user can put own phone number directly when registering


Product features and functionality

Basic documentation included
Add front office functionality
Use hooks for theme integration
No dependency on 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 10 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (538 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 22 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

1.1.8 When enabled advanced phone check (constant in index.php), plugin will not use advanced functions to identify user by phone number when login. Now, when user use 0915xxxyyy to login and in database this user has phone +421915xxxyyy, it will still identify this user by matching xxxyyy.
1.1.7 Improvements to identify phone duplicate.
1.1.6 Added new advanced features to identify usage of phone number by other user at time of registration - this method is much more effective.
1.1.5 Phone number verification (uniqueness) fix in backoffice - when editing user.
1.1.4 Fixed bug that redirected admin from backoffice into front office when there was problem with phone number. Now admin will stay in backoffice and is redirected to user profile page.
1.1.3 Plugin now checks for uniqueness of phone number in both fields - mobile phone & land phone.
Plugin now checks checks both phone numbers in user profile - mobile phone & land phone.
1.1.2 Plugin is now checking for phone number uniqueness in user account profile edit as well
1.1.1 Fixed several error notices in functions
1.1.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.0.0 Initial plugin release
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Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 2 reviews

simple and important by safwan khazraji on 29. Nov 2021

5.0 - Excellent
Simple and easy to use my suggestion to developers is to remove the email field when installing this plugin where the mandatory field becomes registration by phone number

Able to login, but no country codes by wilson kenyaman on 4. May 2020

5.0 - Excellent
I uploaded the plugin and can now login with a phone number but there's no drop down for country code as in the demo. What am I missing?
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks so much for your feedback, phone number login does not generate any drop down as it modifies backend of osclass mainly. One you might seen on demo belongs to SMS Verification plugin.
Single Domain License
5.0 - Excellent Based on 2 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
Top rated product
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

141 orders
10 updates
Product version: 1.1.8
Last update: 2 months ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 3. Dec 2018
Folder name: phone_login
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