The Custom Functions Plugin is a utility tool designed to provide developers and site administrators with a secure and update-resistant way to integrate custom PHP functions, hooks, filters, or any additional code into their Osclass installation. This plugin does not include any predefined functionality out of the box. Instead, it serves as a framework for m...
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Demo theme addon for osclass ehance your classifieds with feature to change front office theme on the fly. Plugin is not suitable for standard production classifieds website, it is targeted more-less to theme developers. Instead of creating 1 osclass installation for every theme, plugin enable to use just 1 installation and let customers switch to theme they...
Free download
Ultimate urban style osclass theme Stela with parallax scrolling, responsive design and great functionalities fits to any kind of classifieds. No matter of device (mobile, tablet or desktop), theme looks perfectly. Theme features quick installation parallax scrolling mobile ready, responsive live ajax search that enables to search listings without page reloa...
41.99 €
LOPD Osclass Plugin makes your classifieds compliant with Spanish law regulation (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal). User will be required to consent your terms and conditions on registration page. Extension is easy to install and does not require theme modifications. Details of LOPD are shown in popup when user c...
Free download
Simple plugin that enables your users to get automatically logged into SMF-powered forums website, when they login to your Osclass. SMF API Bridge SMF Bridge that allows to seamlessly connect your SMF script on top of Osclass insatallation. Requirements: SMF is installed in subfolder of Osclass installation (ie /forums) SMF is installed in same database as O...
Free download
OsclassPoint Updater Plugin for osclass enables to update or download plugins and themes bought on Osclass Point Marketplace directly from backoffice (oc-admin). Updates are easy Updater plugin has 4 basic functions: update plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download and install plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download plugin or theme to...
Free download
Cookie Language extension for Osclass includes simple functionality to store user selected language/locale into cookies. This means next time user comes back to your site and has changed locale to different than default one, its locale will be automatically changed to latest selected. Plugin has no configuration and is easy to use, you just install this addo...
Free download
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on order/cart or extra credits via voucher? If yes, Osclass Voucher & Discount Plugin is right for you! Require Osclass Pay Plugin v1.8.0 or higher to be installed. Discounts, vouchers and credits for osclass Vouc...
27.99 €
Print PDF extension for Osclass enable customers to download PDF card for their listings. Plugin generates PDF for each ad based on information provided. Plugin is great for those that want to provide their customers way to have listings data offline and be printed in friendly way. Printed PDF can be used also as leaflet. Addon use TCPDF library on the backg...
Free download
Developing iOS or Android App and you need effective way to get data out of osclass into your app and backwards? Rest API Plugin for Osclass can handle more than 60 operations! Rest API for Osclass - Develop your Mobile App Osclass API can be useful in many different cases, where most important are: mobile applications (iOS, Android) exporting data to differ...
26.99 €
53.99 €
Enable power of social networks to your osclass clasifieds and let users login much faster and easier then ever before. Authenticate! Social login plugin for osclass Osclass plugin that enable visitors to login in and authenticate using their social account. There are plenty login providers available in plugin: Facebook Google Twitter Paypal LinkedIn Yahoo I...
27.99 €
Become a premium member of Osclass with ultimate access to all premium products and support. You gain unlimited access to every plugin and theme available on OsclassPoint, providing a comprehensive toolkit to enhance functionality, improve user experience, and boost your site’s performance. Use your classified ad software Osclass on 100%! Key Benefits ...
549.99 €