OsclassPoint Updater Plugin for osclass enables to update or download plugins and themes bought on Osclass Point Marketplace directly from backoffice (oc-admin). Updates are easy Updater plugin has 4 basic functions: update plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download and install plugin or theme automatically from oc-admin download plugin or theme to...
Free download
Checkout also Track Analytics PRO Plugin Google analytics is essential tool when talking about website usage and stats tracking Plugin provides ability to enter analytics tracking code into your Osclass pages without need to modify theme files. Only option in plugin is to enter tracking ID so usage and setup is very simple and quick. What is Google analytics...
Free download
PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services instead of your hosting. You will get following benefits using Amazon cloud: No need to have a lot of space on custom server, as content is stored at cloud Better accessibility of your pictures, that means better ...
Free download
Enhance the professionalism of your website by removing mandatory footer links added by OsclassPoint's free products. Remove backlink service While our free themes and plugins may include a backlink to our site, this product allows you to remove the link and maintain a clean, branded website footer. Perfect for businesses and individuals who want full contro...
15.99 €
Reduce your server cost and increase scalability with S3 Image Cloud Storage Plugin! Would you like to optimize images on your classifieds and use image format of 21st century? WebP Generator Plugin for Osclass classifieds helps you to optimize size of your images, improve loading speed of your site for customers and defacto improves user experience. WebP Im...
39.99 €
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extremely quick and increase conversions of registration on your Osclass classifieds website. Login with Google account Plugin is very simple to use and provide following functionality: Registration - for first time...
33.99 €
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google Login Plugin Google OneTap Login Plugin helps to get more users registrations for your classifieds. It makes login process much easier and more convenient. Users with google account can simply sign-in or register just with 1 click. Login experience is great on mobile as well as on desktop. Google algorithm preven...
33.99 €
We recommend to use Banner Ads Plugin instead, that is connected to other plugins, provides modern solution for advertisement management and is updated more frequently. Monetize your website with Ads Manager! Now you can create any banner very easily, modify it from plugin settings, follow it's status, views, clicks and send results to your sponsor. Advertis...
27.19 €
33.99 €
We strongly recommend to use OpenStreetMaps Plugin instead, if you does not have specific business need to use Radius Search Plugin or Google Maps API. Reason for this recommendation is, that Google API is paid. Osclass plugin that allows you to extend osclass search to search also in distance/radius of city or location, show map with latest listings, map wi...
33.99 €
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD: https://osclasspoint.com/osclass-plugins/extra-fields-and-other/cookies-consent-pro-plugin-i186 Cookie Consent Plugin for Osclass helps your visitors to manage cookie policy on your site. Based on GDPR, it is required to ask visitor to consent with your cookie po...
27.99 €
Become a premium member of Osclass with ultimate access to all premium products and support. You gain unlimited access to every plugin and theme available on OsclassPoint, providing a comprehensive toolkit to enhance functionality, improve user experience, and boost your site’s performance. Use your classified ad software Osclass on 100%! Key Benefits ...
549.99 €
Warning: Facebook Graph PHP SDK does not support PHP 8 yet! Check Facebook JavaScript Login plugin for PHP 8+ support Increase conversion of user registration with osclass facebook login plugin! It's never been easier to bring new users to your classifieds. Facebook login for osclass Osclass plugin that enable facebook users to register on your classifieds w...
33.99 €