Account Synchronization Osclass Free Plugin
Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds,...

User Custom Fields PRO Plugin
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize...

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31.99 €
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CDN Osclass Plugin
CDN - Content Delivery Network is powerful tool to deliver static content to visitors much faster. Problem with worldwide (global) websites is that vi...
27.99 €
Posted Ago Plugin
Simple plugin to update posted and modified date of listing and change them from standard "date" format into format telling how much time passed from ...

2500+ views
Push Notifications Osclass Plugin
Web and Mobile Push Notifications are great way to engage your visitors and be able to stay in touch with them. Push Notifications Plugin use great On...
23.99 €
Modern Osclass Theme
Modern theme for Osclass has been “king of the themes” for this script for several years, it was standardly delivered theme with every Osc...

Bitcoin Price Osclass Plugin
Plugin enhance your classifieds and prices on your site recalculate to bitcoins and show it next to price in original currency. At install, plugin wil...

2500+ views
Auto-Renewal Plugin
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (compan...

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50+ orders
23.99 €
Demo Theme Osclass Plugin
Demo theme addon for osclass ehance your classifieds with feature to change front office theme on the fly. Plugin is not suitable for standard product...

CSS and JS Minify Free Plugin
Note: If you are using Osclass 8.0 or higher (actually 4.3+), there is no reason to install this plugin, as minification and optimization features are...

10000+ views
History Logger Osclass Plugin
Plugin store information about listings and users, even these are changed or removed by their owners in order to preserve historical data. Basic stats...

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50+ orders
33.99 €
Custom Functions and Integration Plugin
The Custom Functions Plugin is a utility tool designed to provide developers and site administrators with a secure and update-resistant way to integra...
