Avatar Osclass Plugin
Avatar Osclass plugin is great solution for those that require user’s profile picture on their classifieds. Usage of plugin is very simple and m...

Image Required Plugin
Osclass Image Required Plugin enables to set image as required field and set also minimum count of images that needs to be uploaded when publishing ne...

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100+ orders
19.99 €
User Custom Fields PRO Plugin
User Custom Fields Plugin for classified ads script Osclass enrich user profile with extra inputs to collect more details about customers. Personalize...

2500+ views
31.99 €
Amazon S3 Osclass Plugin
PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services ins...

2500+ views
Facebook Login Osclass Plugin
Warning: Facebook Graph PHP SDK does not support PHP 8 yet! Check Facebook JavaScript Login plugin for PHP 8+ support Increase conversion of user regi...

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100+ orders
33.99 €
Authenticate Osclass Plugin
Enable power of social networks to your osclass clasifieds and let users login much faster and easier then ever before. Authenticate! Social login plu...

27.99 €
Google Login Osclass Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extre...
33.99 €
Email Reminder Osclass Plugin
Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features. Engage your custo...

Best seller!
75+ orders
21.99 €
Google OneTap Login Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google Login Plugin Google OneTap Login Plugin helps to get more users registrations for your classifieds. It m...

Best seller!
75+ orders
33.99 €
Facebook Instant Login Plugin
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Face...

33.99 €
Followers Osclass Plugin
Follow users on osclass classifieds website using Followers Plugin for Osclass. This extension helps you to have better user experience on your classi...

33.99 €
WebP Images Generator Plugin
Reduce your server cost and increase scalability with S3 Image Cloud Storage Plugin! Would you like to optimize images on your classifieds and use ima...

39.99 €