Google Login Osclass Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extre...
33.99 €
WebP Images Generator Plugin
Reduce your server cost and increase scalability with S3 Image Cloud Storage Plugin! Would you like to optimize images on your classifieds and use ima...

Best seller!
100+ orders
39.99 €
Facebook Login Osclass Plugin
Warning: Facebook Graph PHP SDK does not support PHP 8 yet! Check Facebook JavaScript Login plugin for PHP 8+ support Increase conversion of user regi...
33.99 €
Smart deals
Radius Search Plugin
We strongly recommend to use OpenStreetMaps Plugin instead, if you does not have specific business need to use Radius Search Plugin or Google Maps API...
33.99 €
Cookie Consent Osclass Plugin
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD:

27.99 €
Google OneTap Login Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google Login Plugin Google OneTap Login Plugin helps to get more users registrations for your classifieds. It m...

33.99 €
Advertisement Manager Plugin
We recommend to use Banner Ads Plugin instead, that is connected to other plugins, provides modern solution for advertisement management and is update...

33.99 €
27.19 €
Omega Free Oc-Admin Osclass Theme
Latest version of theme can always be found in latest osclass version First and only one free oc-admin backoffice theme for osclass brings fresh new l...

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5+ orders
Sigma Osclass Theme
Latest version of theme can always be found in latest osclass version New fresh and intuitive default theme for osclass. Theme is delivered in osclass...

20000+ views
CSS and JS Minify Free Plugin
Note: If you are using Osclass 8.0 or higher (actually 4.3+), there is no reason to install this plugin, as minification and optimization features are...
Amazon S3 Osclass Plugin
PRO Plugin Version: S3 Cloud Storage Plugin Free plugin for osclass with functionality to store listing’s images at Amazon S3 cloud services ins...

2500+ views
Rich Edit Osclass Plugin
Warning: Obsolete plugin! Osclass itself provides better and more modern options for enhanced editing in User/Listing Settings > TinyMCE Rich edit ...
