Osclass GDPR Plugin
Prepare your osclass for upcoming EU data regulation - General Data Protection Regulation, that will take effectivity from 25. May 2018. The GDPR - Ge...

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25.99 €
Newsletter Osclass Plugin
Newsletter Plugin for osclass is brilliant tool to stay in touch with your customers. It allows to send email to all existing users in few seconds. Ne...

21.99 €
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Osclass Blog and News Plugin
Create responsive mobile friendly blog or news section on your osclass in minute. Osclass Blog Plugin enables to create articles on blog, new users - ...

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350+ orders
31.99 €
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Virtual Products Plugin
Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download ...

25.99 €
Email Template Osclass Plugin
Convert your emails sent by osclass into uniform and beautiful HTML form with Email Template Osclass Plugin in minute. Osclass Email Templates Plugin ...

25.99 €
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Invisible Recaptcha Plugin
Protect your forms against spammers and bots with simple and intuitive plugin - Google Invisible ReCaptcha Osclass Plugin. No more tasks to your clien...
21.99 €
Hooks Manager Plugin
Hooks Manager Plugin for Osclass enables site admin to fully manage functions added to hook. By default it is not possible to order or disable particu...

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100+ orders
21.99 €
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Attributes Osclass Plugin
Listing Attributes Plugin for Osclass that enables to quickly add different types of custom fields/attributes on listings in multiple languages. Car a...

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350+ orders
31.99 €
Welcome Box Osclass Plugin
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome bo...
17.99 €
Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin
Give friendly look to your osclass once new listing is published with this osclass plugin. By default just flash message is shown, using this plugin y...

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100+ orders
21.99 €
Facebook Login Osclass Plugin
Warning: Facebook Graph PHP SDK does not support PHP 8 yet! Check Facebook JavaScript Login plugin for PHP 8+ support Increase conversion of user regi...
31.99 €
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Social Share Osclass Plugin
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. F...

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100+ orders
15.99 €