WhatsApp Chat Plugin
WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admi...

33.99 €
Flash News Osclass Plugin
Inform your customers about latest news on your classifieds quickly and efficiently via top running news bar, that is quite common to be used as place...

21.99 €
Smart deals
Invoice Osclass Plugin
Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass!...
33.99 €
Smart deals
Attributes Osclass Plugin
Listing Attributes Plugin for Osclass that enables to quickly add different types of custom fields/attributes on listings in multiple languages. Car a...
33.99 €
Facebook Instant Login Plugin
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Face...

33.99 €
Smart deals
Stela Osclass Theme
Ultimate urban style osclass theme Stela with parallax scrolling, responsive design and great functionalities fits to any kind of classifieds. No matt...
41.99 €
Saved Items Plugin
Saved Items Plugin enahnce your classifieds with new feature that allows visitors to save their favorite items for later. Plugin works for both logged...

Best seller!
10+ orders
23.99 €
NewCorp Osclass Theme
NewCorp template for Osclass classifieds is easy to use for job seeker / job boards classified websites. This theme is made in eye-catching design as ...

Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin
Give friendly look to your osclass once new listing is published with this osclass plugin. By default just flash message is shown, using this plugin y...

Best seller!
100+ orders
23.99 €
QR Code Osclass Plugin
Simple and useful extension of Osclass that generate and display QR code with the URL of listing. When listing has QR code on its page, it is very eas...

2500+ views
RealEstate Osclass Theme
Real Estates Osclass theme, as its name says, is targeted for real estate classifieds. All functions and design for this Osclass template has been cus...

5000+ views
Tracking Analytics Free Osclass Plugin
Manage your tracking codes from different providers with ease! Tracking Analytics Free Plugin for Osclass classifieds CMS helps you to embed analytics...
