Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Invoice Osclass Plugin

33 .99€
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Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass!  

Invoices for osclass has never been simpler

Invoice plugin enable to create invoice in virtual (database) format as well as generate PDF and send it to your client. These are features of plugin:

Connect to payment plugin

You can create connection between invoice plugin and 3 most used payment plugins for osclass and automatically generate invoices when payment is made. This means that you don't have to care about anything regarding invoices:

  • when payment is made, plugin create invoice based on log from payment
  • invoice is created and stored in database - for possible later updates or adjustments
  • PDF for this invoice is created and stored on your file system with unique name
  • PDF is sent to client, where header and other fields are completed by your default settings of plugin (Business name, terms & conditions, invoice notes, ...)

Restrict automatical generation of invoices by various conditions

Admin can select for what kind of users is invoice automatically generated when payment is completed in pay plugin.

There are 5 different options admin can select:

New option added for admins, to select when invoice is automatically generated based on payment from pay plugin:

  • only to company (business) user
  • only users with VAT number filled
  • only users with VAT number & Invoice header filled
  • only users with Invoice header filled
  • only users with business profile verified by admin

Wide payment plugin support

Invoice plugin may be connected to multiple payment plugins at once and do the invoicing job for you. At the end of month you just collect invoices and send it to your accountant. Currently supported osclass payment plugins are:

Isn't your payment plugin listed there? Do not hesitate and contact us to quote integration!

Email invoice directly from plugin

You've created invoice and it's ready? No need to open your email client, just put client email or search for user in osclass registered users list and mail invoice with just one click.

Invoice items

Plugin allows to add up to 100 entries per invoice, you can simply add to invoice any entry you like, special discounts, products or actions you have right now on your site if applicable.

User billing data

User can define it's VAT number as well as billing header, in case there are different information required to be on invoice.

Discounts, extra fees, shipping, VAT (tax)

You may easily add discounts, extra fees i.e. for payment gateway, shipping of product or value added tax (VAT) to your invoice.

Other plugin features

  • setup default invoice currency
  • list of all invoices with cancel and remove buttons
  • create custom invoice not related to any payment plugin


Product features and functionality

RTL ready (Arabic, Hebrew, ...)
Basic documentation included
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Simple installation
Coding skills NOT required
Theme modifications NOT required
Use hooks for theme integration
Recommended for advanced osclass users
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 30 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (536 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

1.7.9 Plugin now supports custom invoice logo that can be uploaded to plugin folder /img with name logo.png or logo.jpg.
1.7.8 New option added for admins, to select when invoice is automatically generated based on payment from pay plugin:
- only to company (business) user
- only users with VAT number filled
- only users with VAT number & Invoice header filled
- only users with Invoice header filled
- only users verified by admin
1.7.6 Fixed bug that could generate invoice also for payments those are not eligible for invoicing.
1.7.5 Fixed number_format function bug on PHP 8.
1.7.4 Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore).
To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
1.7.3 Improved site logo identification function.
Curl used in plugin now use "insecure" mode to avoid SSL certificates issues.
1.7.2 Added option to change date format used on invoice.
1.7.1 Fixed mail template issue that, template was not created well on sites with more than one locale.
In order to solve issue, it is recommended to manually remove email template inv_mail_invoice from t_pages (and t_pages_description) and then reinstall plugin.
1.7.0 Added notification into invoices list that inform customer to request invoice from eCommerce solution of Osclass Pay from seller directly.
Added placeholder to invoice header text area in user billing profile.
Removed old redundant styles and fonts.
1.6.2 XSS vulnerability fixed
1.6.1 Notices fix when creating new invoice
1.6.0 Major update - User billing profile enriched by local VAT number & shipping address.
User billing profile may require admin approval before they are used on invoice.
Added billing profiles section into admin.
Admin can now edit billing profile.
Admin can now approve/reject billing profile.
Created search section in billing profile admin page.
Created search section in invoices list admin page.
Added edit button in invoices admin page.
1.5.0 Major update: TCPDF library updated to latest version, fixed several error notices
1.4.0 Major update: User can define VAT number as well as billing header, invoices in user profile are now shown as table, instead of grid
1.3.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.2.5 User invoices are now sorted in descending order
1.2.4 Minor issue fixed when creating new invoice, now plugin auto-complete terms & notes from default
1.2.3 Several updates to support Osclass 3.9
1.2.1 Removed problem with Osclass Pay Payment Plugin and reference codes on user registration page.
1.2.0 Major fix on number format issue in database. It's recommended to change all fields of FLOAT type in database to DECIMAL(20,10) for invoice plugin tables, or reinstall plugin completely
1.1.4 Fixed bug with decimals
1.1.3 fixing previous issues with input formatting
1.1.2 Changed float number types into decimal to support large numbers. To apply change you must reinstall plugin.
1.1.1 Fixed problems with number formatting from previous version
1.1.0 Added rich price formatting option to plugin.
1.0.4 Fixed design issue in oc-admin, removed sample .pdf invoices
1.0.3 Admin can now remove electronical stamp and use osclass invoice plugin without e-signatures
1.0.2 Plugin has now functionality to generate report (CSV) based on existing invoices
1.0.1 Added PDF fonts, fixed invoice re-open, added virtual stamp/signature, added invoice order number
1.0.0 Initial plugin release
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Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 3 reviews

Very good plugin by FIRU DORIN on 31. May 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Very good plugin

Very good plugin by salint on 23. May 2022

5.0 - Excellent
I confirm the usefulness of this plugin. Thanks to it, you can, on request or immediately after issuing the invoice, send it to the recipient and it will be automatically placed in the user's profile. It will be useful for everyone who confirms payments with invoices. Help in case of problems is very fast. I recommend the purchase.

Invoice Osclass Plugin feedback by DKoehne on 1. Oct 2021

5.0 - Excellent
The plugin does save site owners time. It will send an invoice to the purchaser and it allows a report to be executed by date range so you can see transactions by that date range. It's helpful to the customer, the accountant and the administrator.

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5.0 - Excellent Based on 3 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
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Top rated product
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

168 orders
30 updates
Product version: 1.7.9
Last update: 2 months ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 6. Oct 2018
Folder name: invoice