Infinite Scroll Plugin for Osclass improve user experience and your theme UI and provide more essential way to load new listings on search page. Infinite scrolling - no pagination Scroll plugin replace standard pagination on search page and load new items using ajax each time visitor hits bottom of search page. automatically load items when user reaching bot...
23.99 €
Are you international classifieds and need to show prices in multiple currencies? Check now Exchange Rates Osclas Plugin plugin that will handle these easily. MultiCurrency Plugin Plugin enables to show price in all currencies activated in your osclass. Let's say user publish listing in USD, however you have also customers from Europe (eur) and Japan (yen) -...
31.99 €
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber share buttons Social share plugin for osclass generates: Facebook share button WhatsApp share button Viber share button These buttons are placed on item page automatically using hooks s...
17.99 €
You know how important is to allow your customers share content of your classifieds on social networks? It may improve SEO, brings more visibility and traffic to your site. Social bookmarks plugin for Osclass is simple extension that generates social bookmarks for following networks: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Google Plus (deprecated) Bookmark to social netw...
Free download
Premium osclass responsive theme for free with smart functions to bring best experience to users. Tatiana Free Osclass Responsive Premium theme belongs to one that defined standards with osclass themes, brought ton of new functions that are not available in other themes and provided eye-catching design that will be remembered by every user. Smart location se...
Free download
Generate beautiful templates for your osclass classifieds easily and quickly with Osclass Invoice Plugin. This is only invoicing solution for osclass! Invoices for osclass has never been simpler Invoice plugin enable to create invoice in virtual (database) format as well as generate PDF and send it to your client. These are features of plugin: Connect to pay...
33.99 €
Create functionality to identify how many other users are checking particular listing. This information is then shown on listing page to make items more attractive and tries to push buyers to contact seller as listing looks "wanted". XY people viewed this listing recently. Plugin calculate number of users based on their IP address those has opened listing pa...
23.99 €
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly! New: Plugin has been completely redesigned! Offline chat is now supported! Chat functionality Real-time chat of customers with buyers and sellers Offline chat supported No third-party service No montly fees N...
33.99 €
Osclass plugin Item Validation allows admin to validate all new/edited listing before they will be visible in their classifieds. Item Validation Plugin allows admins to control listings added or edited by users. When new listing is published, it will not be visible in front-office (to other people) until listing is validated by admin. Item validation setting...
33.99 €
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extremely quick and increase conversions of registration on your Osclass classifieds website. Login with Google account Plugin is very simple to use and provide following functionality: Registration - for first time...
33.99 €
Job Application Plugin provides feature that enable advertisers to add job application form on their jobs & services listings. Visitor clicks on “Apply for a job” button on listing page, fill contact details and upload CV, Certificates and other documents required for job. Job Application Manager Jobs Apply Extension adds essential functional...
27.99 €
Sitemap is essential part not just for classifieds, but for any website that wants to be visible in search engines. Sitemap generator plugin generates sitemap.xml file in root folder with links to essential content of your classifieds: Listings Categories Countries Regions Cities Once sitemap file is created, it is sent (pinged) to most popular search engine...
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