Simple plugin that helps to mask your URLs and do not expose your site is running on Osclass classifieds script. Obfuscate Osclass Folders and Links URL Masking Plugin contains functions to update all URLs for styles, javascript and images, those may be hard to update to target new directory. Besides that, plugin contains detail guide how to change oc-conten...
23.99 €
Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds, another one for Real Estate marketplace etc., it is great benefit, if user register on one site, account is created also on another sites. Synchronize user data across different Osclass installations Power of ...
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One of most powerful osclass themes with rich backoffice settings and unique design for any kind of classifieds. Zara Full Responsive Osclass theme is revolutionary theme for osclass that brings much more user friendly design not only on desktop devices, but also on mobile phones & tablets. Currently there does not exist theme that would provide better f...
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Avatar Osclass plugin is great solution for those that require user’s profile picture on their classifieds. Usage of plugin is very simple and modifications required in theme can be handled even by person without Osclass or php knowledge. Nice feature is that user can upload profile picture also while registering. The avatar plugin shows the profile pi...
Free download
Looking for more listing management options or to have better control over what is being published on your classifieds and how? Better content control for classifieds More Edit Plugin for Osclass brings better moderation control of your ads. It has many powerful features that helps you to keep ads content under control: Moderate all ads This functionality ho...
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Zeta Osclass Theme is a state-of-the-art, fully responsive template designed specifically for the Classified CMS Osclass. Built on the solid foundations of the Epsilon Theme, Zeta offers advanced features, a modern and clean design, and unparalleled customization options, making it the ultimate choice for creating a professional and engaging classifieds or m...
49.99 €
Yandex Metrica Plugin for Osclass enables to use Yandex.Metrica services to measure traffic on your classifieds as well as much more different key performance indicators (KPI). Yandex.Metrica API is handy alternative to google analytics services and is especially popular in Russia region, mainly due to native support and all documents being in Russian langua...
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Twitter theme for Osclass is built on Twitter Bootstrap v1.4 and provides very clean and effective layout for classifieds. Theme contains top navigation menu that makes navigation between categories really simple and intuitive. Color scheme used in theme are gray (grayscale) and blue and makes it very universal for different kind of classifieds, especially c...
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Ultimate Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car and Real-Estate Classifieds, to bring highly customizable vehicle related attributes & properties, but not just that…! Plugin can easily handle also Dating, Pets, Antiques, Products or Jobs attributes. Advanced search box with a...
39.99 €
Osclass plugin Item Validation allows admin to validate all new/edited listing before they will be visible in their classifieds. Item Validation Plugin allows admins to control listings added or edited by users. When new listing is published, it will not be visible in front-office (to other people) until listing is validated by admin. Item validation setting...
33.99 €
Manage your tracking codes from different providers with ease! Tracking Analytics Free Plugin for Osclass classifieds CMS helps you to embed analytics/metrics services code into your head tags to start measuring visitors and their conversions on your marketplace. Google Analytics, Yandex Metrika, HotJar, Piwik Pro - all on one place Tracking extension helps ...
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OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you want to pay to Google for using google maps? We neither, as google recently introduced billing plan for using google map services and ended up free services. To use google api now you have to put your credit card...
33.99 €