Is it time to earn money with your classifieds! Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions. New: payment gatew...
43.99 €
Osclass plugin that enables your users to rate buyers / sellers and leave feedback, registered and non-registered users as well. Rating functionality Each user can get rank based on average rating, rating count and days from registration. Admin can specify these levels. There are 4 types of rank: Superhero Captain Conqueror Novice Each rating consist of over...
27.99 €
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, inactive and spammy users, comments and listings deletion, Advanced Status Manager and much more! republish functions status manager listings related users related feedback Republish - renewal item function List...
33.99 €
CDN - Content Delivery Network is powerful tool to deliver static content to visitors much faster. Problem with worldwide (global) websites is that visitors that resides far from your server (hosting) will experience much slower website speed than visitors close to your server. By delivering static content (images, stylesheets, javascript) through CDN serice...
27.99 €
Price Tag Plugin let users to choose specific price tag related to their listings. Admin has full control over price tag images and can upload up to 12 different price tag images. Tag your Listing Alternative usage is to simply upload custom sticker images or tags for different purpose, it may be like "for sale" or "for rent only", alternatively there could ...
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You know how important emails in classifieds business are, if you have problems with mail delivery delay, limitation of your server, mails are not being received or going directly to spam folder, give a try to Mailgun. Mailgun Osclass Plugin enables you to use Mailgun mailing services instead of your local mail server to deliver emails from your Osclass. It ...
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