Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Osclass Pay Payment Plugin

43 .99€
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  • Reviews 30
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Is it time to earn money with your classifieds!

Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions.

New: payment gateway Makecommerce.net integrated

Ultimate Payment Solution for Classifieds Platforms

  • Item promotions: Publish fee, Image fee, Make Premium, Highlight, Move to Top, Republish (renew)
  • User wallet: Credit packs, benefits for registration and sharing, affliate program (referrals)
  • User groups: Create user groups and hierarchy, special benefits for members, subscriptions, restricted categories, free limits for group users
  • Payment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe, Skrill, Instamojo, PayUMoney, CCAvenue, PagSeguro, Bank Transfer and much more!
  • As only payment plugin for osclass we bring you Stripe payments with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Osclass Pay works with plenty of payment gateways. Following payment solutions are supported:

  • Bank transfer
  • PayPal
  • Stripe (SCA - Strong Customer Authentication)
  • Skrill
  • Authorize.net
  • Blockchain
  • Braintree
  • 2Checkout
  • PagSeguro
  • PayUMoney
  • Instamojo
  • CCAvenue
  • Paystack
  • WeAccept.co
  • EuPlatesc.ro
  • Przelewy24.pl
  • Komfortkasse.eu
  • YooKassa / YooMoney (originally Yandex Money)
  • Pays.cz
  • Cardinity.com
  • Payhere.lk
  • BeGateway.com (bepaid.by)
  • SecurionPay.com
  • Express-Pay.by (detached extension of Osclass Pay plugin, can be downloaded on github, managed by ExpressPay team)
  • MakeCommerce (by Maksekeskus)

If you need payment solution not listed above, contact us for price of integration your payment gateway.

Listings promotion features

There are 6 different ways of item promotions that users can pay for.

Mark as Premium 

Allows to mark listing as premium and show listing in special blocks for premium listings, make them more visible in search or get special label of premium listing (depend on theme).

Pay per Publish

In order to show listing to all users, it is required to pay Publish fee. When fee is not paid, item is not visible.

For membership group users, it's possible to define free limits for active listings.


Allows to highlight listings and make them more visible and attractive to other people. Plugin allows to setup background color for highlighted items (boxes in search) and define own css style for highlighted items.

Pay to Show Images

Charge your customers for showing pictures on your listings. It is well known that some categories simply require to post image, like when selling car, this function enables to hide images of listing until image fee is paid. Note that customer can upload pictures without any problem, those are just not shown and item behave like without pictures.

Move to Top

Enable customer to move listing to top of search. This functionality helps to fight with duplicate listings, instead of publishing copy of existing ad, customer can renew/move to top listing for fee.

Republish / Renew Listing

Allows to setup republish period and repeats of listing. When ad is republished, it behaves like newly published listing. Customer can set duration and repeat of republish. When republish fee is paid, listing is republished immediately and then after selected period multiple times.

Custom settings

Each promotion allows to setup different price per category, disable promotion in particular categories and setup uplift/adjustment of price per country and region. As example you can setup Publish fee to be $2 in For Sale category, disable Publish fee in Vehicles category, increase price by 100% (to $4) in region California and reduce price by 50% (to $1) in region Alabama.

For promotions Mark as Premium, Highlight item and Republish it is possible to setup also different duration and set different prices for them for each category. As example, you can setup Mark as Premium to be possible to purchase premium duration for 12 hours for $2, 1 day for $3.5 and 1 week for $5. Then in Republish promotion you can enable republish after 1 day and republish after 1 week only. It means settings are independent for each promotion.

For promotions Republish/Renew listing you can setup also allowed repeats, so user can purchase i.e. 3 repeats or 10 repeats with duration of 3 days. This means listing will be republished for 10 times each after 3 days. It is possible to setup also repeating discount for republish so it is better deal to get more repeats.

How to promote item

Listings can be promoted in different ways.

Admin can promote listing from oc-admin as well as from front, as promotion options are visible to admin and site admin can "Pay as admin".

Non-logged in user can promote listing on publish page, when some promotions has been selected or there are some required promotions (Publish fee, Show image fee), user is redirected to item promotion page right after listing is published.

Logged in user has same option as non-logged user, but can promote listing also from User Account > Promotion section. Multiple products can be placed into cart (promotions for different items, credit packs or membership) and checkout/paid with one click. Logged user can see payment history, use referral program, get credits for registration, get periodical credits or become member of some group. When logged user is browsing own listings, promotion options are shown as well.

eCommerce - Multi-vendor marketplace - products purchase, item shopping

Osclass Pay Plugin allows to set specific users as sellers and these users can sell their items directly using plugin. Payment goes to site owner account and it's on owner to get commision from sale, send money to owner and follow order status. In case there is some problem with seller, admin can remove user from seller list and stop product selling.

Read our blog about eCommerce features of this plugin: Multi-Vendor Classifieds Marketplace with Osclass Pay Plugin

Add to Cart

Users verified as sellers can make their listings to be in sale. Then customers can buy products directly using your osclass classifieds and do payment on your site.

Stock Management

Admins and sellers can set available quantities for each product so if quantity is reached, product cannot be bought anymore. It's possible to show/hide available quantities as well to customers.

Seller List

Admin can define user as seller and add this user to list of verified sellers. Seller is responsible for delivering products to buyer. Admin can update order status and notify buyer with additional information. It's possible to enable selling to all users as well.

Order Status

Plugin allows to set status for each order. Initially order is in status processing, where products are being prepared for shipping. Next status is shipped that means order is handled by carrier and beeing delivered to customer. As last status, completed means order has been delivered to buyer and is completed. Order can be cancelled as well, in that case all funds related to this order should be refunded to buyer account by seller.


Sellers can define one or more shipping options and allow customers to choose prefered way of tangible products delivery.


Vouchers and discounts

Install Voucher & Discount Osclass Plugin together with Osclass Pay and start generating different vouchers and discounts for your regular, but also new customers. At the end discounts helps you to generate even higher income.

Plugin allows to create 3 types of vouchers - amount / percentage / credits and has rich restriction & configuration options, like setting up start & end date of promption, restrict to users, promotion products (like to exclude credit packs), enable just for particular membership group, minimum order amount, quantity, max usage per user and much more.



Banners and Advertisement

You can now let your customers place banners and advertisement on your site, process payment automatically using integrated gateways and let banners expire when budget is reached.

Only HTML banners are supported by Osclass Pay, means that visitors can only submit their own HTML code (like Adsense or referal banners). It does not mean banners does not support images, but they must be hosted on their own servers, CDN or 3rd party repositories.

How does it work?

  • anywhere your have banner shown on your site, customer can submit there own banner
  • after submission it is pending admin approval
  • when approved, customer is notified to make payment
  • when budget for banner is paid, banner is visible on your site
  • admin set price per click and view, those amounts are substracted from customer budget
  • when budget is reached, banner is disabled
  • you and customer can see stats of banner, customer has it directly in user account

This feature require Banner Ads Plugin to be installed. It is paid plugin.


User promotions, eWallet, packs and groups, memberships

Osclass Pay plugin provides numerous functions to attract your customers to get registered and use benefits of registration, or become special members on your classifieds.

Wallet and registered user bonus

When user wallet is enabled, registered users can buy credit packs and use different promotions.

Credit Packs - it is possible to create unlimited number of credit packs, setup it's price and bonus credits received, setup background color or define credit packs just for specified user groups (user groups explained bellow). All data relative to credit packs (name, description, ...) can be translated into any language.

Bonus for registration - define bonus for registration so each newly registered customer get small amount of credits to try promotions on your site

Referral program - enable users to invite their friends into your classifieds and provide bonus to both of them. In user account each user has own referral code (to be entered in registration form), invite link and options to share invitation link on facebook or twitter directly from user account

Periodical bonus - it often happen that user register on your site and then leave and never come back. Change that! Provide registered users periodical bonus and get them back to your classifieds. It is possible to define amount of bonus as well as period how often bonus is send (once per week, month or quarter). Bonus is send on first day of selected period.

Free active listings - when "pay per publish" is enabled, it's possible to define amount of listings those can be published for free (for users in selected membership groups) as a bonus for their membership.

User groups and membership features

Do you have regular customers and not sure how to benefit them? Or just have categories where you want to charge your customers to see it's content? Or you want to just create membership area on your classifieds? Osclass Pay plugin can do it!

User groups - create as many groups as you need, there is no limit. You can define group name and description, price for selected period (i.e. $20 for 30 days), setup flat discount for item promotions, define background color, increase periodical bonus (section above) so members of group will get i.e. 30% more credits periodically. You can also assign categories to group so only members of group will be able o see content of category. 

All data relative to user group (name, description, custom, ...) can be translated into any language.

Let's summarize basic functionality of user groups:

  • define price for membership in group
  • flat discount for item promotions
  • restrict category access just to members of particular group(s)
  • extra credits for periodical bonus
  • create hierarchy of user groups
  • limit listings posted by user in certain period (like allow max 5 lisitngs per month)

Limit user listings

You can restrict how many listings can users publish on your site in what period. There is default setting for all users and can be increased in user groups.

This means, that you can setup i.e. 5 free listings in 30 days, but for members of particular group it can be 20 free listings in 30 days.

Membership in group is executed automatically via cron and user is informed about expiration of membership.

Integration with other plugins

Maximize your monetization effor and enjoy integration of Osclass Pay Plugin with following products:

  • Voucher & Discount plugin - give vouchers to your visitors
  • Banner Ads plugin - visitors can pay for banner space on your classifieds
  • Business Profile plugin - sellers can pay for business profile  (must be member of Osclass Pay membership group)
  • Forums plugin - visitor pays for restricted boards (must be member of Osclass Pay membership group)
  • Auctions plugin - pay auction fee, auction win bid fee, pay for auctioned item or buyout auctioned item
  • Booking & Reservations plugin - pay for booking reservations
  • Blog plugin - pay for access to premium articles (must be member of Osclass Pay membership group)
  • Virtual Products plugin - pay for intangible product (file, image, pdf) to be able to download it
  • Make Offer plugin - let buyers pay for item their custom suggested price approved by seller

Monetization options with this plugin are endless!

Additional information

For PHP 5.x it is recommended to have MCrypt library installed on your hosting. For PHP 7.x you should have openSSL installed (contact your hosting provider to check). These libraries are used to encrypt sensitive data.

Make sure your cron is setup correctly. It is essential functionality for plugin. Please check plugin documentation or osclass documentation. If you are not sure what to do, contact your hosting provider.

If you miss some payment gateway/solution or you have ideas for improvements or you found bug, do not hesitate to contact us. If you like Osclass Pay plugin and you use it as your ultimate payment solution, do not forget to leave feedback/review on this plugin, it help us to bring new ideas and improvements to plugin. Thanks! Nulled

Product features and functionality

RTL ready (Arabic, Hebrew, ...)
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Detail documentation included (PDF)
Simple installation
Coding skills NOT required
Theme modifications NOT required
Use hooks for theme integration
Use 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 108 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (535 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

3.9.4 Added basic dark mode support to some elements of plugin.
3.9.3 Minor improvements to payment gateway modals (used by some gateways like Przelewy24).
3.9.2 Stripe PHP SDK updated to latest version (16.1) - test well after update.
Minor improvements on payment cancel pages.
Added payments history into user sidebar, if links should be added there.
3.9.1 Bug fix - when user upgrade/downgrade it's membership group, new item limits, if applicable, will be taken from new user group (not default item limits).
3.9.0 Critical hotfix for ecommerce feature to always recalculate price no matter what price product had when it was inserted into shopping cart (avoid manual intervention to goods price).
3.8.9 Enhanced membership groups duration formatting and added extra constant that allows to choose if duration should be in days, weeks, months, years or yearmonths.
3.8.8 Improved date formating (days) of membership groups, instead of just pure days, it will show weeks/months/years.
Added constant into index.php of plugin where it's possible to rewrite group days repeats.
3.8.7 Debug mode is disabled by default in plugin.
3.8.6 Integrated new payment gateway MakeCommerce.net
3.8.5 Small rework on "Advertise here" button related to Banner ads plugin
3.8.4 Fix for possible stripe error: "Uncaught Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest: You passed an empty string for 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]'. We assume empty values are an attempt to unset a parameter.
however 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]' cannot be unset. You should remove 'line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]' from your request or supply a non-empty value."
3.8.3 Integration with Make Offer Plugin - it is now possible to pay for custom offer, when approved by seller.
Critical updates of few functions those identified path of payment libraries, that could possibly lead to hidden errors and payment failures.
3.8.2 Enhanced payment description for several payment processors including Stripe. Now description is more meaningful for users and says what they actually pay for.
3.8.1 Added ecommerce setting where admin can restrict ecommerce features based on item category.
Added ecommerce settings to use Exchange Rates Plugin features for price conversion and exchange rates that has much more APIs integrated.
3.8.0 Major update providing future support for Auctions.
Fixing minor issues and bugs.
3.7.2 Improvements in user limits.
3.7.1 Updates for Bank Transfer and Przelewy24 payments to work better for non-logged users on item promotions.
3.7.0 Major update: It is now possible to set free limit for "pay per publish" on user membership groups. Means you can enable pay per publish feature for all users, but for selected groups there is limit of XY listings to be published for free (active at same time, not counter) and if user needs more, then it's paid.
Redesigned user groups settings table to collapsable layout.
Update require plugin to be deactivated >.
activated to reflect database changes.
3.6.8 Updates several payment gateways including Stripe and PagSeguro and improved payment processing.
3.6.7 Added option to select default price calculation (progressive - default or linear).
Fixed price updates on newer PHP version, especially price removal (set to default).
3.6.6 Important: Fixed critical bug for Stripe payments.
Numerous improvements with Stripe payment gateway, fixed webhook issues and added support for checkout.session.completed event.
Improved transaction recognition and fixed few queries to correctly filter as integer.
3.6.5 Added webhook for Stripe Payments - require configuration.
Fixed PayPal IPN (notification) URLs.
Added automatic pending records removal (180 days).
Fixed Przelewy24 PHP errors.
3.6.4 Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore).
To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
Fixed Przelewy24 payment gateway (wrong library path).
Fixed Payhere.lk payment gateway that require additional authentication from 2023.
Fixed several minor PHP notices and issues.
3.6.3 Forced plugin options (pay features, add to cart) to be always shown at bottom of:
- new item form
- edit item form
- item detail
3.6.2 Fixed price calculation on membership page when decimal separator is different to decimal point.
3.6.1 Improvements for PHP 8.2, also fixed several minor issues and notices.
Fixed bug with Pay per Publish option that was not working "as expected" in all the situations.
Fixed join table key for pay per publish option.
3.6.0 Numerous updates and fixes to improve stability.
3.5.9 Updated Stripe integration to support latest Stripe API updates from August 2022.
3.5.8 Fixed setting 0/empty price for item promotion options.
3.5.7 Fixed bug with bank transfer payments - checksum error.
Minor issues fixed.
3.5.6 Fixed several edge cases with stripe payments.
3.5.5 Updated Stripe line items changes and implemented into code.
Fixed small issue on stripe cancel page.
3.5.4 Yandex Money integration has been modified into YooKassa (YooMoney) service (thanks to community!).
Symbol for Russia ruble has been updated.
3.5.3 Fixed issue with extra characters being reported by Osclass.
3.5.2 User item limits now accept also 0 as valid limit (so user cannot publish any listing).
When user membership has expired and has more items that are limits for standard users, oldest items those are above this limit are deactivated automatically.
Example: if user was in group with limit 20 items in 30 days, membership has expired, default limit is 10 items in 30 days and this user has 15 listings published in last 30 days, then latest 10 will keep active and oldest 5 (out of these 15, not from all items!) will be deactivated.
3.5.1 Significant redesign of payments section - pending bank transfers section.
Data from tooltips moved directly to table, so customer can copy & paste data.
IBAN/Bank account is always visible at top.
3.5.0 Added support for ZAR currency (South African Rands) in Paystack gateway.
3.4.9 Changed some table datatypes (float to varchar) to avoid issues when setting category prices.
3.4.8 Added few new hooks and filters to itempay page.
Secured transfer pay functions that does not allow to change parameters transferred in URL, nor create transfer on behalf of different user.
3.4.7 Added several new hooks and filters to cart page in order to easily control pay actions by different plugins.
Fixed minor issues.
3.4.6 Fixed minor issue with redirect when show image fee was enabled.
Fixed mnor issue with notices reported from functions.php
3.4.5 Added support to Express-Pay.by extension directly to plugin.
Fixed minor issues with icons.
3.4.4 Set of bug fixes and improvements in shipping features, especially when seller did not defined shipping and "default shipping option" is used.
Fixed bug when seller would see all ordered items, not just those that belongs to that seller in orders & sales section.
3.4.3 10+ bugs and issues fixed, mostly related to shipping and order management.
3.4.2 Fixed non-functional "Pay per Publish" option.
Gateways section in backoffice has been split into "Settings" and "Bank Transfers Management" to simplify navigation in backoffice.
Bank transfers section has been slightly redesigned, design of buttons has been updated and fixed.
3.4.1 Fixed minor issues with installation.
3.4.0 Major release - Multi-vendor marketplace features added.
Sellers can now create shipping options, define different carries and prices, restrict delivery options based on country.
Added feature to different between tangible and intangible products. Tangible products require shipping.
Added new sections into front ->.
Orders section: Products mng., Orders mng., Shipping
Added new section into backoffice - Shipping management.
Added pagination and search features in to backoffice - Orders managem
3.2.1 Minor issues and notices has been fixed.
3.2.0 E-commerce section in backoffice has been split into several sections.
Added search & paginate capability into Logs section of backoffice.
Fixed multi-line tooltips those were shown as 1 line.
Updated tooltips & font awesome libraries.
Removed open sans fonts, redundant styles and old assets.
Redesigned flash messages and fixed several functions related to flash messages in plugin.
Fixed numerous small bugs and issues.
3.1.2 If "Enable All Registered to Sell Products" is enabled, plugin will now allow to sell products only to logged-in users
3.1.1 Major issue fixed with promotions, when user selected prolongation of already paid features, these got removed and replaced by unpaid one. This happened only from listing page, not from user account section.
3.1.0 Major: Added support for Booking plugin and online payment/checkout for reservations.
Fixed minor issues and bugs.
3.0.0 Major update: Completely redesigned plugin interface.
Changed plugin routes/links (!!!) - can be adjusted in index.php - OSP_URL_DIR.
Added option to search for eCommerce listings on search page (Buy now).
Promotion box is not visible on listing page anymore, in case there are no promotion options.
Fixed bug with membership extension when paid via PayPal.
Multiple minor improvements.
2.1.6 SecurionPay.com gateway integrated into plugin
2.1.5 Fixed bug with bank transfer payment for not-logged users.
2.1.4 Fixed problems with item limits block in user account on several themes, fixed undefined notices
2.1.3 BeGateway payment gateway integrated, fixed bug with voucher plugin
2.1.2 Payhere.lk has been integrated and is now available for osclass pay plugin
2.1.1 Fixed different query errors and warnings, optimized source
2.1.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
2.0.1 It is not possible anymore to add into cart products those are free (by accident or by some manipulation with update URL). Products with unknown or free price are automatically removed from cart.
2.0.0 Redesigned email sending, fixed problems when emails might not be properly created during plugin installation
1.9.9 Fixed turkish lira currency code
1.9.8 Tooltips are now visible on mobile devices as well
1.9.7 Updates for better compatibility with other plugins (publishing listing)
1.9.6 Fixed bug with invoice plugin, added browser titles on plugin pages (replace "custom" word)
1.9.5 New payment gateway integrated - Cardinity.com
1.9.4 Fixed jquery error in oc-admin
1.9.3 Enabled blue warning box on gamma theme - user account
1.9.2 Fixed "pay to show images" option, that could be removed from cart and customer got images visible
1.9.1 Updates in pays.cz gateway
1.9.0 Integrated czech payment gateway Pays.cz
1.8.7 Email about expired republishing fixed (no more sending each time), bank transfer email template will be removed on plugin uninstall (as all the others)
1.8.6 Fixed missing title in promotions section
1.8.5 In user listings, disabled, spam or expired items will no longer be shown
1.8.4 Several minor updates, added new gateways, updated several paths to work with latest osclass version
1.8.0 Native support to Voucher & Discounts plugin integrated, fixed Stripe (SCA) not saving payment logs due to missing transaction ID.
1.7.7 Stripe SCA payment integrated
1.7.6 Updated stripe payment to work properly with zero-decimal currencies
1.7.5 Added przelewy24.pl payment gateway
1.7.4 Fixed problem with membership expiration extension
1.7.3 Small gateway fix
1.7.2 Added EuPlatesc.ro payment gateway into plugin
1.7.1 Fixed bug with quantity update for credit packs and products
1.7.0 Packs and User Groups can now be completely translated (Name, description, custom text) to any locale
1.6.2 Updated minor issues with pay per publish fee
1.6.1 Several translations has been fixed
1.6.0 Major update on osclass pay - price formatting when selecting promotion on item page
1.5.8 Fixed problem with promotions that are made directly from item page (unregistered users) - now does not affect existing promotions
1.5.7 fixed problem with prolongation of promotions
1.5.6 Removed paid promotion from list of available promptions - fix conflict with paid & unpaid promotions
1.5.5 Fixed sending email for new bank transfer.
1.5.4 When new bank transfer is created, customer gets email with all the details regarding payment.
1.5.3 New functionality - pending bank transfers are now visible in user payment log
1.5.2 updates for installation, fixed price bug for republish option
1.5.1 Fixed issues with latest update installation
1.5.0 Added gateway WeAccept, now user items can be restricted
1.4.4 updated function to work with Business Profile Plugin
1.4.3 instamojo osclass update
1.4.2 Added options to run cron each minute
1.4.1 fixed few payment issues
1.4.0 Paystack gateway integrated
1.3.7 Updated bug with remove cart, fixed issue when creating order for bank transfer
1.3.6 fixed issue with category restriction
1.3.5 fixed issue with quanitity when bank transfer, improvements with quantity management
1.3.4 updates on paypal core
1.3.3 Bug fixes, updated product key
1.3.2 initial version
View all products updates

Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 30 reviews

Update the plugin to accept payments by PIX by Marcos on 5. Apr 2024

5.0 - Excellent
Hello, I already have this plugin and have been using it for a long time, I think it's great, but they should update it so that it can carry out Payments by PIX, as this is currently the largest online payment method in Brazil. This would significantly increase the adoption of ad publishing by users, especially because the Osclass platform is the only one that does not yet have a PIX payment plugin, unlike WordPress which has had plugins that accept payment via PIX for a long time. If they update I would buy the new version, here's a tip and I hope have contributed to the improvement of the plugin.

super plugin by Oleksandr on 26. Jan 2024

5.0 - Excellent
super plugin, lots of settings and options. it would be nice to add more options for sharing in the referral link block, namely telegram, viber, instagram. Thanks for the great work.

What a great job by A.M on 5. Oct 2022

5.0 - Excellent
I downloaded a lot of plugins and they weren't perfect. But honestly. If there is an addition that deserves the title of the best addition on this platform. so #Osclass_Pay_Payment_Plugin is the most excellent plugin on this platform. I highly recommend buying it. Thanks to the developer for such a great job.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you, Osclass Pay is our flag ship product wink

Cover all our needs by Pär Gester on 10. Mar 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Easy to implement and has all options we need. I set up and connected a STRIPE account in minutes.

One of the best payment plugin by Azamat on 26. Feb 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Very functional plugin

Wow Super by yvelef on 2. Feb 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Wonderful Scripts, best Payment scripts

Just amazing! by Tango on 6. Dec 2021

5.0 - Excellent
This is by far the best plugin ever created for Osclass. The quality is superb and the fact that it allows you to create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace, makes it a must for every Osclass user.

Great and extensive plugin by MvdO79 on 9. Oct 2021

5.0 - Excellent
This is a very extensive plugin to monetise your website, lot's of options code quality great as always.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you for your feedback smile

Square by ドットネット エスエス on 22. Jul 2021

5.0 - Excellent
I'm from Japan, but PayPal can't be used due to a problem. Stripe is GOOD! Bundle "Square"
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thabk you and greetings to Japan!

Review by Watson Cyrus Anikwai on 7. Jun 2021

5.0 - Excellent
We do not have IBAN in our country. Just SWIFT Code. Can this plugin cater for that? It'll be also good to have COD or cash on delivery option.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello, Thanks for your feedback. If your country use SWIFT (or anything else), simply rename "IBAN" to "SWITF" via plugin .po file.

Review by Vinh Truong on 28. Jan 2021

5.0 - Excellent
Nice plugin. My kindly request is please add any Vietnamese payment gateways like Momo.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello, Thanks for your feedback, for custom gateway integration please contact development team.

There are no payment gateways for many countries ( by atba2012 on 6. Oct 2020

3.0 - Good
The plugin is not bad, but there is no payment gateway for Belarus! Add the payment gateway "Express-pay.by", and the plugin will be amazing
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your feedback, however we are trying to avoid adding "country-specific" gateways. There is more than 250 of countries in the world.

El mejor para anuncios premium by Inmo Sistem on 22. Sep 2020

5.0 - Excellent
El mejor plugin del mercado de OSClass y más completo para anuncios premium, resaltados y republicar, funciona perfectamente y está súper bien optimizado para teléfonos tablets y pc, recomendable 100%
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for support!

proposition by Oxyrius Espéro ATHINDEHOU on 19. Aug 2020

5.0 - Excellent
it would be very useful if the owner of a company profile could be notified by message or directly on osclass if a customer places a new order.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your comment, we will consider it in next update wink

AMAZING.... by Bill on 29. Jul 2020

5.0 - Excellent
Thanks... really nice works really well, This plugin worth every single penny.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you Bill, we appreciate your support on plugin!

Good plugin by Sarjoon on 28. Jul 2020

5.0 - Excellent
nice plugin working perfectly,my kindly request is please add any Srilanka payment gateways like payhere.lk
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for feedback, we have just implemented Payhere.lk payment gateway into plugin. Enjoy it smile

nice plugin by Nicolae Stan on 11. Jul 2020

5.0 - Excellent
this is a nice quality plugin! You can sense the author have given 100% dedication in creating a quality plugin
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

We do our best to deliver just highest quality products for classifieds those actually "make sense". Thanks for feedback!

Excellent! by Dan Dan on 21. Feb 2020

5.0 - Excellent
Excellent! It is one of the highest quality plugins, well structured and very useful.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks Dan, we appreciate your support and nice words.

iTS GOOD AND NEED REMOVE SOME OPTION by Haroon Eraj on 11. Feb 2020

5.0 - Excellent
thaks, its good working but need remove option of Promote your listing from end user page, this option only show to register company when he/she is login. not to all user
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your feedback, unfortunately this payment plugin does not have such setting as you require.

nice plugin by Nwaeze David on 6. Jul 2019

5.0 - Excellent
please, i will appreciate it if you add options for business account users to receive orders and sell products directly.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your review, we will consider this feature in next updates

Хороший плагин by Michael on 14. Apr 2019

4.0 - Very good
Плагин то хороший, но к сожалению нет ни одного платёжного шлюза для России. Такие как Яндекс деньги, Робокасса и другие.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Спасибо за ваш отзыв, яндекс шлюз недавно был добавлен в плагин

Good plugin by Hasan Eyvazoff on 8. Mar 2019

5.0 - Excellent
Good plugin. I added few feature this plugin. Added VIP promotions. Promotions item expiration date updated. One click pay and etc. Thanks
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello Hasan, thanks for your feedback and suggestions!

Magnificent Plugin by Mohamad on 22. Feb 2019

5.0 - Excellent
Excellent and great for many programs. I recommend using them on all pages Thanks for the genius developer
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Great to hear you like our plugin smile

Osclass Pay Payment Plugin by Hicher Apps on 6. Nov 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Osclass Pay Payment Plugin good
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your feedback, we really appreciate it!

For the next development by Rafik Rahman on 30. Oct 2018

4.0 - Very good
On e-commerce products to make discount prices and shipping.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your feedback, we have considered this functionality to be added to this osclass payment gateway but for now it's not being developed.

Good: But high Item not working by George on 22. Sep 2018

5.0 - Excellent
I bought this plugin because of Paystack integration. everything is working but the Hight iTEM funtionality is not working please anyone with help is welcome.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello George, thanks for your feedback. Ensure you have highlight_class hook added in your loop. You can test if plugin is functional on bender theme. If problem persist, please create support ticket.

Good plugin and dev by Goo on 2. Jun 2018

5.0 - Excellent
I have bought this plugin due the PagSeguro support, and I don't regret. Is working right, and I needed support about doubts and bugs, the devs were really nice with me. Nothing to complain. Great job!

Good plugin by romeo on 11. Apr 2018

5.0 - Excellent
good, extra, mega, xxxl , best plugin

I like this payment plugin by Zovi Zovilla on 7. Feb 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Usable plugin with a lot of features. I bought and tested other payment plugins. That's the most useful plugin I tested. And the support is fast and helpful.

good plugin by Zoombie on 24. Jan 2018

4.0 - Very good
good plugin and best plugin

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5.0 - Excellent Based on 30 reviews
Created by best developers
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MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

1044 orders
108 updates
Product version: 3.9.4
Last update: 1 month ago
Osclass support: 3.3+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 18. Nov 2017
Folder name: osclass_pay