Extension for osclass warns visitors about adult content being present on the classifieds site. User has 2 options: Click on "I agree" button and browser your website Click on "Take me out!" button that takes user to google home page If user clicks on consent button, this choice is stored in session and will be valid until user close browser. Following messa...
Free download
Looking for more listing management options or to have better control over what is being published on your classifieds and how? Better content control for classifieds More Edit Plugin for Osclass brings better moderation control of your ads. It has many powerful features that helps you to keep ads content under control: Moderate all ads This functionality ho...
Free download
Plugin brings advanced moderation techniques to classifieds admins and allow to moderate listing directly from front or backoffice. Rich features for easy moderation Advanced Moderating Options Plugin helps admin to manage content on their classifieds website, change status of listing, notify listing owners,remove/block unwanted content or users and much mor...
43.99 €
Plugin store information about listings and users, even these are changed or removed by their owners in order to preserve historical data. Basic stats are collected about data stored by plugin and convenient way to search & filter logs. Log item and user changes History Logger Plugin does not provide any front-office features, but has powerful back-offic...
33.99 €
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