Automatic Language Selector Free Plugin
Osclass extension that automatically select user's preferred language and change osclass language to new one. Language selector for classifieds Automa...
Twitter Osclass Theme
Twitter theme for Osclass is built on Twitter Bootstrap v1.4 and provides very clean and effective layout for classifieds. Theme contains top navigati...
Smart deals
Attributes Osclass Plugin
Listing Attributes Plugin for Osclass that enables to quickly add different types of custom fields/attributes on listings in multiple languages. Car a...
Best seller!
350+ orders
33.99 €
Infinite Scroll Osclass Plugin
Infinite Scroll Plugin for Osclass improve user experience and your theme UI and provide more essential way to load new listings on search page. Infin...
23.99 €
Smart deals
CareerJob Osclass Job Theme
Are you employer, looking for long-term recruitment or just creating brand new Jobs & Hiring board? CareerJob theme for Osclass will do the "job"!...
41.99 €
Facebook Instant Login Plugin
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Face...
33.99 €
Content Protection Plugin
Secure content of your classifieds website from competitors those would like to steal/copy text and images from your website, without your permission....
Best seller!
25+ orders
23.99 €
Delta Osclass Theme
New fresh premium Osclass theme with light design, premium features, perfect user experience and massive footer. Delta theme has been precisely optimi...
Best seller!
350+ orders
45.99 €
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