Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Anti-Spam and Bot Protection Osclass Plugin

33 .99€
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  • Reviews 10
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Are you bother from spam on your classifieds? Let Spam Solution Plugin solve your problem with spam, bots and duplicate posters! Premium plugin for osclass that helps you protect your site from spam and abusive content in many ways. Provides protection against:

  • Spamming bots
  • Users posting duplicated listings
  • Listings & comments using banned words (i.e. guns)

Anti-spam functionality

  • Protection against spam bots via different background tasks that bots needs to go through
  • No spam in new user registrations, new listings, comments (save your time) and your users will not be attacked by spam from contact form
  • Option to check existing listings for duplicates, banned and blocked words
  • Plugin help to increase reputation of your website as it will be spam free and easy to use, with no duplicates (important for SEO), good looking and user friendly
  • You will have detail control what is posted on your site, what you want to block/ban/disable/mark as spam or delete
  • Everything is made for easy use and you can also delete spam by email or banned word
  • Your site will not have duplicate listings - higher rank (no duplicates = higher site reputation on Google), less resources to run classified and more user friendly website
  • No need to use recaptcha and limit & bother your users with solving captcha tasks
  • No registration and validation needed at all

Duplicate listing control, unique content

  • active control for newly added listings if there does not already exists very similar listing
  • select what you want to do with duplicate listing: delete or mark as spam 
  • set percentage of similarity that is acceptable for you, listings with higher similarity will be taken as duplicate
  • control of existing listings in your store
  • option to delete/block/deactivate/mark as spam all listings by their contact email, so no need to do everything manually

Anti-Bot control

Provide many ways of checking if user is bot or not on new listings, new user registrations, new comments and item contact form

  • when bot is detected, you can choose if you want to ban it or only delete listing/comment it posted
  • if bot is detected and should be banned, you can choose if you want to ban whole bot IP submask or only particular IP. This is usefull since each bot is changing fourth triple in it's IP address and may not be banned effectively only by IP
  • option to check user email and IP with spam list on stopforumspam.com.
  • email control by uppercase letters and numbers in email
  • control user by their referal url
  • multi JavaScript control by placing users (bots) jQuery tasks - 4 ways of controls, regular user cannot see those forms so cannot change anything.  - bots usually do not have JavaScript working so they cannot go through this control - required inputs they are not hidden cheat the bot to fill this field and block it - datetime control with bot locale
  • you can enter email domains you want to ban permanently (i.e. @mail.ru) or domains you are getting too many spam from users (not bots, usually people from India)
  • control email by how many dots is in email name 
  • you can deny/control multiple user account registration from same IP address

Ban words checking

  • option to enter list of banned words, so when used in title or description, they will be taken as spam and deleted (listing, comment) + banned (user)
  • fighting with Indian Spammers (they are not bots) will be children toy, example of banned word would be "Vashikaran"
  • Control of existing listings if they contain banned word
  • mass action - you can delete/disable/mark as spam all listings containing any banned word
  • simple action - you can edit/view/delete any particular listing

This plugin use to ban bots and spammers osclass ban list (ban rules), so when you uninstall / reinstall plugin, no data about spammers will be lost!

Bad words checking

  • option to enter list of bad words that can annoy or offend someone (i.e. d*ck, b*tch...)
  • every letter in bad world will be replaced with *  (d*ck as bad word >> Charles Dickens is in title >> Final Result: Charles ****ens)


Tags: antispam, anti spam, fight spam, reduce spam, bot attack, bot protection, against bot, spam bot, spambot, bot spam, botspam, spam protection, help spam

Product features and functionality

Basic documentation included
Require theme modifications
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Recommended for advanced osclass users
Use 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 25 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (536 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 22 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

3.3.7 Fixes and improvements to prevent chrome and other browsers to autocomplete hidden inputs from honeypot.
3.3.6 Fixed numerous PHP error notices related to null strings.
3.3.5 Improvements to honeypot bot form protection feature.
3.3.4 It is now possible to use bot protect when multiple forms at same page.
3.3.3 Many improvements and updates to Honeypot features.
Honeypot spam bot protection should now has much higher success rate.
New settings and configuration options.
New bans now has simplified description.
3.3.1 Fixed several minor issues and notices.
3.3.0 Major update: StopForumSpam integration has been redesigned.
1 API call is now used to check both email & IP
IPv6 is now supported as well
Response is parsed as Json instead of using Xml
Minimum confidence parameter has been introduced (0-100%) to set threshold from when is user considered as spammer. As example when record has confidence just 20%, it really does not necessarily means it is spammer or spam bot, it still can be regular user.
3.2.1 Added web contact form to bot check function.
Improved coordination with Item Limits Plugin.
3.2.0 Major update: Removed old styles and fonts.
Fixed typos in backoffice.
3.1.2 Fixed typo in one of functions causing PHP errors.
3.1.1 Notices fixes
3.1.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
3.0.8 Fixed problem with blank ban words
3.0.7 Fixed incorrect reference - bad function name (anti_bot_form >.
3.0.6 Added "Whitelisted email domains" option, that enable admin to allow just particular email domains (i.e. if there is coming spam from free mail server providers)
3.0.5 Ban words update
3.0.4 Fixed warning, enabled bad words to be considered as whole words (using white spaces)
3.0.3 Minor fixes
3.0.2 Redirect issue fixed
3.0.1 Minor function fixes after major release
3.0.0 Major release, uninstall & remove old plugin, then install new (backup all). Plugin comes with new name and plugin folder name has changed as well together with translations
2.2.1 Added new functionality - automatically remove listings marked as spam by visitors (set treshold to remove, i.e. remove listing when reported more than 10 times)
2.2.0 Plugin will now check banwords & badwords just as whole words, not part of strings
2.1.9 updated product key
2.1.8 initial version
View all products updates

Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 10 reviews

Anti-Spam and Bot Protection Osclass Plugin by Oleksandr Kravchuk on 14. Jan 2025

5.0 - Excellent
Works good! I used to have a lot of spam, but now it is gone.

perfect! by תומר ברוך on 17. Jul 2024

5.0 - Excellent

This one is a winner! by Matthew May on 18. May 2024

5.0 - Excellent
Much better than the previous anti spam plugin that was available elsewhere. If you have the old one get this one. Very well done! Thank you.

Only the best from OsclassPoint by Ales Tomazic on 13. Dec 2022

5.0 - Excellent
No need to say anything, just perfection.

Funziona bene ma va seguito... by Davide Santuccione on 20. Sep 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Riduce tantissimo le false iscrizioni al sito, ma bisogna aggiungere manualmente ad una lista i domini fasulli che riescono ad iscriversi. Dopo giorni, sono davvero poche le iscrizioni false

Muy bueno by Inmo Sistem on 17. Sep 2020

5.0 - Excellent
Con este plugin puedes estar más tranquilo con los ataques de los spammers en el sitio.

The right plugin! by Michael on 26. Feb 2020

5.0 - Excellent
The right plugin! Spam has become much less.

This Plugin WORKS! by Kevin Aldrich on 4. Nov 2019

5.0 - Excellent
I am very happy to say that after i installed this plugin "All my SPAM Registration is gone". I recommend this plugin!

Excellent by Dan Dan on 22. Apr 2019

5.0 - Excellent
I've had spam issues on the page before installing this plug-in. Not even five minutes after installing the plug-in, IP addresses for spam were already blacklisted. A very efficient plug-in that deserves the money. Thank you!

Excellent Plugin by q Voyager on 11. Dec 2018

5.0 - Excellent
The best secure spam plugin I ever seen. I had problems with spammers who come to my website 24/7 and using registration form, but since I installed the plugin, all is going well. Don't need Google's reCAPTCHA any more. Waste of time so. Thanks again lads. Regards. Y.M
Single Domain License
5.0 - Excellent Based on 10 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
Top rated product
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

307 orders
25 updates
Product version: 3.3.7
Last update: 5 days ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 16. Nov 2017
Folder name: spam