Create correct meta data for sharing of your listings (Open Graph, Rich Snippets, Twitter Tags).
Social Share Tags plugin helps you with correct sharing of your listings. Usually happens that when user want to share listing, incorrect data are picked. This plugin makes sure that correct title, description, image, price and other information will be correct.
Rich data, look nice on Google
Plugin create correct meta data for sharing of listings. Following tags can be created by plugin:
- Open Graph Tags - Facebook
- Rich Snippet Tags - Google
- Twitter Tags
When Open Graph Tags are created, all share buttons will work nicely and will pull correct data and image to social media.
Google Rich Snippet Tags will provide google search engine additional information about listing and listings in google will show also price, image or availability
Twitter Tags provide correct data when user tweet listing.
Best works with Facebook, WhatsApp and Viber Share Osclass Plugin.
Backlink in footer
This plugin is completely free, but it contains backlink that will be added to your footer. In order to remove it, you must purchase Link Remover Service.
Without having license for link removal, you are not eligible to remove this link and it violates the product license.
Link remover service helps us to develop and maintain free products, where business customer may prefer to pay small fee to get rid of backlink but non-profit individuals are OK with backlink.
Note: This product is "free of charge", but is not open-source product.