Premium osclass theme with unique functionality that helps to get more and more customers. Easy design, fast load speed, plenty of plugins delivered with theme, those all defines perfect theme.
Patricia Responsive Osclass Theme is revolutionary in terms of functionality. Theme changes some of rarely used elements into very powerful parts of classifieds. Great support for premium listings, easy-to-use search that remembers user choice, perfectly design user public profile and much more.
Patricia features
- full responsive theme that allows to browser your classifieds comfortable with any device
- eye catching design that is easy to remember so it helps to find returning visitors
- easy structure created for normal people (design should not be done for developers, but for people)
- plugins delivered with theme to add extra functionalities to your classifieds without need of modifications
- image slider on homepage to easy show news / hot deals in your classifieds
Search parameters saved to cookies
- when user search, all it's search parameters are saved into it's cookies
- those parameters are loaded when user return to your site later (keeps in user cookies for few weeks)
- make search much more faster for returning users
Design matters
- select boxes replaced in search bar to bring better user experience and much more functionalities
- "My account" section in search bar
- price slider for easy minimum and maximum price setup
- listings on search page shows more photos of item to save time to user (search list shows 3 photos, search gallery shows 2 photos)
- ajax autocomplete dropdowns for locations to reduce number of cities and regions user is looking for
Smart location dropdowns
- search parameters (country, region & city) used by user are saved into user's cookies
- when user search again, those parameters are automatically loaded
- saved preferences are prefilled when user post new listing
- benefit of this function is that usually user is interested just in items in it's area & category so it is saving time
Full responsive, mobile ready, perfect compatibility
- every simple page in template is full responsive
- this means, that your classifieds can be browsed with any device (mobile/desktop) and theme will adjust design to device width
- FULL responsive means that there are not just 3 or 4 predefined witdths, but theme fully cover whole screen area from 240px to 1050px (device with width more than 1050px see everything same)
- compatible with all osclass plugins, there is nothing hidden in theme that would block other plugins to work (only condition is compatibility of plugin with your osclass version)
- does not require any additional plugins to work, you can enable/disable any plugin you want
User profile, public profile improvements
- total rework of default public profile & user dashboard
- when registered user log in, now on dashboard are shown all importatnt information that are required
- Profile Picture plugin integrated to theme, fully managable from user profile
- Public Profile now looks as company/user sheet so it is easy to see all listings and information from seller
Plugins delivered with theme
We have modified many free plugins to match theme design, so you do not need to modify anything once those are installed. Note that plugins are originally free and we deliver them as free, therefore support to theme does not include support to these plugins.
Plugins list:
- Facebook Connect - integrated in theme so you just need to put only your credentials in plugin settings
- Profile Picture - used on listing's page & comments, also integrated in whole user dashboard, customized to match template design in User Profile so it looks like build-in feature
- Watchlist Plugin - improved version, match theme design, is full responsive
- Related Ads Plugin - match theme design and is full responsive
- Google Maps - implemented in item page to work with location section
- Print Ad, Print PDF - allows user to get printer-friendly version and PDF version of listing's page
- QR Code - customized for theme design, placed on visible place
- List Seller Items
- Scroll Top
- Cookies plugin
Backlink in footer
This plugin is completely free, but it contains backlink that will be added to your footer. In order to remove it, you must purchase Link Remover Service.
Without having license for link removal, you are not eligible to remove this link and it violates the product license.
Link remover service helps us to develop and maintain free products, where business customer may prefer to pay small fee to get rid of backlink but non-profit individuals are OK with backlink.
Note: This product is "free of charge", but is not open-source product.
Product rating: 4.0 - Very good, based on 5 reviews
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MB Themes response:
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MB Themes response:
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MB Themes response:
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MB Themes response: