MB Themes

1 hour 21 mins avg. respond time
Based in Slovakia
Seller since 2017
116 products developed
Testimonials from customers
Very good and useful plugin. Is there any way to add emoji support?
Works good! I used to have a lot of spam, but now it is gone.
I love this theme. Suport is also great!
OsclassPoint Updater Free Plugin
OsclassPoint Updater Plugin for osclass enables to update or download plugins and themes bought on Osclass Point Marketplace directly from backoffice ...

5000+ views
Anti-Spam and Bot Protection Osclass Plugin
Are you bother from spam on your classifieds? Let Spam Solution Plugin solve your problem with spam, bots and duplicate posters! Premium plugin for os...
33.99 €
Success Publish Box Osclass Plugin
Give friendly look to your osclass once new listing is published with this osclass plugin. By default just flash message is shown, using this plugin y...

23.99 €
Google Login Osclass Plugin
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google OneTap Login Plugin Let visitors to login with their google account! Make registration & login extre...

Best seller!
250+ orders
33.99 €
Loan Calculator Osclass Plugin
Add loan/mortgage calculator to your osclass and enable your users to approximatelly calculate how much would cost car or house they are looking for i...

Backoffice Manager Plugin
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, i...

33.99 €
Smart deals
Make Offer Plugin
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss abo...

27.99 €
Welcome Box Osclass Plugin
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome bo...

Best seller!
100+ orders
19.99 €
Smart deals
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin
OpenStreetMaps Osclass Plugin allows to put listings on map and provide better visual to present and search listings on your classifieds. Don't you wa...

Best seller!
200+ orders
33.99 €
Smart deals
User Rating Plugin
Osclass plugin that enables your users to rate buyers / sellers and leave feedback, registered and non-registered users as well. Rating functionality ...
27.99 €
Smart deals
Cache Osclass Plugin
Cache plugin for Osclass Classifieds generates static html files from your dynamic Osclass website. Basically without plugin when any page is rendered...
33.99 €
Smart deals
Online Chat Plugin
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly...
33.99 €