History Logger Osclass Plugin
Plugin store information about listings and users, even these are changed or removed by their owners in order to preserve historical data. Basic stats...

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50+ orders
33.99 €
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Voucher & Discount Osclass Plugin
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on orde...

27.99 €
Hooks Manager Plugin
Hooks Manager Plugin for Osclass enables site admin to fully manage functions added to hook. By default it is not possible to order or disable particu...
23.99 €
Piglatin Osclass Plugin for Developers
Checking if all strings in your themes, plugins, Osclass core and messages can be properly translated may be incredibly hard work. Using Piglatin plug...

2500+ views
Price Comparison Plugin
Price Comparison Plugin for Osclass classifieds add brand new functionality into your website to calculate price index of your listings, price history...

33.99 €
Visitors Checking Item Counter Plugin
Create functionality to identify how many other users are checking particular listing. This information is then shown on listing page to make items mo...

23.99 €
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Invisible Recaptcha Plugin
Protect your forms against spammers and bots with simple and intuitive plugin - Google Invisible ReCaptcha Osclass Plugin. No more tasks to your clien...
23.99 €
Saved Items Plugin
Saved Items Plugin enahnce your classifieds with new feature that allows visitors to save their favorite items for later. Plugin works for both logged...

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10+ orders
23.99 €
Price Input Formatter Plugin
Free plugin for classified script Osclass that format price value in input on publish page Format Price Input Value Price Format Plugin replace origin...

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All-in-One Seo Plugin
All-in-One SEO Plugin allows to manage and improve on-pageand off-page SEO factors in osclass. This is most complex and advanced osclass plugin that o...
33.99 €
Cookie Consent Osclass Plugin
PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD: https://osclasspoint.com/osclass-plugins/extra-fields...

27.99 €
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Plugin
Do you receive same questions from your customers again and again? Consider creating FAQ page, where you can answer frequently asked questions, save r...

33.99 €