PRO version of cookies consent, complying with CNIL recommendations, GDPR for 2022+, LOPD, RGPD: Cookie Consent Plugin for Osclass helps your visitors to manage cookie policy on your site. Based on GDPR, it is required to ask visitor to consent with your cookie po...
27.99 €
CDN - Content Delivery Network is powerful tool to deliver static content to visitors much faster. Problem with worldwide (global) websites is that visitors that resides far from your server (hosting) will experience much slower website speed than visitors close to your server. By delivering static content (images, stylesheets, javascript) through CDN serice...
27.99 €
Follow users on osclass classifieds website using Followers Plugin for Osclass. This extension helps you to have better user experience on your classifieds, as sellers will try to provide best possible service to maximize number of followers and buyers may follow one or more favorite sellers. Followers and Following users Followers addon allows users to foll...
33.99 €
Ultimate Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car and Real-Estate Classifieds, to bring highly customizable vehicle related attributes & properties, but not just that…! Plugin can easily handle also Dating, Pets, Antiques, Products or Jobs attributes. Advanced search box with a...
39.99 €
Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features. Engage your customers with reminders Plugin engage your users to work with your classifieds and perform different actions. There are 16 helpful reminder not just for users, but for site admin as well. Customers reminders 13 ema...
21.99 €
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on order/cart or extra credits via voucher? If yes, Osclass Voucher & Discount Plugin is right for you! Require Osclass Pay Plugin v1.8.0 or higher to be installed. Discounts, vouchers and credits for osclass Vouc...
27.99 €
Web and Mobile Push Notifications are great way to engage your visitors and be able to stay in touch with them. Push Notifications Plugin use great OneSignal API that has free plan and is easy to setup. Push Notifications for Osclass Plugin has simple setup where you can: enable/disable push notifications choose on what page is user prompted for push notific...
23.99 €
Enable your users to upload files and digital content into their items. With Virtual Products Osclass Plugin it's never been easier. Digital download for osclass Plugin enables users to share and upload their digital goods on their listing. Osclass can be easily converted into file sharing site with possibility to sell virtual products. Perfect plugin for cl...
27.99 €
Convert your classifieds into booking system, events calendar or online reservation CMS! Booking plugin provides wide variety of booking & calendar options Booking, events calendar, online reservation form Plugin allows seller to define one or more booking options on their listings. There are 3 basic booking types: TIME – booking offers based on ti...
49.99 €
Tip: Works perfectly hand-in-hand with Google Login Plugin Google OneTap Login Plugin helps to get more users registrations for your classifieds. It makes login process much easier and more convenient. Users with google account can simply sign-in or register just with 1 click. Login experience is great on mobile as well as on desktop. Google algorithm preven...
33.99 €
Enable power of social networks to your osclass clasifieds and let users login much faster and easier then ever before. Authenticate! Social login plugin for osclass Osclass plugin that enable visitors to login in and authenticate using their social account. There are plenty login providers available in plugin: Facebook Google Twitter Paypal LinkedIn Yahoo I...
27.99 €
We recommend to use Banner Ads Plugin instead, that is connected to other plugins, provides modern solution for advertisement management and is updated more frequently. Monetize your website with Ads Manager! Now you can create any banner very easily, modify it from plugin settings, follow it's status, views, clicks and send results to your sponsor. Advertis...
27.19 €
33.99 €