Plugin brings advanced moderation techniques to classifieds admins and allow to moderate listing directly from front or backoffice. Rich features for easy moderation Advanced Moderating Options Plugin helps admin to manage content on their classifieds website, change status of listing, notify listing owners,remove/block unwanted content or users and much mor...
43.99 €
Extend your website with lightweight and powerful forums - let your clients communicate and get new unique content to your osclass. Create forums on osclass Forums plugin is extremely simple to install and setup, this can be completely done in just few minutes. It allows your clients to communicate directly on your site and bring new content and interesting ...
33.99 €
All-in-One SEO Plugin allows to manage and improve on-pageand off-page SEO factors in osclass. This is most complex and advanced osclass plugin that offer complete SEO solution for your classifieds. Plugin belongs to greatest and highest quality plugin that are available for classified advert script Osclass. It's functionality is simply must for every classi...
33.99 €
Are you bother from spam on your classifieds? Let Spam Solution Plugin solve your problem with spam, bots and duplicate posters! Premium plugin for osclass that helps you protect your site from spam and abusive content in many ways. Provides protection against: Spamming bots Users posting duplicated listings Listings & comments using banned words (i.e. g...
33.99 €
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, inactive and spammy users, comments and listings deletion, Advanced Status Manager and much more! republish functions status manager listings related users related feedback Republish - renewal item function List...
33.99 €
Is it time to earn money with your classifieds! Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions. New: payment gatew...
43.99 €