Email Reminder Osclass Plugin
Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features. Engage your custo...

21.99 €
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Online Chat Plugin
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly...

Best seller!
250+ orders
33.99 €
Age Warning PRO Plugin
Age warning pop-up/modal box for adults only content is mandatory in many countries, Age Warning PRO Plugin create modal that informs visitors about a...

33.99 €
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Cache Osclass Plugin
Cache plugin for Osclass Classifieds generates static html files from your dynamic Osclass website. Basically without plugin when any page is rendered...
33.99 €
PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)
PWA plugin helps to enable power of PWA on your Osclass and cover key concepts of progressive web apps by generating manifest file (manifest.json, man...

43.99 €
Car Attributes PRO Plugin
Car Attributes PRO Plugin is ultimate extension for Osclass Classifieds Script. It is specifically designed for Car Classifieds, to bring highly custo...

Best seller!
75+ orders
39.99 €
Auto-Renewal Plugin
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (compan...

23.99 €
Smart deals
Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)
Looking to transfer from Flynax or Yclass to osclass, but want to keep your listings as well? Or simply want to feed listings from local or external f...

43.99 €
WhatsApp Chat Plugin
WhatsApp chat extension for Osclass helps buyers quickly contact seller and communicate together via WhatsApp just by 1 click, alternatively site admi...

33.99 €