Piwik (Matomo) Web Analytics Plugin for Osclass is great alternative for Google Analytics services. Matomo takes special care about protection of customer’s data and data privacy. Matomo is very powerful web analytics platform, that gives you 100% data ownership and transparency. You know where data are stored and how they are used and for what purpose...
Free download
Yandex Metrica Plugin for Osclass enables to use Yandex.Metrica services to measure traffic on your classifieds as well as much more different key performance indicators (KPI). Yandex.Metrica API is handy alternative to google analytics services and is especially popular in Russia region, mainly due to native support and all documents being in Russian langua...
Free download
OSC Mobile Theme Plugin enables to use different theme on mobile devices. This theme is optimized for these types of devices (mobile, tablet), is simple, small, fast and intuitive. Mobile theme is also responsive, so no matter what mobile device size is, content will be shown in proper way. Extension is especially good for classifieds using non-responsive th...
Free download
Admin Permissions Manager Plugin helps site admins to manage roles and privileges of other admin accounts. This extension helps to create custom roles and permissions those can be granted or restricted to specific admin accounts. Admin roles manager Plugins helps to organize enterprise classifieds with multiple admin accounts, setup primary admin account and...
33.99 €
Convert your classifieds into booking system, events calendar or online reservation CMS! Booking plugin provides wide variety of booking & calendar options Booking, events calendar, online reservation form Plugin allows seller to define one or more booking options on their listings. There are 3 basic booking types: TIME – booking offers based on ti...
49.99 €
Upload and Store listing images at S3 (Simple Storage Service) Bucket on Cloud environment. Most popular S3 service is Amazon AWS, but plugin support any S3 service compatible with AWS PHP SDK v3 (all major providers supports this library). "Must have" addon for all classified ads websites those wants to grow and scale well as they grow! Save money on the ho...
23.99 €
Checking if all strings in your themes, plugins, Osclass core and messages can be properly translated may be incredibly hard work. Using Piglatin plugin for Osclass, this task gets much simpler. Pig Latin helps you to identify all strings those cannot be translated, its algorithm is very simple, it shuffle letter order in words that can be translated. As exa...
Free download
Is it time to earn money with your classifieds! Let your customers promote their listings, buy credit packs, become exlcusive members on your site and much more. Plenty of gateways integrated will help you to get money anywhere in the world. Osclass Pay is ultimate payment solution for classified ad script Osclass with exclusive functions. New: payment gatew...
43.99 €
Dating attributes plugin is helpful extension for Osclass those has personals / dating categories. PRO: Make sure to look on professional solution for attributes - Car Attributes PRO Plugin (not just for car attributes!) It allows to add new properties into listing: Your gender (Man / Woman / Not informed) You are looking for (Man / Woman / Not informed) Rel...
Free download
Note: If you are using Osclass 8.0 or higher (actually 4.3+), there is no reason to install this plugin, as minification and optimization features are directly implemented in Osclass core in much more efficient way! Free osclass plugin to reduce load time and number of request sent to your installation. As final result, only 2 files (css, js) with minimum si...
Free download
Meta tags management and on-page SEO factors enhancements were never easier! Seo PRO Plugin brings advanced features to manage your meta tags, customize them for every page and get more interactions with your classifieds. Beat your competition To rank on first places in search engines, you need to be better than the competition. Your meta tags must be more a...
33.99 €
Extend your website with lightweight and powerful forums - let your clients communicate and get new unique content to your osclass. Create forums on osclass Forums plugin is extremely simple to install and setup, this can be completely done in just few minutes. It allows your clients to communicate directly on your site and bring new content and interesting ...
33.99 €