Premium osclass responsive theme for free with smart functions to bring best experience to users. Tatiana Free Osclass Responsive Premium theme belongs to one that defined standards with osclass themes, brought ton of new functions that are not available in other themes and provided eye-catching design that will be remembered by every user. Smart location se...
Free download
Secure content of your classifieds website from competitors those would like to steal/copy text and images from your website, without your permission. Plugin simply helps to protect content of your classified ads website. Text and Images Guard for Classified Ads Content Protection Plugin helps to secure most important part of your classifieds - "CONTENT" - f...
23.99 €
Routes Plugin is testing plugin for routes functionality introduced in Osclass 3.3, however may be used also in production to define routes/links those does not exists in any plugin or theme (some custom needs). Extension has almost no visible front or backoffice functionality, however it generates new menu in oc-admin to showcase its functionality. It defin...
Free download
Protect your forms against spammers and bots with simple and intuitive plugin - Google Invisible ReCaptcha Osclass Plugin. No more tasks to your clients, just spammers will be prompted to fill recaptcha. Osclass spam bots protection Invisible ReCaptcha is latest version of captcha from google, that is does not require to fill captcha each time form is submit...
23.99 €
Do you want to get feedback from your users on design, functionality, net promoter score or any other question? Use Poll & Feedback Free Osclass Plugin! Osclass Polls, Surveys and Feedback This free osclass plugin is very simple and enable to create poll or survey in just a minute. Multilingual - everything can be translated to all languages on your site...
Free download
Newsletter Plugin for osclass is brilliant tool to stay in touch with your customers. It allows to send email to all existing users in few seconds. Newsletter for Osclass Newsletter plugin works based on campaigns, that are equivalent to single newsletter send to customers. Via campaign system you can simply create different newsletter to difference audience...
23.99 €
Osclass extension that automatically select user's preferred language and change osclass language to new one. Language selector for classifieds Automatic Language Selector Plugin is very simple and intuitive, but for classifieds operating in several countries with multiple locales, this is essential plugin. Plugin does not contain translations or configurati...
Free download
Plugin brings advanced moderation techniques to classifieds admins and allow to moderate listing directly from front or backoffice. Rich features for easy moderation Advanced Moderating Options Plugin helps admin to manage content on their classifieds website, change status of listing, notify listing owners,remove/block unwanted content or users and much mor...
43.99 €
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber share buttons Social share plugin for osclass generates: Facebook share button WhatsApp share button Viber share button These buttons are placed on item page automatically using hooks s...
17.99 €
Osclass plugin Item Validation allows admin to validate all new/edited listing before they will be visible in their classifieds. Item Validation Plugin allows admins to control listings added or edited by users. When new listing is published, it will not be visible in front-office (to other people) until listing is validated by admin. Item validation setting...
33.99 €
Are you bother from spam on your classifieds? Let Spam Solution Plugin solve your problem with spam, bots and duplicate posters! Premium plugin for osclass that helps you protect your site from spam and abusive content in many ways. Provides protection against: Spamming bots Users posting duplicated listings Listings & comments using banned words (i.e. g...
33.99 €
Manage multiple Osclass installations efficiently. Plugin allows to connect multiple installations of classified ads CMS Osclass and switch between backoffice on different installations just with 1 click - without need to login on other sites. Plugin use one "master" site as repository and central point for other "slave" sites. This means it is needed to kee...
21.99 €