Plugin synchronize user records between 2 or more Osclass separate installations. If you have more classified websites, i.e. one for Cars classifieds, another one for Real Estate marketplace etc., it is great benefit, if user register on one site, account is created also on another sites. Synchronize user data across different Osclass installations Power of ...
Free download
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on order/cart or extra credits via voucher? If yes, Osclass Voucher & Discount Plugin is right for you! Require Osclass Pay Plugin v1.8.0 or higher to be installed. Discounts, vouchers and credits for osclass Vouc...
27.99 €
Create functionality to identify how many other users are checking particular listing. This information is then shown on listing page to make items more attractive and tries to push buyers to contact seller as listing looks "wanted". XY people viewed this listing recently. Plugin calculate number of users based on their IP address those has opened listing pa...
23.99 €
Enhance security of customer accounts by sending email notifications when suspicious login activity has been identified by extension - now FREE of charge! Security Warning Email Plugin stores user login history and use these information in future login to evaluate if login is suspicious or not. Suspicious behaviour identification There are 2 methods those pl...
Free download
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome box for osclass Did you created new category or you've started using payment plugin on your osclass? Let's inform about this update your customers. fully customizable welcome box on homepage up to 5 lines of cust...
19.99 €
Osclass extension that allows you to create account for those users, that has published listing as unregistered. Auto Registration plugin helps you to get much more conversion of registrated users. This plugin will create account for every user that publish listing on your site and send login details to user's email. Auto-Registration functionality Successfu...
23.99 €
Osclass Image Required Plugin enables to set image as required field and set also minimum count of images that needs to be uploaded when publishing new listing. This helps to keep classifieds much more valuable and attract customers more when listing contains image. It is proven that listing with image is sold 7 times faster than listing without picture. Plu...
19.99 €
Admin Permissions Manager Plugin helps site admins to manage roles and privileges of other admin accounts. This extension helps to create custom roles and permissions those can be granted or restricted to specific admin accounts. Admin roles manager Plugins helps to organize enterprise classifieds with multiple admin accounts, setup primary admin account and...
33.99 €
SMS Notification and Verification Osclass Plugin allows visitors to verify their phone numbers via SMS on their osclass account or listing as well as receive SMS notifications from classifieds. Phone number verification via SMS Customers on your osclass classifieds will need to verify phone number used on account registration as well as when new listing is p...
33.99 €
Age warning pop-up/modal box for adults only content is mandatory in many countries, Age Warning PRO Plugin create modal that informs visitors about adults content and does not allow them to browse content without pressing consent button. Age Warning Modal Plugin simply blocks content of website if previous consent from visitor has not been found in cookies,...
33.99 €
Reminder plugin for Osclass helps to set alerts to remind users on different events related to their listings, accounts or features. Engage your customers with reminders Plugin engage your users to work with your classifieds and perform different actions. There are 16 helpful reminder not just for users, but for site admin as well. Customers reminders 13 ema...
21.99 €
Increase user registration rate and conversions by providing your Facebook users option to quickly and easily sign-in to your website using their Facebook account. Facebook Instant Login Plugin use JavaScript SDK instead of legacy PHP SDK and efficiently login user without redirects to Facebook page. Once visitor hit login button, plugin check if users alrea...
33.99 €