Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

SMS Notification and Verification Plugin

33 .99€
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SMS Notification and Verification Osclass Plugin allows visitors to verify their phone numbers via SMS on their osclass account or listing as well as receive SMS notifications from classifieds.

Phone number verification via SMS

Customers on your osclass classifieds will need to verify phone number used on account registration as well as when new listing is published or modified.

User account phone number verification

When new user register, there is need to provide phone number to complete registration. Once number is entered, default registration process continues to phone number verification. User may not complete phone number verification, but in that case will not be able to enter user account section until phone number is verified via SMS.

Listings phone number verification

Once new listing is published or modified, where phone number has been added to this listing, user is required to verify this phone number via SMS. If number has been already verified (i.e. when new account has been registered), no verification is required. Listing owner may not complete phone number verification, but until phone number is not verified, listing will not be activated and will not be accessible by visitors.

Each phone number is required to be verified just once, plugin does not look what user has verified this number, but until it is verified, that person must have this phone physically and for verification purpose is more than enough.

Note that SMS plugin use are "custom" and text in messages can be fully customized or rewritten. Plugin is not using any pre-built verification functionality from gateways to provide unique and professional verification system.

SMS Notifications Plugin for Osclass

SMS Notification and Verification Plugin provides functionality to notify visitors as well as admin about actions on classifieds. There are plenty of notification options you can enable or disable to receive SMS. Sending SMS Alerts has never been easier.

User SMS Notifications:

  • Account Validation - user will receive SMS with account validation link
  • Password Reset - user will receive SMS with link to reset its password.
  • Item Validation - user will receive SMS with link to validate newly published listing.
  • Item Activated - user will receive confirmation SMS that item has been activated.
  • Item Publish - user will receive confirmation SMS that item has been published (if validation is not required).
  • Item Contact Form - user will receive SMS with notification that someone has used contact form on its listing (with brief message details).

Admin SMS Notifications:

  • Web Contact Form - admin will receive SMS notification that web contact form has been used (with brief message details).
  • New Listing Published - admin will receive SMS notification that new listing has been added on site.
  • New User Registered - admin will receive SMS notification when new user has registered on site.

SMS Gateways - Providers

We've integrated best SMS services providers around the world so it's not going to be problem to find yours:

  • Twilio
  • GatewayAPI
  • RingCaptcha
  • TextLocal.com
  • TextLocal.in
  • Way2SMS
  • Msg91
  • BudgetSMS
  • Plivo
  • SMS-Assistent.by
  • Notify.lk

For some of these gateways (if possible) plugin also provide option to check remaining budget on your account. Each gateway can be tested from plugin backoffice using simple form.

SMS Logs

Plugin stores log history for each verification attempt as well as history of all SMS that has been sent using plugin. Even SMS would fail to be sent, log is still created with response from gateway.

Why to purchase this plugin?

You may find on osclass market similar plugins SMS Notification plugin and Phone Number Verification plugin, so why not get these 2?

  • price together is $40
  • most of plugins on osclass market are without any support or updates, we provide fatest support on market worldwide
  • has not as much functionality as our SMS solution
  • has less SMS gateways integrated
  • no need to define same information on 2 different places
  • no logs to check if SMS was sent or not

Integration with Osclass Pay Plugin

Plugin integrates Osclass Pay membership groups and allow to send notification SMS only to users those belongs to selected groups.

This allows to monetize your classifieds and make membership groups even more attractive.


Note: On demo site, no SMS will be sent as there is no global "free" sms gateway that could be used for demo purpose, however GatewayAPI.com as well as Twilio.com will give you free credits after registration you may use to test plugin

Product features and functionality

Basic documentation included
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Theme modifications NOT required
Use hooks for theme integration
Use 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 42 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (536 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

1.9.6 When user change phone number during listing verification, this (new) number is updated on item, so verified phone number is same as listing phone number.
1.9.5 Admin can now manually verify phone number of item (on item list in backoffice), of user (on user list in backoffice) or individual verification records in Verification logs page.
Small adjustments and functionality improvements.
1.9.4 Fixed bug with missing sensms.ro provider in configure page & test sms section.
1.9.3 Fixed bugs related to listing phone number verification.
Fixed bug with retrieving correct item phone number.
Fixed wrong titles on routes.
1.9.2 Added SendSMS.ro sms gateway.
1.9.1 Fixed incompatibilities with some themes.
1.9.0 Major update: Plugin now clean previous verification in case user has changed it's phone number, so previously used phone numbers can be used on different accounts.
SMS & Verification logs in backoffice now supports search and has pagination (it is possible to review all existing logs).
1.8.0 Fixed backoffice error.
1.7.9 Added option to ignore first zero after country phone prefix, so number +yyy0xxxx will be considered as identical to +yyyxxxx.
1.7.8 Fixed bug when user did not have phone number saved in profile and entered custom number for verification, that phone number was not check for uniqueness.
1.7.7 Routee sms gateway now supports country code to be default (before, it was just Nigeria country code).
1.7.6 In order to verify phone number related to user profile, user must be logged in and it must be same user.
1.7.5 Plugin should now work correctly also when Osclass debug mode is enabled (Osclass 8.2 or higher).
1.7.4 Enhanced identification of phone number usage by other user.
1.7.3 Fixed annoying redirects when updating items & users in backoffice.
Optimization of verification functions.
Fixed many PHP notices.
1.7.0 Phone number verification (uniqueness) fix in backoffice - when editing user.
1.6.9 Fixed error notices and improved user & item checking.
1.6.8 Improved error reporting and identifications for Msg91
1.6.7 Msg91 integration has been upgraded to meet latest requirements.
1.6.6 Fixed bug that redirected admin from backoffice into front office when there was problem with phone number. Now admin will stay in backoffice and is redirected to user profile page.
Removed textlocal.in password field as it was not used in plugin.
1.6.5 Fixed minor issues in PHP 8.1.
Account verification is now required in Instant messenger & few Osclass Pay pages/sections in user account.
1.6.4 Fixed minor issue with missing function in backoffice.
1.6.3 Advanced logic has been implemented to check if phone number is unique or not.
This can be disabled by setting constant PHONE_CHECK_ADVANCED in index of plugin to false.
1.6.1 New feature has been added into plugin - phone number uniqueness check. When enabled, plugin will check if mobile & land phone numbers entered by user in profile are unique and does not allow to enter number in case it is being used on different profile.
1.6.0 Added connection to Osclass Pay Plugin - membership groups. Admin can now restrict to which customers notifications will be sent based on their membership group (i.e. send sms notifications only to "Gold" members)
1.5.2 Added information about phone number verification status into backoffice >.
User list table.
1.5.1 When user is removed, all verification records bound to its email, mobile phone and landed phone are removed.
1.5.0 Backoffice redesigned, removed old styles and fonts.
1.4.1 Improved & fixed minor problems when sending / resending verification SMS
1.4.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
1.3.2 Added "Phone Number CSS Selector" so it is possible to mark different fields those should keep country prefix selector.
1.3.1 Integrated SMS-Assisteny.by sms gateway
1.3.0 Added "demo" gateway and Notify.lk gateway
1.2.4 Fixed interference with user account validation via email (where user did not get logged into osclass)
1.2.3 Fixed problem when phone is verified but item remains inactive.
1.2.2 Saving phone number after verification and activation of item fixed
1.2.1 Several minor fixes
1.2.0 Added option to set verification for user/item only, fixed several bugs
1.1.1 Fixed bug with disabled button when user did not have any phone number stored in profile
1.1.0 Added option to setup backup gateway (if first fail), added option to restrict phone number box to just 1 country prefix
1.0.1 Fixed problem when verification is not required
1.0.0 Initial release of sms osclass plugin
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Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 3 reviews


5.0 - Excellent
Only problem that support does not talk in Spanish language

Perfect Plugin by Cristian Javier EGIDO ALICANTE on 13. Jun 2020

5.0 - Excellent
Works perfectly! And allows to make better the UserExperience since they don't need to perform actions as check email to recover passwords and so on. It worth the price!

Its perfect by Vic Hdez on 22. Aug 2019

5.0 - Excellent
a very important plugin !
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MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

189 orders
42 updates
Product version: 1.9.6
Last update: 1 month ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 13. Jun 2019
Folder name: sms