Smart deals
Voucher & Discount Osclass Plugin
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on orde...
Best seller!
75+ orders
25.99 €
Smart deals
Osclass Blog and News Plugin
Create responsive mobile friendly blog or news section on your osclass in minute. Osclass Blog Plugin enables to create articles on blog, new users - ...
Best seller!
350+ orders
31.99 €
Smart deals
Attributes Osclass Plugin
Listing Attributes Plugin for Osclass that enables to quickly add different types of custom fields/attributes on listings in multiple languages. Car a...
Best seller!
350+ orders
31.99 €
Price Input Formatter Plugin
Free plugin for classified script Osclass that format price value in input on publish page Format Price Input Value Price Format Plugin replace origin...
PWA Osclass Plugin (Native Apps Tool)
PWA plugin helps to enable power of PWA on your Osclass and cover key concepts of progressive web apps by generating manifest file (manifest.json, man...
41.99 €
Print PDF Osclass Plugin
Print PDF extension for Osclass enable customers to download PDF card for their listings. Plugin generates PDF for each ad based on information provid...
Seeker Osclass Theme
Seeker theme for Osclass makes it so easy to create job board classifieds or job seeker classifieds. This theme provides straightforward design to be ...
2500+ views
Backoffice Manager Plugin
Backoffice Manager Plugin for osclass brings many functionalities that are not available in osclass as Listing Republish, Expired listings deletion, i...
31.99 €
Twitter Osclass Theme
Twitter theme for Osclass is built on Twitter Bootstrap v1.4 and provides very clean and effective layout for classifieds. Theme contains top navigati...
Smart deals
Stela Osclass Theme
Ultimate urban style osclass theme Stela with parallax scrolling, responsive design and great functionalities fits to any kind of classifieds. No matt...
39.99 €
Sitemap Generator Osclass Plugin
Sitemap is essential part not just for classifieds, but for any website that wants to be visible in search engines. Sitemap generator plugin generates...
Job Application Form Plugin
Job Application Plugin provides feature that enable advertisers to add job application form on their jobs & services listings. Visitor clicks on &...
Best seller!
25+ orders
25.99 €