Time Elapsed Osclass Plugin
Time elapsed extension for Osclass measure time required to completely generate content of your site. We could say it measure how much time it takes y...

Auto-Renewal Plugin
Refresh content on your website by one single click. Plugin helps to republish - renew listings based on numerous criteria, like seller status (compan...

Best seller!
50+ orders
23.99 €
Facebook Login Osclass Plugin
Warning: Facebook Graph PHP SDK does not support PHP 8 yet! Check Facebook JavaScript Login plugin for PHP 8+ support Increase conversion of user regi...

Best seller!
100+ orders
33.99 €
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Instant Messenger Plugin
Osclass messenger plugin enchance communication between customer and seller and provides easy way to ask & answer questions before purchase. User ...

Best seller!
500+ orders
33.99 €
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Make Offer Plugin
Increase conversion of listings on your osclass classifieds by allowing customers to make offer to seller. Provide ability to customers to discuss abo...

Best seller!
200+ orders
27.99 €
Welcome Box Osclass Plugin
Let's promote your listings, discounts, promotions or just simply say hello to your customer with welcome pop-up box on homepage. Home page welcome bo...
19.99 €
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Online Chat Plugin
Let your customers chat in real time on your osclass classifieds with buyers and sellers and increase conversion rate of listings on your site rapidly...
33.99 €
MailGun Osclass Plugin
You know how important emails in classifieds business are, if you have problems with mail delivery delay, limitation of your server, mails are not bei...

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Social Share Osclass Plugin
Is your osclass ready for social networks? Ensure that sharing is easy for everyone no matter if your site is browsed via desktop, tablet or mobile. F...

Best seller!
100+ orders
17.99 €
Bender Osclass Theme
Bender Osclass Theme has been used for years as default theme for Osclass from version 3.3 up to version 4.0, it has inspired many developers those cr...

5000+ views
Image Required Plugin
Osclass Image Required Plugin enables to set image as required field and set also minimum count of images that needs to be uploaded when publishing ne...

Best seller!
100+ orders
19.99 €
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Voucher & Discount Osclass Plugin
Would you like to provide discounts or vouchers to your premium customers, all customers, just to some services or particular groups? Discount on orde...

Best seller!
75+ orders
27.99 €