Osclass Themes and Osclass Plugins

Instant Messenger Plugin

33 .99€
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Osclass messenger plugin enchance communication between customer and seller and provides easy way to ask & answer questions before purchase. User will receive email notification about new message and can read it in it's user account.

Major release v2.0.0

  • messages loaded via ajax in thread page, no need to reload
  • brand new design
  • many fixes

Messenger functionality

  • registered & non-registered users can contact sellers via personal message
  • each message is part of conversation - thread
  • conversation groups messages related to same item or same question
  • users can create as many conversations as they need and messages as well
  • attachments can be uploaded to messages
  • add header link to show latest & unread messages
  • non-logged in users can send & reply to personal messages without need of register/login

Replace contact seller functionality

  • functionality of contact seller form can be replaced by messenger plugin where seller will not receive email, but will receive personal message
  • if seller is not registered, it is required to register on your site to be able to access message. This can help to increase registrations on your osclass site
  • there is no need to modify any theme files for this, everything is handled by messenger plugin on background

Plugin does not change design and look of contact seller block/form, it just replace email sending with message sending.

Smart notifications on new message

  • it is very important to be able to handle email notifications on new messages
  • with messenger plugin, every user can set if he wants to be notified on messages in certain thread or not
  • admin can globally set, if users will be notified by email when:
    • new message is received no matter if previous was read
    • new message is received and previous message in same thread was already read
  • especially with second setting, that users are notified again just in case they do not have any unread messages in thread, there will be no spam created by notifications (sometimes happen that user send many messages in very short time. Sending email notification after each message would just annoy your customers)

Flag threads, set notifications for each thread

  • usually there are some conversations that user like to mark/flag so it is easy to identify them
  • such conversations use to be important or has higher value for users
  • messenger plugin allows users to flag their conversation in case thread is important for them

Send attachments in messages

  • nowadays attachments are very required to be supported by messenger plugin
  • instant messenger plugin allows to upload 1 attachment per message, to improve communication betweeen customer and seller
  • admin can set what is maximum size of each attachment, what extensions are allowed to be sent

Backoffice interface of plugin

  • replace contact seller functionality with instant messenger plugin
  • set if users are notified only once when there is new message in thread until previous messages are read
  • hook Send message button to item page using hook item_detail (no need to modify theme files)
  • enable attachments on messages
  • set allowed file extensions on attachment files
  • set maximum file size for attachments
  • allow users to remove their messages (sometimes it is required to not allow message removal, i.e. in case messenger plugin is used as support tool)
  • check conversations and messages of users to make sure no spam or abusive content is not send

Maintenance - keep your Osclass clean

  • conversations maintenance is a must to avoid database overflow (and reduce attachment space)
  • admin can remove conversations with no activity in certain number of days (i.e. 360 days)
  • admin can remove attachments on messages older than certain number of days (i.e. 360 days)


Enhance your classified ad website and get Instant Messenger plugin now!

Product features and functionality

RTL ready (Arabic, Hebrew, ...)
Basic documentation included
Add back office functionality
Add front office functionality
Simple installation
Coding skills NOT required
Theme modifications NOT required
Use hooks for theme integration
Coding skills recommended
No dependency on 3rd party services
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes seller

Product support includes

12 months access to support and latest updates
Support can be extended anytime for 35% of base price (+12 months)
Availability of seller to answer questions
Answer technical queries about product features
Assistance with reported bugs or issues
Help with installation in case there is problem
Product in English language (other locales provided by community)

Support does not include

Customization service, custom work or feature requests
Support on free/gratis plugins delivered with premium themes
Installation service
Translation and localization services

Seller support quality and speed

Seller updated this product 41 times
Seller rating is 4.7 of 5 - Excellent (535 reviews)
Respond usually in 1 hour 21 mins
Member since 2017
Spoken languages:
Osclass Support (en)

Changelog - Product updates history

2.4.6 Improved error handling on create threads page.
2.4.5 Fix on previous update condition.
2.4.4 Improved error message on create thread page.
2.4.3 Small bug fixes.
2.4.2 Design improvements in user account.
Small fixes.
2.4.1 Improved thread title when created automatically as item contact form replacement.
Enhanced mail block for item contact form using new filters (Osclass 8.3+).
2.4.0 Major update: Added new feature that allows to control number of messages sent by user.
Target of this feature is to limit messages sent by new customers - potentional spammers.
It often happen that user sent hundreds of messages to other users until admin realize and block such user.
Now it is possible to set maximum number of MESSAGES and maximum number of USERS contacted by given customer in defined number of HOURS.
Besides that, it's possible to drop this limit on users, those already sent at least defined number of MESSAGES and contacted defined number of USERS and are registered for at least defined number of DAYS.
If user fall under limits, current "messages usage" is shown to user in threads section of user account.
2.3.4 It is now possible to hook "Messenger" button/link to header from backoffice, using Osclass hooks 8.2
2.3.3 Added public profile URL (clickable link) into threads list and messages - you can now click on user profile picture to get into public profile page.
Other small improvements.
2.3.2 Important: Native RTL support added directly to plugin (will not be part of themes anymore).
To identify RTL text direction, plugin detects if "dir" attribute on "html" tag is set to "rtl" (html[dir="rtl"]).
2.3.1 Fixed bug when it was possible to create thread by blocked user.
2.3.0 Major update: Removed old redundant fonts and styles.
Added option for users to remove whole threads (if admin enable it).
2.2.4 Pagination of threads has been redesigned and is more compact now.
2.2.3 Improved insertMessage function for Rest API plugin (now return ID of inserted message)
2.2.2 Blocked users email is now masked and GDPR compliant.
2.2.1 Fixed bug with missing function
2.2.0 Major update - adjusted design to ultimately match into different theme design.
update function to retrieve user picture.
new default user picture.
2.1.4 Reversal of previous update, fixed minor problems.
2.1.3 When new message is loaded via chat, no email notifications will be triggered by plugin
2.1.2 Minor fixes and improvements
2.1.1 Notices fixes
2.1.0 PHP 8.0 compatibility update, additional minor fixes
2.0.2 Fixed missing user message delete button
2.0.1 Minor compatibility improvements
2.0.0 Major release: ajax messages loader, new layout, hidding old messages
1.4.0 Updated for better integration to gamma theme
1.3.1 Several updates to support Osclass 3.9
1.3.0 Admin can not decide if communication will be enabled for non-logged users or not
1.2.2 Plugin now does not exit sending message if email template is missing.
1.2.1 Fixed design issue with theme
1.2.0 Added support for Avatar Osclass Plugin to show profile pictures in thread
1.1.3 Small issue fixed with creating new column in osclass table
1.1.2 locales update
1.1.1 Update to work with make offer plugin - offer to instant message
1.1.0 Fixed missing strings in translation file
1.0.16 fixed problems with user ban
1.0.15 fixed "sent to" name
1.0.14 fixed block user functionality
1.0.12 fixed issue with removing banner users
1.0.11 updated product key
1.0.10 initial version
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Product rating: 5.0 - Excellent, based on 15 reviews

Review by AnuntPlus on 4. Jul 2024

5.0 - Excellent
A plugin that pleases the user!

The best plugin Instant Messenger by maramures24 on 3. May 2023

5.0 - Excellent
I think that . that this plugin helps a lot . users communicate much more easily. from me it has 10 stars

Great plugin! by Ales Tomazic on 29. Nov 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Just what I was looking for. Any questions I have are answered in minutes. Blazing fast support.

Verry good by yvelef on 2. Feb 2022

5.0 - Excellent
Wonderfull Scripts

Communication improvement for visitors by MvdO79 on 21. Aug 2021

5.0 - Excellent
With this plugin users can communicate more personally, lot's of options, really makes your site more engaging.

Review by Marc Windey on 1. May 2021

5.0 - Excellent
Very nice and practical script for a fair price. Easy to install and adapt to your needs. A small thing i see as the only downside is: That when a person gives rating, that the statement cannot be changed later. Suppose you buy something and you are not satisfied from the article, but later on you buy something else from the same user and you are very satisfied ...ou can no longer rate or change the user as a 5 star user .... An idea to possibly take with you for a next update? Furthermore, it works like a charm smile
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks Marc, rating is not available in this plugin,maybe you meant different one smile

Review by maroc norte on 20. Mar 2021

5.0 - Excellent
im very happy for this plugin

Fácil instalacion by Inmo Sistem on 8. Aug 2020

5.0 - Excellent
Estupendo plugin fácil de instalar no te puede faltar en tu sitio OSClass

Nice plugin by Sunday Ajani on 10. Dec 2019

5.0 - Excellent
i love the plugin. But i also want to suggest that dev should include a sound notification.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your review on messenger plugin for osclass, we will consider your inputs in next update!

Excelent plugin!!! Wors Great by João Carrolo on 25. Sep 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Only some sugestions.. 1 Add recaptcha in Hook Button to Item Page, to avoid spam.. 2. When the people reply to the message add the block button (Allways visible) 3. (User message center) - add a timestamp when the message was readed, this is very usefull to know if the user read the message and when. 4. (Admin Dashbioard) - A page with stats about whole site stats regarding the number of messages sent and received
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Hello Joao, thanks for your feedback, we will consider this in next updates!

便利すぎます! by 546 451 on 19. Jun 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your review, we really appreciate it!

Nice surprise :) by Andrzej Ignatowicz on 24. May 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Better than expected smile Big thanks to all members of the dev team for excellent effort. Good value for reasonable price.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thank you, we are happy to work with you wink

I Like this IM plugin by Steven on 26. Mar 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Great, works perfect.
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:


Excellent by atba2012 on 10. Jan 2018

5.0 - Excellent
Great plug-in! By itself, of course, a little work needs to be done, but for this there is a support service, whose work can be assessed at the highest level! Thank you for the quality and operational work)))
Osclass Seller's picture

MB Themes response:

Thanks for your support smile

Sumptuously by Алексей on 14. Dec 2017

5.0 - Excellent
No comment

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Single Domain License
5.0 - Excellent Based on 15 reviews
Created by best developers
Regular updates and bug fixes
Premium support services
Top rated product
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Price is in Euros
Osclass Seller's picture
MB Themes
Seller has 10+ years experience with osclass, has developed more than 40 osclass products with overall rating 4.7

Product technical details

547 orders
41 updates
Product version: 2.4.6
Last update: 2 months ago
Osclass support: 3.0+, 4.0+, 8.0+ Download osclass
Product rating: 5 of 5 - Excellent
Published on: 16. Nov 2017
Folder name: instant_messenger